My Diary — the misadventures of Christina Winchester 2
List-memoir from Privilege Club 9
from the Editor’s Letter:
On listening to concerning the upgrading of the
cramped mag, the subtle Christina Winchester wished us to know straight away that she
totally MUST be a little bit of it. Certainly, this rather younger submissive with
the lovely facets, succulent figure and transcendental bottom has such
abilities that no longer completely does she ogle mouth-watering on camera, nonetheless can pen a
memoir moreover to any ragged wordsmith with a penchant for CP.
Christina lives for CP, and wishes us
all to know of its delights from her perspective. Her wonderfully refreshing,
hedonistic self-absorption is de facto apt — every notice of the major
photospread Aunt’s History Lesson was written by Ms Winchester herself as the
first yarn within the Diary of her Misadventures. As you’re going to gaze, she writes
with loving relish as to her be pleased beauty, the pert curves of her ravishing
bottom and, teasingly, how such subtle assets must appear to the lustful notice
of men. To females too, oh yes, for heaps of a girl would indulge in nothing greater than
to dangle this delightfully sportive woman across their lap and spank her bare
bottom till she squeals. As, indeed, does Aunt Bess in Christina’s be pleased memoir.
And don’t reflect she doesn’t mighty
take care of having every silky, springy inch of that transcendental rear fondled,
spanked and birched. All of this took place, for actual, whereas her memoir was being
re-enacted, and her buttocks were extremely sore at the close of it.
‘Delightfully sore,’ was the formulation Christina do it as she rubbed every thrashed,
throbbing globe with a drowsy smile and a glow in her eyes.
With her customary Diary web page every
model, Christina will be very unparalleled fascinated with the contemporary-ogle Privilege Club
magazine, revealing all formulation of delicious secrets, horny thoughts and personal
preferences as she takes us into her mind moreover to over every ravishing inch
of her adorably petite, mighty body. She’s going to also acknowledge any letters you care
to write to her by this magazine.
Right here’s the magazine where it
Fully happy spanking!
Gordon Sergeant

Aunt’s History Lesson
had always been greater than a cramped bit nervous of Aunt Bess. Per chance it was her
abrupt, no-nonsense formulation. Per chance it was her countenance, which always gave the influence
to be smiling at everybody else and frowning at me. I knew that she belief me
spoilt and immodest nonetheless, as some distance as I was fervent, it was none of her
industry! I loathed the formulation she always made her eager give a boost to of
corporal punishment abundantly sure to my fogeys, moreover to her thought that
they were some distance too lenient with me.
Mother and Father beneficial me they were in actuality occurring vacation without me, I
couldn’t give it some belief! I stumbled on that no quantity of kicking, Screaming or stamping
my foot would possibly per chance per chance change their minds. They’d booked their tickets for India and
were due to the head away a day after term ended. That, on the other hand, was completely the half of
it! I had mighty turned eighteen years ragged and felt rather edifying of looking
after myself. However no! They’d organised for me to follow a guardian right by
their absence and, to assemble matters worse, had entrusted me to Aunt Bess.
Geraldine Berkley was no longer my actual aunt. She had been a shut buddy of Father’s
for a gigantic decades and I had always referred to her in this acquainted design.
She was a huge woman with a tidy nonetheless curvaceous figure, whose costume and formulation
were always pristinely official. Her enticing hair perceived to be forever entwined
in a tight bun. Her excessive cheekbones and narrow ice-blue eyes gave her a nearly
fox-indulge in appearance. Even though she had been notice to nearly forty winters she
silent retained the attractiveness which will must dangle rendered her mighty in her
childhood. An adamant spinster, she lived alone nonetheless for a pair of servants. Her
residence, the sizeable Berkington Manor, was tucked away within the center of the
Cotswolds and had belonged to her family for hundreds of years.
the dismal cab pulled into the long driveway, nerves began to dawdle in. I had
by no design visited Aunt Bess alone sooner than. The residence by hook or by crook perceived to dangle an
ominous charisma inserting over it. I shuddered involuntarily.
driver pulled up sooner than the steps at the entrance and grabbed my leather
suitcase from the auto boot.
I shouted. ‘Be very cautious with those. They’re per chance value greater than you
value in a year.’
sorry, Miss.’ I detected the demonstrate of sarcasm within the gross cramped man’s converse. ‘That’ll
be forty-two kilos, please.’
I spoke back, nonetheless gave him fifty mighty to showcase my lack of mutter.
As I
ascended the steps I could per chance per chance in actuality feel his lecherous eyes burning into the support of my
saucily tight cramped one-blue shorts. I teased him a cramped bit, wriggling the self-discipline matter
up so that the lower creases of my ravishing buttocks were mighty viewed.
rather,’ I heard him train as the cab pulled away.
Bess greeted me at the door with a formal nod. She grabbed the heaviest of my
suitcases with a energy and agility that can dangle made any man proud and
led me up the long staircase to the quarters engaging for me.
room was generously sized with white lace strung from the walls and an opulent
satin-quilted bed. I was delighted, nonetheless equally cautious no longer to showcase it.
will must invent, I voice,’ I acknowledged with a haughty sniff. I spied a tall
reflect atop the dressing desk and straight do it to utilize.
the immodest cramped Miss, aren’t we?’ Aunt Bess’s cutting words interrupted.
‘No longer
in any respect,’ I spoke back, blushing a cramped. ‘I was mighty admiring the frame of the
obvious that you and I are going to dangle a in actuality appealing time collectively,’ she
acknowledged with what would possibly per chance per chance completely be a twinkle in her sapphire eyes. One thing about
the formulation she acknowledged it gave me an uneasy feeling within the pit of my belly.
for the rules,’ she went on. ‘You are free to treat this residence as your be pleased. You
would possibly per chance per chance also simply lag within the grounds and explore the internal to your coronary heart’s notify material. You
would possibly per chance per chance also simply no longer, on the other hand, below any conditions, enter the room at the tip of the
stairs. It’s miles paunchy of treasured antiques and I invent no longer favor it shy. Accomplish I
assemble myself sure?’
wager so,’ I spoke back with a toss of my chestnut hair, mad at being
ordered about.
irregular half-smile formed, momentarily, on the strict lips. I couldn’t support nonetheless
ogle that she was silent a enticing-looking woman. She carried herself with such
dignity that it was very no longer doubtless no longer to showcase her some respect. As unparalleled as I
strove no longer to be intimidated by her, I stumbled on myself sighing with reduction as she
left the room.
spent the following couple of days surveying every inch of the residence and its gardens.
Every inch, that is, moreover for for those within the forbidden room. I made tireless
utilize of the two maids, getting them to provide me manicures and foot massages or to
sing me delicious snacks from the aggravated cook dinner. It was rather fun to dangle
contemporary servants to repeat about.
as the days passed, I grew to was more and more weary. There was nothing to invent at
this awful space. As my boredom grew, so did my curiosity. Why couldn’t I enter
that room? What was so particular a pair of bunch of silly antiques?
following morning I was already unsleeping as the major rays of daylight hours squinted
by the pane of my window. That delicious pleasure of being wilfully
sportive was growing with every passing minute. I knew I was scandalous to disobey
Aunt Bess, nonetheless I didn’t care. Who was she to boss me about, anyway?
by breakfast my anticipation escalated and, with it, a stage of
anxiety. I reprimanded myself for such foolishness. She would be away on
her morning journey for no lower than an hour and this would possibly per chance give me a spread of time to
ogle round and trip away the room precisely as I stumbled on it. Even so I didn’t in actuality feel
completely apt till I had watched her dappled-grey mare proceed over the
next hill. I tiptoed up the stairway lest certainly one of the servants must test out
what I was doing and command the incident. As I got right here to the door at the tip, I
would possibly per chance per chance most steadily have faith in my mighty fortune when the knob crooked and it opened nearly too
without considerations.
internal, a whinny of enjoyment was emitted from my lips. There were ornaments of
all shapes and sizes, on the other hand it was no longer on these that my level of curiosity was directed. Over
an mighty bed was draped a lavish option of legitimate ragged-common
attire. On nearer inspection, I stumbled on that they were of the Victorian
length. In point of fact, the total room took on an identical theme. What was so particular
about this generation that Aunt Bess had long past to such grief to replica it? The
entire space gave the illusion of time stood silent.
felt indulge in Alice, penetrating the looking-glass to search out herself in Wonderland. I
picked up a pair of frilly bloomers and was straight tempted to position them on.
I was frail to seeing my subtle bottom shown off in taut, skimpy as a lot as date attire,
and longed to gaze what it looked indulge in in these unheard of objects of attire.
wasn’t long sooner than I had squeezed into them and was proudly bending over in
entrance of the reflect at the head of the bed. How delectably rather my derrière
looked, peeping saucily out of the split drawers and kissed on all facets by the
alabaster self-discipline matter! My coronary heart raced with enchantment and I simply had to glean the
paunchy carry out.
picked up a camisole and an unparalleled, intricately-patterned corset. I fastened
the clasps over my tiny, rounded breasts and belly and, after some difficulty,
tightened the laces at the support of me. I felt it push my buttocks out to their paunchy
peach-indulge in plumpness. I stumbled on a lacy petticoat sufficiently tiny for my shrimp frame,
and stepped into it. An azure summer season costume carried out the image perfectly.
can have faith in my joy as I stood sooner than the glass, remodeled into a Victorian
beauty. The apparel perceived to invent justice to my charmingly petite facets and
intensify my figure admirably. If completely I had stopped there. If completely I hadn’t
determined to provide the heavy skirts a twirl around the room. For, as the thick
self-discipline matter rippled outwards, the hem caught the brink of a tiny china statue and
it fell to the bottom with a loud smash.
stared in dismay at the broken objects strewn across the room, then bent down to
dangle up the fragments.
you chose to disobey me,’ a converse at the support of me pierced the silence. ‘I knew you
couldn’t be depended on! You were warned against coming into this room!’
I turned round to gaze the strict figure of Aunt Bess framed within the doorway. Her
countenance resembled an drawing come storm and her fiery eyes shot darts of
fury into the depths of my soul.
B-Bess,’ I stammered. ‘You’re support early.’
mighty as neatly, too. Who knows what else that you would possibly per chance dangle broken, you incorrigible
dread increased as she turned to lock the door at the support of her. She developed with
deliberate steps and seized me by the wrist.
woman,’ she exclaimed with a converse of stone. ‘What I’m about to invent is long
overdue. That you would be in a position to also dangle grown into a spoilt, vain and egocentric brat moreover to an
obstinate cramped madam. For as soon as you’re going to glean what you deserve as a substitute
of what you indulge in to dangle.’
seated herself on the facet of the bed. I blinked in disbelief as she pulled me
firmly across her paunchy, mighty thighs. With one arm held securely at the support of my
support in her vice-indulge in grip, I stumbled on myself ready from which no quantity
of kicking or struggling would possibly per chance per chance free me. I knew my rear close was rendered
completely accessible, poking invitingly within the air. I was being treated indulge in
an unruly cramped one and tears of embarrassment burned my cheeks.
fogeys dangle unnoticed their duty towards you some distance too in most cases,’ she acknowledged harshly.
‘Now I’m going to showcase you what occurs to sportive, disobedient ladies below my
roof. I’m going to punish you within the time-honoured design. I of route dangle stumbled on this
design of self-discipline to be extremely efficient in getting results. I dangle to admit
I of route dangle by no design yet encountered a younger woman in more dire want of an extremely…
sound… spanking!
eager design she acknowledged the notice ‘spanking’ sent a relax upright by my
body. She spat out the consonants, making it sound every terrifyingly harsh and
exhilarating at the similar time. I felt my skirt-layers in moderation raised, one by
one, and organized above my waist till my completely protection was the thin, gauzy
self-discipline matter of the drawers.
up, I saw Aunt Bess’s ruby lips tighten as she raised her hand to shoulder height.
ahead,’ she barked.
was a cease which perceived to last forever as my downhearted cramped bottom trembled with
anticipation after which SMACK! The
first expertly-aimed spank landed on my unwell-defended left buttock. There was a
split 2d when all went numb after which the searing advise speared into my
brain. I let out a alarmed whimper at the sensation after which bit onerous on my
lower lip, ashamed of my be pleased babyish response. Earlier than I had time to rating
myself, a 2d burning kiss was planted on the quite quite a bit of cheek evening the
carry out.
I screamed. ‘How dare you treat me indulge in this? I shall repeat Father!’
my guest,’ the girl chortled. ‘You’re going to promptly learn that I’m doing this
with his paunchy approval. Be conscious that this self-discipline is to your profit
alone. For me, it’s merely a sorry duty.’
neatly-centered slaps landed with paunchy power on my downhearted bottom. I felt my pubic
self-discipline press against the girl’s sturdy legs. Her suspender-straps were inflicting
downhearted friction against my sensitive genitalia. Reluctantly, I felt the
humidity lengthen between my thighs and I knew my facial cheeks were growing as
red as those of my outraged posterior. For the time being, my shame was safely
hidden by the self-discipline matter of the drawers nonetheless I suspected that it would possibly per chance per chance per chance completely be a
matter of time sooner than they were parted to affirm my quivering bare bottom and
the cave of sticky moisture below it. Certain enough, Aunt Bess’s next explain
confirmed my suspicions.
I reflect that these subtle drawers are offering too unparalleled protection. We shall
dangle them pulled open. I wish to be obvious you receive a enticing dose of
self-discipline for your bare bottom.’
my dismay, I felt her split the drawers within the centre and the coldness of the
air caress my bare, exposed buttocks.
as I believed!’ she exclaimed. ‘Your sportive bottom’s most steadily even pink. I shall
dangle a reasonably time remedying this truth.’
One more
rain of scalding smacks expressed their immediate, involving message to my bottom. Oh,
how unparalleled more the girl’s huge palm stung when applied straight on the bare.
Skin greeted skin with a convincing SMACK!
A assortment of excessive-pitched squeals fought their design out of my mouth.
my proud Miss,’ she gasped. ‘How does it in actuality feel to be do over Auntie’s knee for
a jolly enticing, ragged-common spanking?’
raised my head to dangle a ogle of Aunt Bess’s face. To my shock, I stumbled on
that she was beaming from ear to ear and her eyes positively sparkled. She
looked radiantly subtle indulge in this as she established such grisly
authority over me. She paused momentarily to like her handiwork and rubdown
my taut, velvety flesh with her gentle palm. Her nimble fingers even probed
a pair of times between my cheeks, brushing lightly over my secret space. I was
buried in mortification as I knew she’s going to must dangle felt the wetness!
now,’ she smiled, her converse taking over a gentler tone. ‘Your subtle bottom is
turning from pink to scarlet. I dangle to affirm it looks extremely fetching in this
color. I reflect you’re starting to learn your lesson.’
wish to head to… er… I mean… p-please would possibly per chance per chance also simply I trip to my room?’ I stammered. Of
route, I was firm to assuage my outraged bottom nonetheless I also had a rising
favor to alleviate my fervent clitoris.
Aunt Bess perceived to no longer completely realize nonetheless ride my discomfort.
nonetheless I haven’t finished yet,’ she grinned. ‘No longer by a long shot. I of route dangle chastened
you for the disobedience in coming into this room nonetheless I of route dangle no longer yet punished you
for the hurt you’ve precipitated. That decoration, which you so carelessly broke with
your misbehaviour, was suited. My gigantic grandfather picked it up on a outing
to the A long way East and took gigantic difficulty to dangle it sent support to England. Now,
on yarn of you are so in antiques, I of route dangle a clear cramped half of
Victoriana that I of route were loss of life to strive out for ages.’
marched over to a cupboard and returned with what looked indulge in a bundle of
twigs. She swiped it a pair of instances, allowing it to whistle by the air for
carry out.
younger woman, is a birch. It’s miles made of the whippy twigs of the birch tree and
is reputed to be a proficient and female design of corporal punishment. In
Victorian instances it was frail in households and faculties on the bottoms of sportive
younger ladies. Nowadays it will be frail for the similar cause.’
throat tightened as I examined the threatening-looking implement in Aunt Bess’s
company grip. I had by no design viewed the relaxation indulge in it and did now not unparalleled admire the
prospect of those enticing, improper twigs thrashing against my tender, unclad
you’re going to delight steal an relevant mutter at the close of the bed.’
wished desperately to tell, nonetheless something concerning the girl’s tone assured me
that this would possibly per chance no longer be shimmering. My legs felt indulge in jelly and it was a battle mighty
to come up. I tottered round and stood going by the bed.
upright,’ chirped Aunt Bess. ‘We’ll must dangle those drawers off, I reflect. They
will completely glean within the formulation. That you would be in a position to also simply trip away the corset on because it makes your bottom a
unparalleled more paunchy and full target. I dangle to affirm you chose these attire
exceptionally neatly.’
I wriggled enough to let the bloomers fling down to my ankles.
bend over. Arch your support. Correct! Stick your subtle bottom out. Assuredly
the prettiest bottom I’ve ever encountered and primarily the most deserving! That’s it!
Accomplish it invite my birch’s consideration. What a marvellously penitent image you
that I was within the enticing mutter to be chastised, Aunt Bess strode over to
liberate the door and secured it huge open. For a moment I was at a loss for words. Then her
blueprint dawned on me. She was allowing all others within the residence the
gratification of listening to my punishment. To my dismay, I realised that the
servants would all be ready to overhear the birch connecting soundly with my
haughty, pert buttocks, moreover to my cries of hurt. How would possibly per chance per chance I face them
again gleaming that they had witnessed me being do in my space? I mighty knew
that if I tried to condescend to them or give them orders, they would simply
tell knowingly at the support of my support.
Bess saw the agitation in my face and gave a smile excellent of any Cheshire cat.
She knew precisely what she was doing and cleverly intended this to be piece of
the punishment.
she acknowledged. ‘Most doubtless, in future, you’re going to reflect twice about being so horrible and
annoying to the servants. I’m sure they’ll be pleased listening to you glean your mighty
truffles. Now we’re going to learn the formulation potent the birch will be. It will be a
discovering out ride for every of us. You’re going to dwell perfectly silent and for your
toes or I’m going to be compelled to strike more difficult.’
shut my eyes tightly and my buttocks twinged expectantly. Aunt Bess waited to
allow my power to compose.
birch exploded across every my bouncing cheeks. The blazing affect took me by
shock, inflicting me to over-stability and I danced from one foot to the quite quite a bit of.
silent, I affirm!’
clumsiness was rewarded by one more fierce stroke.
I screamed as my efforts to dangle the punishment in silence failed dismally. I
didn’t care to any extent further. I yelped indulge in a slippered doggy as every actual blow
ravished my inclined derrière. Aunt Bess’s arm descended in a right rhythm,
completely pausing now after which to rub and knead my bottom, distributing the glow all
yes!’ she smiled. ‘The Victorians knew how one can treat sportive (smack!) spoilt (smack!) cramped (spank!)
madams (thwack!). It was the golden
age of self-discipline.’
that was why Aunt Bess was so hooked in to the Victorian generation. The birch bit
my rump over and over, proving its effectivity with every strike. My proud,
cramped breasts heaved against the sturdy corset. My bottom jerked and bobbed,
desperately making an strive to interrupt out the painful onslaught. However Aunt Bess was merciless
in her resolve.
Aunt Bess,’ I sobbed. ‘I can’t dangle to any extent further. Ow! I’m of route sorry I disobeyed
you. Aah! I’m going to strive to be a more in-depth woman in future. Ooooh! I promise.’
got in a pair more excruciating wallops after which laid the birch on the bed. I
would possibly per chance per chance gaze where bits of twig had been torn off within the attack. My bottom stung
because it had by no design stung sooner than.
she cooed. ‘I reflect that needs to be enough. That you would be in a position to also simply depend for your bottom in
the looking-glass.’
reflection showed that my swollen hemispheres were embellished with shrimp crimson
flecks where the scalding ends of the birch had whipped them. My previously
flawless bottom had paid the value for my misdemeanours. There it was — a tall
over-ripe peach. Already the sting was reworking into a smarting glow.
Bess studied me for a whereas after which took a tiny pink jar from a shut-by
drawer. Placing two pillows at the facet of the bed, she motioned for me to lie
across them. Dipping her long fingers into the cool cream, she massaged the
soothing combination into my throbbing buttocks.
a job neatly finished,’ she acknowledged as her fingers glided and slithered over my burning
flesh. ‘You’ll must sleep for your belly tonight, and you’ll dangle grief
sitting comfortably for day after these days or so. The marks will proceed, nonetheless I
hope the reminiscence of this punishment will dwell for a in actuality very long time…’
As I
scampered support down the hall to my room, I knew I would be opening the window
and allowing the cool accelerate to trickle over my sorely unhappy bottom. I
knew I would be smoothing a pair of of that cool cream into my more intimate locations.
I knew that I would be taking half in support the vision of the punishment in my mind as
I furiously masturbated.
And I knew that within the future, within the no longer-too-some distance-off future, I would get
myself over Aunt Bess’s knee again.