M.A.S.Okay.: Revolution #1 – a M.A.S.Okay. Comics Evaluate

As I talked about in my closing blog put up, I ordered my M.A.S.Okay.: Revolution Scenario #1 from forbiddenplanet.com.  I ordered 4 copies – one for my son and three variants for myself.

The comics took comparatively longer to come than the Revolution #1 comic – arriving  on Monday 03/10/2016 – over half of a week previous the liberate date.  Two of the comics were in the an identical protective sleeve and the assorted two were in a single other protective sleeve with some cardboard to maintain them stiff.

Now not barely as elegant as elegant a provider because the closing bellow I purchased, nonetheless serene elegant.

The covers of the UK Comics were persistently spacious so would maintain excessive hopes for the unusual comics.  To be correct, now we maintain already seen the covers – so we already knew what we were getting.

The conventional version of the comic has an explosive presence and is an movement packed extravaganza.  Matt Trakker appears twice on the quilt – both in Thunder Hawk and a head/bust shot.  Brad Turner is astride Condor and we additionally stumble on Storm and a variant of Gator.

On one in every of the variant covers now we maintain a green wire frame grid – I’m guessing to repeat the first few seconds of the Intro to the M.A.S.Okay. Cartoon.  The remaining of the imagery is additionally paying homage to the Cartoon form of persona originate.  Matt Trakker stands centre front with Thunder Hawk with its Gull Flit Doorways birth.

Gloria Baker stands beside her Split Seconds Stiletto automobile, Bruce Sato with Rhino, Brad Turner with Condor and Hondo MacLean with Firecracker.  All with the familiar search of Boulder Hill in the background.

Ominously overlooking are V.E.N.O.M. agents Floyd Malloy, Sly Rax, Miles Mayhem, Vanessa Warfield and Cliff Dagger.

After I first saw photos of this quilt online, I wasn’t too fascinated about it.  Attempting at it now, it is no longer no doubt the artwork itself that I did no longer love.  Or no longer it is the actual fact that type became assorted from the leisure of photography seen in the case of the leisure of what became popping out with appreciate of the unusual comic.

Herein lies my disorders – with both of those covers.  The artwork is amazing.  They are exhibiting M.A.S.Okay. and V.E.N.O.M. as we, the M.A.S.Okay. followers who grew to love M.A.S.Okay. in the 80’s will be conscious.

Alternatively, once contained in the comic, now we maintain the unusual M.A.S.Okay…..   M.A.S.Okay. – Mobile Armored Strike Kommand.  I carry out no longer ranking this.  We, one more time, are being sold covers to attract the long-established followers – then no longer getting what we paid for on the within.

On the first quilt, we’re sold the premise that Storm will characteristic – it does no longer.  We’re sold the premise that we are going to search out all of those automobiles in movement – we carry out no longer.

The different quilt I even maintain – the Cartoon variation – sells us unprecedented extra lies.  There is no longer any Floyd, no Cliff, no Hondo, no Stiletto (automobile), no Firecracker.

If we’re spirited in a peculiar direction – some distance off from M.A.S.Okay. of the 80’s toward’s Hasbro’s/IDW’s unusual vision of M.A.S.Okay. – why carry out the covers replicate the M.A.S.Okay. of the 80’s?  Please, give me one or the assorted – carry out no longer make the comic complex by searching for to give me both.

Clearly, it is in IDW’s finest interests to elevate in unusual readers – the younger abilities to this spacious world of illusion.  If I’m perplexed by the aggregate of one type on the quilt and one other type on the within – what must unusual readers make of this?

The closing variant I purchased is a clean web command quilt.  As that is all unusual to me, I originate no longer no doubt stumble on the level.  From what I’ve read, this quilt is one which you are meant to take to a convention and ranking one in every of the artists to personalise for you.  Seemingly one in every of the artists might perchance well perchance give me a quilt that if truth be told represents the comic inner?

There is one other variant quilt – an “incentive” quilt.  I’m guessing and incentive to give IDW extra money.

Anyway, we stumble on our characters Masked – again taking a undercover agent love the familiar characters now we maintain grown up with.  It, one more time, is a spacious taking a undercover agent quilt – other than there is something immoral with the manner Matt has been drawn.  I will be capable to no longer quire bellow what I originate no longer love about it – nonetheless the leisure of the quilt is effectively carried out.

As soon as contained in the comic, the artwork is, for the most share, elegant.  I’m no longer overly fascinated about the manner that Miles Mayhem is drawn for the most share, nonetheless does ranking comparatively better towards the finish of the comic.

So, all people is conscious of that the artwork is classy – despite the actual fact that disjointed and conflicted.

What of the memoir and command material?  That’s a entire assorted topic and will take lots longer to talk about.

The memoir begins, I’m guessing, in the reward day, with our M.A.S.Okay. team making ready for a mission – then goes encourage to one 300 and sixty five days in the past.  Right here’s to give us Brandon Easton’s unusual vision for the background of M.A.S.Okay.

We’re presented to the characters as unusual recruits – some of the characters, such as Julio Lopez, being presented comparatively earlier than in the long-established Cartoons, Toys and Comics.  Miles Mayhem, being their tutor – and narrator of the comic.

Ensuing from the little size of the comic – some of the font text is highly little and you’ve got got to listen in on read it.  It additionally gets comparatively…  dreary.  I’m shopping for a thrilling quick paced comic – the extra drivel I even must read, the longer it takes to ranking by it.

Interestingly, that is all share of Venture “Spectrum”.  Right here is the first self-discipline…  Spectrum.

Clearly Brandon thinks that by calling it Spectrum, he is being tidy by giving a nod to the elegant former days of M.A.S.Okay. and Matt Trakker’s most eminent Cowl.  What he is essentially doing, is complex the topic.  The recruits are there to modified into members of M.A.S.Okay. – so why is no longer no doubt merely known as challenge M.A.S.Okay.?

Straightforward.  Efficient.

If there might perchance be one element all people is conscious of from the 80’s, is that one in every of the V.E.N.O.M. characters has the finest sounding names – ever!  Sly Rax.  

Now not now.

Now we maintain a peculiar world the place M.A.S.Okay. is being blended with Transfomers, G. I. Joe and the likes.  Or no longer it is perfectly acceptable for a personality to be known as Snake Eyes or Storm Shadow or Optimus Prime.

Alternatively, apparently we can no longer derive Miles Mayhem nor Sly Rax as being legit names with out calling them Miles Manheim or Sylvester Rax?

Sylvester?  Are we being serious?  Okay, Sylvester Stallone is named Sly – and I’m assuming that is the place this has come from.  But, Sylvester Rax?

He has long previous from being the excellent sounding baddie of the 80’s to now being less chilly than Nash Gorey – how embarrassing.

Let’s no longer are trying to ruin it anymore Brandon!

The subsequent element that is complex for any reader – whether very long time M.A.S.Okay. fan or unusual – Miles Mayhem’s narration introduces a personality known as Dr Armand Singh – nonetheless his speech bubble calls him Dr Bender.

So, what carry out we call him?  Singh or Bender?  

The Character himself appears to be like love the persona of Dr X from Action Man.

Seemingly any individual reading this would perchance perchance shed extra gentle as I no doubt originate no longer ranking this persona in any appreciate.

Transferring forward, now we maintain two disposable characters checking out out Masks and automobiles.

The Masks themselves, take me back to the actual fact of toy helmets that my son has – they’ve a front and encourage that clip together across the customers head.  Or no longer it is a assorted tackle the long-established thought and I’d no longer desire to be an ideal self-discipline and struggling to position it on.  The originate of the long-established Masks is unprecedented extra realistic and more uncomplicated.

There is then a socket in the drivers seat of the auto that links the motive force to the auto.  I originate no longer ranking that.  We’re in an global of wi-fi gadgets and but now we maintain a socket to meander our Cowl into the auto?  How former normal – needs to be Apple tech!

Jackhammer appears to be like elegant nonetheless Gator appears to be like – effectively….  I’m obvious precisely what it is meant to be?  I originate no longer even think the artist knew what it became meant to be when it became being drawn.  Does no longer seem like a hydroplane anymore!

We then transfer onto “Sly” Rax and Julio Lopez being given their respective Masks – nonetheless no longer barely.  Rax is given Stiletto, as expected, nonetheless Lopez’s Streamer Cowl is now known as Gulliver.

Does this mean that we can also impartial no longer stumble on Calhoun Burns if the name of his Cowl has been appropriated and former for Julio Lopez? 

There is additionally the disclose that both Masks maintain the an identical talents.  Some of the issues that made Cowl spacious became the specialty of every Cowl.  If they are no longer irregular, then why make them undercover agent assorted?  Why give them a assorted name?

Matt’s Cowl, no longer given a repute nonetheless appears to be like love Spectrum, appears to maintain a Whip love characteristic.

After a scene on a disclose, that did no longer appear to make unprecedented sense, we stumble on Mayhem with Brad Turner’s Hocus Pocus Cowl – now known as Eclipse.  An eclipse obscures gentle – and that is what his Eclipse Cowl did when using Razorback.  How does that name slot in with projecting holograms?

On the closing web command, we stumble on some horrific visions of the unusual M.A.S.Okay. automobiles are Matt Trakker is presented to Scarlett, from G. I. Joe, as Codename: Spectrum – I bellow referring encourage to the earlier mention of Spectrum.

I’m scared that this comic does no longer price me.  The memoir telling is disjointed and lacklustre.  The changes add nothing to M.A.S.Okay. and the truth is carry out the particular reverse.

After I first stumbled on out that Brandon Easton became writing this script, I requested him if he would carry out an interview for my web command. He stated that he would, nonetheless by no technique got encourage to me.

Brooding about how execrable this comic is – I’d’ve been embarrassed to maintain printed any of his feedback as he does no longer no doubt appear to maintain any take of what M.A.S.Okay. is or what it stands for.

The preview self-discipline of the UK Laughable did a some distance extra realistic background memoir, that some distance exceeded this nonsense.  Seemingly future disorders will get better, nonetheless I’m no longer going to maintain my breath!