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Okay, peeps, for a commerce of poke from my dreary, weary, woeful waffle, this is a belief-upsetting visitor post from Gene Phillips regarding the persona of time and memories – assuming I understood it, that is.  Confidently, this could encourage you to occupy, and having ‘thunk’, explicit your tips in the feedback part.  Be taught on, MacDuff!


“Time is simultaneous, an intricately structured jewel that humans tell on viewing one edge at a time, when the total make is visible in every ingredient.”

“Why could possibly possibly no longer the past, portray and future all be occurring at the identical time — however in completely different dimensions?”

The first quote comes from one in every of basically the most indispensable graphic novels of all time, the 1986-87 Alan Moore/Dave Gibbons WATCHMEN, and the sentiment expressed, regarding the relativity of time, is “intricately structured” as one in every of the story’s predominant issues.

The 2d comes from a extraordinarily vague Stan Lee/Jack Kirby legend in AMAZING ADVENTURES #3 (1961), “We Were Trapped In The Twilight World!”  It wasn’t reprinted unless the twenty-first century and I doubt that even its creators remembered it after they tossed it out in the future of the pages of a title that used to be completed in three extra factors, being renamed AMAZING ADULT FANTASY from #s 7-14.

Now no longer handiest used to be “Twilight” potentially tossed
off to absorb location, the foundation of the simultaneity of past, portray and future
is no longer if truth be told even vital to the legend’s build aside.  Quickly after the gorgeous young
theorist expresses his time-theory, he drives away alongside with his girlfriend.  A
mysterious, never-explained mist transports them every abet into Earth’s
prehistoric past.  While the two of them fly varied menaces, the scientist
theorizes that entities from the past usually entered the mist and showed up
in original times, so that ape-esteem cavemen generated the legend of the Abominable
Snowmen.  Extensive Comics Database believes that “Twilight” is one in every of
many SF-tales plotted by Stan Lee however dialogued by his brother Larry Lieber,
so, failing the discovery of fashioned Kirby art, there could be no ascertaining which
of the three creators fervent generated the road.

In every tales, the simultaneity of all times has one frequent fair: to solid
a light on the limits of human knowing.  But is there any fact in it?

Within the sense of the our bodies we occupy, no longer if truth be told.  Our frequent trip as
human beings is that our our bodies are completely enslaved by the unstoppable
progress of the long hasten, remorselessly ingesting away the portray the skill age eats
away at our bodily integrity.  And but, one organ in the physique defies future’s
tyranny and that is the reason the brain.

Fully in the brain are past, portray and future
if truth be told unified — despite the indisputable fact that one could possibly possibly just inquire if Moore’s luminous about how
“intricate” the structure is, even assuming that the paradigm applies
handiest to absolutely functioning human brains.  And time is handiest unified relating to a
given field’s indulge in memories.  I don’t necessarily push aside such things as
“memories of a past life” which could possibly possibly be usually cited in enhance of
reincarnation, however those rep of memories are no longer neatly-liked ample to blueprint any

My skill to “time-trip” in my memories is in the same kind restricted.  I
can summon a quasi-reminiscence of being on a family vacation and discovering MARVEL
at an out-of-town pharmacy.  That humorous book would had been on sale
in 1967, potentially a few months sooner than its November veil-date.  I occupy this
used to be potentially the valuable SPIDER-MAN humorous I sold, however my memories of reading
the humorous for the valuable time usually are no longer that recount since I didn’t rep into
buying for superhero comics unless the debut of the BATMAN tele-sequence in early 1966.  That imprint would have completed its 2d season in March 1967, at which time I
could possibly possibly just need felt venturesome ample to sample a superhero I’d never heard of.  Now, for me to be luminous on that ranking, I would want to have sold MARVEL
TALES earlier than the 1967 SPIDER-MAN cartoon debuted that September, because it’s
also my reminiscence that I watched that TV imprint when it first aired.  But can I be absolutely certain that I didn’t look for the cartoon earlier than buying for the humorous book?  Now no longer in the slightest degree.  I seem to be conscious that I’d sold ample abet factors of
SPIDER-MAN or MARVEL TALES that once the cartoon debuted, I identified how some
of the cartoon-tales had been tailored from the originals, however that reminiscence is
no longer respectable.

Within the WATCHMEN chapter referenced, Physician The broad apple can foresee future events
as precisely as he can recall memories of the past — or at least, regardless of past
experiences are vital to Moore’s story.  And in “Twilight,”
the protagonists are living thru the past in repeat to interpret events in their portray, however total story readability is denied accurate other people.  Alternatively, what our
functioning memories develop protect are no longer factual every single trip we now have gotten,
however the vital experiences.

Humans can trip in time from Predominant Thing #1 to Predominant Thing #4566

by technique of chains of mental association, despite the indisputable fact that a few of those associations could possibly possibly be
subconscious.  I once noticed that Robert E. Howard’s barbarian hero Kull first
looked in print in the August 1929 tell of WEIRD TALES, about three or four
years earlier than Siegel and Shuster collaborated on their landmark hero Superman.  Everyone knows that Siegel named Superman’s dad after himself, making
“Jor-L” out of the valuable syllable of the author’s first title and the
remaining syllable of his remaining title, however whence comes “Kal-L”?  Did it advance
from… “Kul-L”?  Even assuming that Siegel read the Kull legend,
there could be no technique of titillating if he consciously remembered reading it, however if he
read it, possibly something regarding the hero’s title appealed to Siegel and he
simply recycled that enchantment when it got here time to title his indulge in hero.

We develop no longer know if the leisure survives the demise of our bodily forms.  But whereas
we’re alive, it’s fully logical to absorb up our stores of critical
memories, whether we are in a position to grab them with us or no longer.  To borrow from the title of
an inclined English poem, those memories provide us with our handiest “triumph over

One remaining Predominant Thing: the the leisure tell of Surprise journal AMAZING
ADVENTURES used to be veil-dated November 1961, the identical date assigned to FANTASTIC
. In narrate that arbitrary date becomes something of a threshold between the
Historical Surprise Scheme of doing things, and the Unusual Manner, which would, as I’ve
argued in other locations, have saved the medium of humorous books from extinction.


Any tips, Crivvies?  Let GP (and the the leisure of us) read them now!