Lonely Ballerina from Tammy (1983) Jay Over & María Barrera – Compiled by A. Wallace


Lonely Ballerina from Tammy 

 Written by Jay Over, Drawn by María Barrera (Barrera Gesali)

Tammy 1983-09-03  /  Tammy 1983-10-29 

[1983-10-15betroubledism[1983-10-15issueismissing  ]

Lonely Ballerina has learned that the girl operating the shambolic ballet college 
is no longer the ballet trainer but her sister. 
The instructor has been missing for months and the layabout pupils don’t care; 
they true take back to love themselves. 
The lonely ballerina is the first to search files from severe questions about what’s going on.

24 pages, 2 covers & 1 publicity announcement

 Discipline fabric from Tammy 1983-09-03 / 1983-10-29

Tammy 1983-08-27 (Pub)



Compiled by A. Wallace
