My Diary — the misadventures of Christina Winchester 1
From Privilege Plus 15, the inaugurate of
a chain that comprises the palatable Christina Winchester, a.k.a. Rosaleen Younger.

An Introduction
you to exhaust time with me, even a diminutive while, it’s doubtless you’ll perchance well perchance perchance be overwhelmed by an
alarming and insatiable toddle. As you saw me, heard me talk, got an inkling of
my disposition, an ache would affect in your fingers and the craving would kind
and kind until it consumed you. And this overpowering desire? To chastise the
most out of the ordinary and spankable bottom in your entire world, mine.
replicate continuously reveals me that I’m blooming. My long, chestnut mane of hair
kinds a ideal frame at some level of the elfin functions that affect up my supreme face.
My wide, emerald eyes give the looks of childlike innocence nonetheless, whenever you happen to look
a diminutive bit nearer, you are going to see that they replicate the rare nonetheless honest real fire
that constitutes my personality. The fairy-devour petiteness of my nostril and mouth
is echoed in the relaxation of my physique. My breasts, firm with formative years, are cramped, proud
and pert. My waist and limbs are toned and slim and my support defiantly arched.
completion, then again, is without doubt my impeccably flawless and palatable derrière.
My buttocks bloom in beefy, girlish roundness, gently kissing every other in
fancy. The skin itself is devour stunning velvet and extraordinarily firm and
supple. To your entire bottoms that I without a doubt absorb glanced upon, every masculine and
feminine, I without a doubt absorb never viewed its equal. My rear look retains an air of appealing
majesty, annoying the detect to be pleased with a ravenous toddle for meals. And it never
looks prettier than when it’s crooked into a great pickle to rely on a sound
absorb heard them focus on me. My name is recurrently accompanied with words devour
arrogant, contaminated, haughty, disobedient, and impudent. I can no longer swear that I’m
right of all of these descriptions. I raze rating my absorb means extra in most cases than no longer. I
talk with an aristocratic snobbishness that so infuriates the listener, they
must use every ounce of their self-place an eye on no longer to throw me at some level of their knee
then and there. I deliberately insurrection against any suggestions deliver before me, and my
cheekiness has got me into limitless sticky situations, nonetheless I’m tremendous
that I would no longer ever exchange.
well attentive to what an unbelievably sportive diminutive lady I without a doubt am — nonetheless, to be
fully upright, I don’t care. And the cause? I’m every ready and provocative
to pay the penalties.
appreciate for discipline used to be established at a without a doubt early age. I will at all times
endure in suggestions my father making me flip round to face the reverse course, the
humiliation of attending to absorb my absorb knickers down and his rock-noteworthy fingers
dealing me ‘six of the greatest’ on my quivering, bare bottom. It used to be, the truth is,
nothing sexual support then, real a warm feeling that somebody cared about my
behaviour and loved me enough to real it.
I grew up with the recommendations that my actions had repercussions and that,
at last, I would have to pay for my disorderly and wayward habits.
As I
developed, I handed vital of my time in entrance of my replicate, admiring my
deli-cate and palatable curves and imagining the affect that they’d on the
reverse intercourse. I would exhaust hours trying on the apt preference of dresses
from my fabric cupboard. Bending over in my taut panties, skimpy shorts,
buttock-hugging trousers, and skirts which would no longer amble as belts for a bigger
lady, I perfected the artwork of teasing males with my favourite feature.
how I tackle to flirt and tease! I’m continuously engaged on this pursuit, and the
out of the ordinary means I wiggle my bottom as I trip or bend to tie a shoelace at an
precisely chosen time when an target audience of ogling lads is nearby, is a
testament to my ride. They’ll appreciate and look until their tongues pickle
the bottom. They might perchance well even whistle or affect their Neanderthalesque feedback on
what they see and I will merely let rip with a girlish snicker. However the ingredient
that makes me the wickedest of all females is that, after leading them on
mercilessly, I never allow them to absorb even so vital as a crafty pinch!

the abet of the three fastidiously organized mirrors in my bedroom I without a doubt absorb made
detailed reports of myself in every attitude and pickle. I stand erect and hint
the mysterious valley between and under the gorgeous twin-globes of my rump
with my nimble finger-suggestions. I bend over further to stare the decrease creases
go and my whole posterior tilt upwards invitingly. Arching my limber backbone,
I stick out the article of my praise as I stand on tiptoe and double over to
touch the floor. As my silken cheeks pucker against the stern, cool slate of the
replicate, I without a doubt feel the coldness biting into the bare flesh as if it had been punishing
me for my arrogance.
sensation awakens me. Peeking under the blooming hemispheres, I can see the
moisture glistening on my femininity. The very peep of my absorb voluptuous arse
sends my flowering clitoris into spasmodic erection. My skilfully practised
fingers dive between my legs and stroke amorously at my impatient rosebud.
on my bed, my suggestions silent alive with new images of my sensuous bare bottom, I
work greedily, tickling and tantalising myself, making the feeling escalate. My
fingers saturate themselves in my slippery dew as I whimper below my absorb sexual
prowess. My succulent fruit ripens, waiting for my caresses to envelop it.
is set this time that it begins to happen. Photos originate to flash at some level of my
mental describe theatre. The scenes vary from one to the next, nonetheless the theme
is at all times the identical. I see myself receiving the punishment I so richly require.
Recollections of every hand that has ever been raised in correction against my
trembling, bare bottom melt interior and exterior of focal level. I hear myself whinny with
erotic excitement as I believe in regards to the almighty smacks descending upon my appealing
target. I roll on to my abdominal and thrust my arse provocatively into the air,
welcoming the regarded as such devoted attention.
can rating the feeling of all of the implements that I without a doubt had been punished with
— the sizzling chunk of the cane or using crop, the femininity of the birch,
the adamant smack of the dash, wood spoon or hairbrush, the agile
whippiness of the tawse and, my everlasting favourite, the intimacy of a easy spanking
with the bare palm. I can endure in suggestions with tremendous readability the smarting scorch
that radiates from my defenceless buttocks as they’re soundly chastened. I
envisage the punishers’ rapture as my irresistible bottom turns from pink to
scarlet before their eyes, devour a ripening peach. My clitoris burns as I
be pleased my absorb naughtiness. While I might perchance well perchance kick and advise in enlighten or even
yowl scalding tears of disgrace, I know that I’m getting no extra or less than I
so I without a doubt absorb made up our minds to allotment the secrets and ways of my diary solely with the readers
of Privilege Plus. The males will
raze an erotic sense of enjoyment to detect that my ever-so-sportive
bottom does indeed rating its approach-uppance infrequently. For the females, my
tales will act as a warning. Be conscious them well, Ladies individuals, for whenever you happen to ever dare to be
as badly behaved as I’m, you real might perchance well perchance endure a comparable fate.
of my tales would perchance be my friendly experiences, detailed accounts of the
times when justice has caught up with me and my unhappy bottom has been held
accountable for my errors. Others will absorb my fantasies, laid in publicity
before you, from the depths of my imagination.
would perchance be left to you, dear reader, to decipher the actual from the invention. I shan’t
characterize you which is which. It’s too vital enjoyable to tease you on this implies! I’m
amble, then again, that you just are going to entirely ride your perusal and making your
educated guesses.

Extracts from Christina’s
intimate private diary birth in our next predicament [which actually turned out
to be Privilege Club 9], accompanied by images of this fettlesome younger
lady having her gorgeous bottom attended to in a means described by herself
in mouth-watering ingredient. Here is a younger and luscious lady who without a doubt
longs to be dominated and spanked and is desirous to allotment her right-life
experiences and erotic CP fantasies with us. We toddle you no longer to fail to see the first
of what promises to be an though-provoking sequence. Likelihood is you’ll perchance well be seeing extra — rather a lot extra
— of Christina Winchester!