Three reasonably unique Facsimile Editions so that you just can see out for, Crivvies, are X-Men #101, and The Implausible Hulk #s 180 & 181.  The latter two were reprinted about a years again, so now you’ve got got a second probability in case you overlooked them first time around, without paying inflated prices on eBay or on the collectors market.

I realized that 180 has the ‘Continued After Next Internet page…’ strains before classified ads, whereas 181 would not, which is perplexing.  Why Marvel would not appear in a plot to goal a consistent policy regarding here’s previous me.  My earlier facsimiles are no longer at hand* for me to verify if it changed into the identical, however when they got around to reprinting #182, the ‘Continued…’ strains were unique, as I will undercover agent from searching at the arena on my blog.

Anyway, Build Mine Marvel!

*Update: Couldn’t support myself – dug out my outdated facsimiles of #s 180-182 from about a years again and checked.  181 additionally has no ‘Continued…’ strains (although 180 & 182 construct), so the contemporary reproduction is impartial a straight reprint of it, with the exception of the unique printing date in the indicia.