mini kuš! #51-54 are out now!

A spring cornucopia of spectacular mini kuš! concerns. Uncover them as a dwelling or individually. Extra valuable points on all 4 concerns below.

In Jaako Pallasvuo‘s Think Stage we’re taken on a scamper of self-reflection, introspection and dank memes. Cátia Serrão teaches us the importance of quackery in Acquisition. Līva Kandevica takes us on an emotional (and without a doubt yellow) rollercoaster in the aptly named Yellow. In Disagreeable Ball we scrutinize the waste results of radioactive bugs on discarded comics, all thanks to Samplerman!

Specs: Every e book has 28 pages, full coloration all the very top plot thru, offset, printed domestically in Riga on prime quality environmentally pleasant Munken paper, saddle stitch binding, to hand format DIN A6.

Glean ‘em: Uncover the mini kuš! series for $19 here or salvage every mini kuš! one by one for $6 (Costs embrace worldwide starting up!). Be obvious you underneath no circumstances hotfoot away out a kuš by subscribing here.

A nearer search:

mini kuš! #51

Think Stage‘ by Jaako Pallasvuo

‘Who’s in the middle when the 2 sides of your face are side by side, as they’re, in the mirror.’ – Mirkka Rekola
Think on this wondrous quote by getting your self a copy here.

mini kuš! #52

Acquisition‘ by Cátia Serrão

Initiating with the anodyne question ‘What does the duck notify?’ Acquisition stages a proof take a look at conducted by an absent master and a semi-fresh assistant to a candidate in the very top tradition of clownish pixelated Kabbalah.
Aquire your net copy here.

mini kuš! #53

Yellow‘ by Līva Kandevica

What would you discontinuance for individuals that knew that this actuality that you expertise does no longer even exist? Here’s a yellowish nightmare the set aside the protagonist is trapped in his net imagination. It looks adore a underneath no circumstances-ending struggling, but presumably or no longer it’s no longer even happening?
Release your suggestions and aquire your copy here.

mini kuš! #54

Disagreeable Ball‘ by Samplerman

What if an worn discarded funny e book modified into all of sudden bitten by a radioactive, genetically modified spider? Would the conceal drawing, or these all the very top plot thru the e book, delivery behaving surprisingly? Would the dialogue slowly grow s(tu)pider and s(tu)pider? Would the paper delivery to melt? Would the anecdote devolve to the point of meaningless? None of these questions will seemingly be answered on this minicomic.
Roll on into our webshop and snatch your net copy here.

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