Modus Vivendi

From Blushes 57

she yelps. ‘No longer the cane!’
is standing within the 2nd-ground bathroom the put aside she has been urged by Mrs Rudley
to transfer and await Mr Statler. It’s Mrs Rudley who additionally, and presumably on Mr
Statler’s directions, has urged Sophie to wear what she is wearing. Sports Equipment
Modified Number 1, or more on the total identified as ‘Briefs and Braces’. Which consists
of a demure sleeveless and enjoy-fitting white vest plus transient shorts of skinny
unlit cotton (‘Briefs’) that are mounted with a pair of slim maroon elastic
braces. The skinny unlit shorts that are tight-fitting to the cheeks of a woman’s
bottom and additionally to the mound of her non-public aspects in actuality enjoy elastic on the
waist and the braces are a enjoy of secondary toughen in opposition to the doubtless of
elastic failure right thru such full of life workout routines as netball or awful-country
working. On her feet and finishing the Sports Equipment Modified Number 1 outfit
Sophie has white ankle socks and white sandals.

Statler who has perfect appeared, with out note entering the bathroom and closing the
door late him, does indeed enjoy a cane in his hand: a immoral making an strive
beefy-sized rattan. He’s in reasonably formal rig of blazer with natty darkish crimson
silk handkerchief within the breast pocket, extinct with a striped silk tie.
Sophie breaths again. ‘No longer that. One thing else. However now now not… that cane.’
Statler slices it thru the air in a mode that can presumably per chance atomize a woman judge she is
going to wet her knickers — or equally her tight unlit cotton briefs if she is
wearing Sports Number 1, which of direction are extinct with nothing underneath. ‘Why
now now not?’ he smiles pleasantly. ‘I completely feel you will be able to be in a blueprint to atomize with it.’

sir, please.’ Sophie’s bottom shudders as if it goes to already feel itself denuded
of its single tightly-encasing retaining and in receipt of the scalding kiss of
Mr Statler’s implement. Sophie is of above moderate height in her socks and
sandals, a advantageous girl with her honey-blonde hair held abet this morning with
two red combs. Her blue eyes are made up, her soft mouth lightly decorated with
red lipstick: Mr Statler is identified now now not to be averse to youthful feminine
attractions and if you’re urged he needs to search you, effectively…
has a pleasing pleasing teenage form in her Sports Number 1, slim-waisted nonetheless
filling out the unlit briefs and the vest very effectively thanks. Especially the
rear of the transient and tight shorts. Sophie’s cheeky rear. Which, now confronted
with what is in Mr Statler’s hand, is quivering apprehensively.
Statler advances, transferring the cane to his left hand. ‘No sir, Omit?’ He
has come very finish. Sophie who is already standing with her abet finish to the
ornate wash-basin has no retreat. However anyway a woman can’t abet off from Mr
Statler when he approaches. You stand straight and unexcited. Compliant. Receptive
to what he has to claim — or must atomize.

Omit?’ Mr Statler’s free perfect hand comes out. Within the very general put aside of
the tops of Sophie’s virtually bare thighs. And extremely adjacent to that ripe
mound at her lower abdominal.
sir. Ooh. Aaa… haaa… No sir…’ the 2nd drawn-out ‘No sir’ and indeed the ‘Aaa…
haaa’ previous it atomize now now not expose on to the topic of the cane nonetheless to the
topic of Mr Statler’s hand. Which has taken a lightweight care for of Sophie’s mound.
Sophie trembles. Her knees particularly tremble. The delectable cheeks of her
bottom tremble too. ‘No sir…’ The hand is enclosing a woman’s most shiny
section. Nicely perfect about. Mr Statler’s fingers on the undercurve of the mound are
in virtually reveal contact with the lips of her reduce.

very timid Sophie. And it appears to be you will be able to be in a blueprint to’t finish asserting no.’
‘S… Sorry
sir. However… oooohh. You’re tickling sir. And… and I genuinely… don’t desire the cane
Statler pushes his fingers additional in between Sophie’s squirming thighs,
bringing forth an additional excessive-pitched ‘Oooooh’, then withdraws his hand.
a woman’s as timid as you appear to be Sophie, she needs something to set up her.
A pair of tremendous cuts with the cane. Desire your shorts down.’
sir! I imply… all perfect sir. However… now now not the cane. The rest.’

‘One thing else
Sophie?’ She is slipping the braces from the slim shoulders, then pushing down
the tight shorts. The total manner down to mid-thigh and thus fully exposing her more
moving aspects for, as already eminent, a woman would now not wear something else, no
real knickers, underneath Sports Equipment Number 1. She straightens up. Controlling the
speed to trot one hand defensively in front of her pussy. Which of direction has obtained
that puny stimulation from Mr Statler’s fingers and is now broad-wide awake and is
telling Sophie it is miles broad-wide awake plus all forms of other things as effectively. Hands
straight at their sides she endeavours to evaluate of something else, rather then
her awakened pussy. There would possibly per chance be of direction the cane to evaluate of. The cane which
is unexcited in Mr Statler’s hand.
One thing else else Omit? That sounds love a
very all-embracing offer. A girl would possibly per chance presumably per chance well catch herself into misfortune making gives
love that.’ Mr Statler has come in finish again. And his hand does what it did
before, i.e. takes care for of Sophie’s mound. Completely this time there is now now not that
skinny layer of unlit cotton, there is handiest Sophie. Her nest of brown curls, her
heat bare flesh. A puny bit wetness too. The self-lubricating sticky wetness
which a healthy girl mechanically produces when stimulated. A sticky wetness
which of direction is incessantly produced to lubricate the passage of the erect
male penis though clearly that is a highly embarrassing thought for a woman,
particularly when standing in finish proximity to Mr Statler with her fingers down
at her sides and her shorts down at mid-thigh.

Omit, an unscrupulous gentleman — and most doubtless even more one who is now now not a
gentleman — would possibly per chance presumably per chance per chance rob mercurial and dejected wait on of a proposal love that.
In command that a woman would possibly per chance presumably per chance well procure herself with, because the vernacular has it, a bun in her
oven. Most dejected.’
sir…’ Mr Statler’s hand is there again and he or she is undeniably and most
embarrassingly moist. Giving that you will be able to be in a blueprint to maintain credence to what Mr Statler is suggesting
i.e. that unscrupulous gentlemen would possibly per chance presumably per chance well procure her wet and prepared for it. ‘No… I
didn’t imply that sir. In no plan.’
that case Sophie a woman needs to be more real in her utterances. Procedure more
sir…’ One finger… Oh God.

practically faints with relief as Mr Statler withdraws his hand, his finger. However the
relief is handiest of seconds’ duration.
round Omit. And bend forward. I’m going to cane you.’
No… Oh!
And finish that racket. I’m determined you realize the motive. I genuinely enjoy had diverse
complaints from Mr Greenlow. Insubordination. Dawdling on a destructive-country lag.
Etcetera. With any luck the cane right thru your bare bottom will cause you to evaluate
twice about such matters in future.’

turns because she has no decision, it is miles clearly Mr Statler’s plan to atomize it.
The mention of Mr Greenlow’s title comes as no shock. No longer that she has been
insubordinate to Mr Greenlow, merely non-cooperative. No longer cooperating in what
Mr Greenlow needs. Indubitably he hasn’t genuinely acknowledged it, spelled it out, nonetheless it completely
is obvious what he needs all perfect. That moisture, that sticky lubrication: Mr
Greenlow would hang to enjoy reveal and non-public ride of it. And Sophie
has now now not been disposed to position it on offer. Hence the talk of insubordination and
other crimes.
would hang to blurt all this out to Mr Statler. Mr Greenlow’s unscrupulous
behaviour. However a 2nd’s thought tells her to omit it. Accusing Mr Greenlow
will atomize no sincere at all, it would merely atomize matters worse because naturally Mr
Greenlow will be believed and he or she can now now not. No there is nothing she can be able to atomize
other than… settle for what is coming.
Statler makes Sophie assign her fingers late her abet, then takes every her wrists
in a single hand. His left of direction. Mr Statler is candy-handed. And in his perfect
hand is that awful beefy-dimension rattan. He bends the whimpering Sophie forward,
so that the soft flesh of her bared bottom is taut, thrustingly out.

settle for that you wish this Sophie.’
routine enjoy of words that give a legitimacy to what is to happen.
you reveal yes because it is miles more fit for you than asserting no. That is something you
be taught. Sophie stutters a distressed affirmative.
girl. OK then…’

sharply searing sound of bamboo coming into abrupt contact with softly
resilient flesh. A extraordinarily recognisable sound nonetheless the recipient feels as a alternative of
hears it. It feels reasonably love your bottom has been lower in two with most doubtless a
crimson-sizzling poker. One thing love that. beforehand that it goes to
feel awful and in addition you judge that most doubtless you’re more or less ready for it nonetheless
you never are. It’s continually more awful than you will be able to be in a blueprint to evaluate. The first one.
No longer that subsequent cuts are any higher. They are if something else worse. Especially
if he can arrange to lay the cane precisely alongside the line of an earlier one
(now now not buzzing vivid crimson of direction). And Mr Statler is advantageous sincere at doing
this. He’s as a minimal an authority.
four of them Sophie is love a woman demented. Writhing sinuously love a dervish.
It’s a staunch job Mr Statler has a firm grip of her wrists in any other case she would
be grovelling in a heap on the bottom. She is mouthing incoherent words — and
has again that terrible feeling that she is ready to wet herself. And if she had been
to, effectively it’d be awful all perfect nonetheless she can be able to’t misfortune about it, all she
can judge of is her miserable bottom. Her miserable crimson-sizzling
can enjoy to unexcited give you four more,’ Mr Statler says cheerily, inserting the cane down in
the bathtub while keeping his grip on Sophie’s wrists. Straightening her up and
groping her crimson-sizzling rear alongside with his now free perfect hand. ‘Shouldn’t I?’

But another
excessive-pitched squeal of disaster-awe. Four more would atomize her.
I will enjoy to unexcited,’ insists Mr Statler in his jokey capacity. ‘I judge it is doubtless you’ll presumably per chance per chance presumably atomize with it.
However per chance this time… OK. Factual note that I genuinely enjoy no more complaints from Mr
lets slip of Sophie’s wrists and turns her to face him. A hand slides in to her
quivering groin again. His fingers come upon moisture.
wet Omit. Turns you on does it: a session with the cane?’

No sir!’ Hot-faced, vigorously shaking
her head. Her sizzling bottom is unexcited killing.
Statler gives a harsh male chortle. ‘Per chance you wet yourself then. Moist your
pants Sophie? Except for of direction that your pants are down.’
rolls her blue eyes. There would possibly per chance be absolute self perception that she is wet nonetheless she can be able to’t admit to
something else as demeaning as wetting her pants. As equally she can be able to’t settle for that
the cane has modified into her on when it positively has now now not. ‘I… it’s… sweat sir.
Perspiration. Fr… from being timorous I train. Of the cane.’
Statler raises his hand to his nostrils. Then raises his eyebrows quizzically.
However all he says is, ‘OK. Earn your shorts up.’

A puny bit
later Sophie sees Mr Greenlow downstairs in his room. Mr Greenlow is her tutor
for French and German and he or she is due to enjoy a session of German which is now now not
her finest area. She is unexcited wearing Sports Equipment Number 1 which is now now not what
it is doubtless you’ll presumably per chance per chance mechanically wear for a tutorial nonetheless Mrs Rudley whom Sophie seen without delay
after her session with Mr Statler within the bathroom (routine after a caning, Mrs
Rudley confirming and noting in her e book that you’re OK) acknowledged she was to care for
it on. Mr Greenlow had acknowledged so.
the scrumptious Sophie,’ he says when she has knocked and entered. Mr Greenlow
is a identical age to Mr Statler, fiftyish most doubtless. Mr Greenlow will be advantageous
and funny nonetheless of direction there is additionally that other industry which is now now not
advantageous at all. He will get up from his desk, grinning at her. Indulge in Mr Statler he
is wearing a blazer and trim tie.

here handsome girl. Let me enjoy a gaze at you. How are you this morning? And how
is… heh-heh… your bottom?’
You…’ Crimson-faced, Sophie most doubtless fortunately can now now not procure words to real what
she feels.
reveal it,’ smiles Mr Greenlow. ‘It’s doubtless you’ll presumably per chance remorse it. You wouldn’t desire another
dose the following day would you? Be a pleasing shining girl. Attain on, let me note your
bottom. Let me note the hurt.’
in spite of her protestations Sophie has to rob down her shorts so that Mr
Greenlow can note her bare bottom and the cane marks which Mr Statler has left

miserable dear,’ her tutor murmurs sympathetically as he slides his quit the
heat flesh. ‘However you needs to be shining shouldn’t you? Noble and
cooperative. Then there’d be no complications in anyway.’
with Mr Greenlow fondling her unexcited sore bottom, feels a animated deserve to shriek
him what she thinks nonetheless doesn’t. Mr Greenlow suggests that she sit down on his lap
while they’ve a general chat, to fee that she goes to be tremendous and
cooperative. Sophie tries to refuse nonetheless Mr Greenlow talks of most doubtless having to
slip and note Mr Statler again, so Sophie finally agrees. However she doesn’t comply with
his customary belief which was that she sit down on his lap with her shorts down. Mr
Greenlow accepts that her shorts will be pulled up first.

on Mr Greenlow’s lap would now now not be desperately terrible other than for the true fact of what
you realize he needs. The truth that Mr Greenlow is animated. Which you’re very soon
attentive to on his lap since you very soon atomize up sitting on something stiff
and nerve-racking. And naturally you realize very effectively what it is miles. You additionally know that Mr
Greenlow enjoys having you sit down on it, having the soft ripeness of your bottom
cheeks weighing solidly down on it. And you realize too that though he very well-known
enjoys this there is something else he would revel in even more, and the thought
of that is for certain in his suggestions: One thing else that he would love to atomize
with the article you’re sitting on, in other locations he would hang to position it. All
of this would presumably per chance well atomize sitting on Mr Greenlow’s lap an embarrassing ride.
Especially when besides to all this he’s stroking your boobs thru the
single skinny layer of vest.

Mr Greenlow had it sounds as if intended to claim on the outset was that he had decided
to rob Sophie out within the country for her tutorial this morning. It’s a pleasing
heat sunny day and it’d be so advantageous out within the country and attributable to this
he had urged Mrs Rudley to shriek Sophie to care for her Sports Equipment Number 1 on: i.e.
it was correct apparel for a country session. Mr Greenlow has intended to claim this
on the outset nonetheless he has obtained reasonably facet-tracked, carried away, first by making
Sophie rob her shorts down so that he would possibly per chance presumably per chance well just like the cane marks on her
bottom, and then by getting her on his lap and having Sophie’s delectable bottom
firmly on high of his very-fleet-erect organ; all of this has driven other
suggestions out of his suggestions.

On the other hand
he does finally endure in suggestions and tells Sophie. She hears Mr Greenlow with blended
feelings. This can completely be a relief to catch off his lap, to catch her bottom
off of his rampant section. However what is he going to desire out within the country, that
is the demand. Has he obtained some thought of campaign, or more namely of
conquest? No longer that she has any decision within the topic; Mr Greenlow can enjoy his
tutorial out within the country if he needs to and absolute self perception Sophie can enjoy to unexcited judge
herself fortunate to be going out.
It is a scrumptious day there is absolute self perception about
that, with perfect about a gentle fluffy clouds excessive within the intense blue sky, and Mr
Greenlow finds a pleasing secluded grassy glade in advantageous oak woods the put aside clearly
no one goes to disturb them. In their sight of the German language. Or
no topic else Mr Greenlow would possibly per chance presumably per chance well enjoy in suggestions to sight. He has brought a blanket
to sit down on. Or lie on?

down himself on the spread blanket Mr Greenlow invitations Sophie to rob off her
shorts and then join him. ‘Earn some sun on the same time,’ is his rationale for
removal of the shorts.
Sophie shakes her head. ‘No thanks. I’m… uh… now now not serious about too well-known sun.’
Greenlow’s tone becomes more challenging. Does she genuinely desire to transfer straight abet to Mr
Statler within the morning? For atrocious
insubordination and disobedience. If Mr Statler has a woman sent to him two days
in a row he will be genuinely gruesome.
‘ that Sophie I presume?’

does comprehend it. ‘Witness…’ she pleads. However Mr Greenlow is now now not inquisitive about any ‘Witness’s.
He’s inquisitive about Sophie taking her shorts off. ‘Staunch off,’ he spells out in
case she is in any that you will be able to be in a blueprint to maintain doubt.
of direction Sophie takes off her shorts. And the crimson braces. The puny vest does
now now not reach down well-known additional than her waist so there is now not any point seeking to yank
it all the manner down to duvet herself. Any anyway Mr Greenlow would now not desire that. He needs
Sophie to catch some sun. Or so he says. He completely needs to search bare flesh.
And catch his fingers on it.

with out her shorts, will get down on the blanket. She doesn’t desire to lie down nonetheless
Mr Greenlow needs her to. ‘Restful down for a puny bit,’ he says. Restful down on the blanket on
her abet and with her legs effectively birth.
aren’t we supposed to be doing the German?’ Sophie tries to push his hand away
from her pussy, nonetheless now now not in a desperately convincing capacity. She is already getting
wet. Why does she catch wet so with out complications; it handiest makes folks — Mr Greenlow, Mr
Statler — judge she needs it. And he or she doesn’t, she genuinely doesn’t.

relax,’ Mr Greenlow tells her, now now not allowing his hand to be pushed away from
Sophie’s wet pussy. He laughs. ‘I didn’t know you had been so animated to catch on the
German. We can, don’t misfortune. And I’ve obtained something too. German custom. A
tremendous bottle of Piesporter ‘72. Tremendous and cold within the cold field. We’ll enjoy a
couple of glasses of that in a mo. No longer that I judge you wish it to loosen you
up Sophie. I judge you’re ready already.’
I’m now now not…’ she whimpers. ‘Truly I’m now now not…’ However it completely is attending to her. Lying here on this blanket within the brand new sun… with
Mr Greenlow’s hand between her legs. His hand which is undeniably getting her
going, getting her juices flowing.

complaints from Mr Greenlow now now not too prolonged within the past Sophie.’
sir. Nicely I… I’m making an strive sir.’ Hoping that she’s now now not flushing, that the
dejected truth is now now not written all over the put aside her face. I, Sophie Belford, am letting Mr Greenlow screw me. Reasonably continuously.
Resulting from, effectively, things are loads more straightforward that implies.
Her face doesn’t reveal that
does it?
reached some model of modus vivendi I
rob it?’
sir. I train so sir. I’m making an strive more challenging.’

has modified to meet Mr Statler on the tip of the predominant stairs. It’s miles the hour
before the dinner celebration and he or she is more formally attired than after we enjoy
previously met her. As a alternative of Sports Equipment Modified Number 1 Sophie is in Formal
Dress Number 2. Which is a unlit silk gown, beefy-skirted, sleeveless,
knee-dimension extinct with white knee-socks and formal unlit vivid-leather-based sneakers.
Formal Dress Number 1 is a identical gown extinct with sheer darkish nylons and a
suspender belt and excessive heels. Formal Number 1 is continuously reserved for
particular events, when there are predominant company and loads others. Otherwise the night
meal, as as of late, requires Formal Number 2.

That’s very sincere.’ Mr Statler would now not appear to be in a lag. Presumably he
doesn’t enjoy another girl waiting to search him in his sight or wherever else (the
bathroom to illustrate). ‘Sure.’ Keen nearer in to Sophie he slides his hand
round her waist, then slips it down, to the silk-clad jut of her rump. His
fingers detect transient knickers underneath the skinny unlit silk. Knickers are allowed
of direction with Formal Number 1 and Number 2, unless the actual person has been
namely forbidden them for some motive or other. Sophie is now now not in that
predicament so the knickers are now now not a distress. Mr Statler lightly slaps her

effectively I received’t demand what the modus
is. What precisely quid pro quo
has been agreed. However absolute self perception the a model of parties are mutter material and all people is
pleased. Except for that… hah-hah… I’m now now not having the pleasure of caning you Sophie.
Since… it enjoy to be two weeks now. Since that closing time within the bathroom. What
about that?’
it’d be two weeks. Since that time within the predominant bathroom and then afterwards
out within the oak wooden with Mr Greenlow. Mr Greenlow and his blanket and his
deliciously cold German wine that was so delectable you saved having more with out
realising what it was doing. That and Mr Greenlow’s hand of direction, his very
lustrous fingers. Those fingers, and the brand new seductive sun, would possibly per chance presumably per chance per chance with out complications enjoy
completed the trick with out perfect thing about the wine. At any fee… Sure two weeks now. And
in those two weeks… advantageous continuously. Nicely if you’d completed it, you’d started,
there didn’t seem any point… in now now not fending off being sent to Mr Statler.

did Mr Statler reveal: he’s unfortunately now now not had the pleasure of caning her? His
puny shaggy dog story of direction. Sophie tries a puny chortle in appreciation. It sounds
more love a croak. He’s joking. Presumably. Mr Statler is now indicating a
stool which occurs to be over by the wall.
that over here Sophie. then kneel up on it. And dangle your gown up round your
heart is thudding, all forms of things are being flooded into her
veins. Adrenalin and that enjoy of stuff. As she does what Mr Statler has urged
her. Kneeling on the stool with the skirt of her unlit silk gown up round her
waist. Revealing transient puny white knickers tight over the cheeks of her
bottom plus the prolonged bare silky thighs. She yelps as Mr Statler’s hand reaches
forward to sharply pinch the soft underside of one thigh.

finish there a 2nd Sophie. I’ll be perfect abet. Completely…’ his hand is accessible in again
and this time pinches her bottom ‘I genuinely enjoy reasonably ignored this.’
is left there as Mr Statler goes off down the stairs. Left love this conserving
her gown up round her waist to shock what injurious thing is in store for her.
Resulting from it clearly is now now not going to be something else tremendous. Mr Statler would now not rob
prolonged to reappear.
about that my dear. A mobile telephone call. Now the put aside had been we? Oh yes of direction. Sure, catch
off there then please…’ Mr Statler is serving to her down, then sitting on the
stool himself.

now come here. Over my lap. Let’s note… That advantageous bottom…’
is over Mr Statler’s lap with her gown unexcited up and he’s tugging down the
transient white knickers. Mr Statler’s hand grips one nude cheek.
I’ve quite ignored this Sophie,’ he gives the bare cheek a exciting slap. ‘And I
train Mr Greenlow… is now now not missing it at all eh? This… or something else. Eh?
You wouldn’t hang to shriek me about that would you Sophie? The modus vivendi that has presumably been
agreed. In strict self perception of direction, we don’t must expose Mr Greenlow that
you’ve urged me.’

Greenlow has of direction urged her now now not to shriek anyone. Resulting from he’s now now not supposed
to atomize what he’s doing. A tutor is for certain now now not supposed to be doing that,
perfect as he’s now now not supposed to cane a woman either. Even supposing it does happen, such
things atomize, and absolute self perception now now not handiest Mr Greenlow and now now not handiest Sophie. However unexcited, Mr
Statler is now now not going to approve which is why Sophie has been urged now now not to
expose. Somebody. No longer that Mr Greenlow can atomize any threats about this; he can’t
very effectively threaten to ship her to Mr Statler. However Sophie would reasonably now now not expose,
she herself would reasonably abet it a secret.

she says with her face down in direction of the bottom and her bared bottom up over Mr
Statler’s lap. ‘There’s now now not something else… Aaaaoooowwwhhh…!
anguished impart is occasioned by Mr Statler’s hand slamming nerve-racking down onto her uncovered
flesh. Followed by a pair more that are equally nerve-racking.
don’t desire puny white lies Omit. We can’t enjoy puny secrets. No longer perfect you
and Mr Greenlow. We can enjoy puny secrets if it’s you and Mr Greenlow and me of direction. OK?’

Mr Statler slams his hand down nerve-racking about a more events. After which he pushes
Sophie to her feet. That was perfect a puny heat up, he says. They’ll now
resume their safe dialogue in his sight. Where when he went to atomize his
mobile telephone call he took his cane out. It’s now anticipating them on Mr Statler’s
desk. Looking ahead to Sophie. Looking ahead to her bottom which it hasn’t considered, hasn’t
felt, for 2 weeks now.
Please… Please sir!’ Sophie yelps.
on,’ Mr Statler says. With a gaze of glad anticipation on his face.