Liebster Award Nomination

Greetings my readers! I in actual fact enjoy some very absorbing recordsdata to half with you all (which let’s face it, the extensive majority of you obtained’t care about, however whatever). A pair of of you need to presumably be responsive to the Liebster awards, however for individuals who can enjoy completely no knowing what I’m talking about, enjoy no fear, I’m here to attend. ‘Liebster’ in German that implies dearest (and yes, I had to google that, no longer all of us could be fluent in German), this award used to be apparently created as one device to welcome new blogs into the blogosphere, and wager what, I’ve been nominated! How good is that? So yeah, I could appropriate desire to send an enormous thanks to Ruby at RUBIDEUX for nominating me (mosey examine out her awesome blog as effectively), on fable of seriously, how chilly is that? I in actual fact feel adore I’m shifting up on the planet.

It sounds as if a winner will be picked subsequent week, however with out a doubt, I’m appropriate stoked to be nominated (though yeah, profitable could be good too). In portray to continue the Liebster Award tradition, I now need to respond to a bunch of questions earlier than nominating a bunch of blogs myself. Plot back popular!

#1: Is that this your first blog?

Positive, for inch. Unless lame tumblr accounts count (however they presumably develop no longer).

#2: What blogs/of us inspire you?

I in actual fact enjoy reading blogs which are silly and witty, and in addition ones which are written by and for formative years. And naturally, my number one icon in existence that inspires me would want to be Lea Michele (in all her glory).

#3: Are you at college? OR working?

That could be a no. Unless being a stout-time high college pupil is a thing, then yes, I work continuously.

#4: High 6 Beauty Products?

Ooh, here’s a laborious one. To narrow it down, I would want to instruct –
– ‘Sweetie’ Lip Cream from Topshop
– Diminutive one Lips by Maybelline
– Topshop Nails Pastel Glitter
– Daisy within the Air by Marc Jacobs
– Authorized Issues Cosmetic Brush Keep With out ruin 21
– Naked 3 Palette by Urban Decay

#5: What’s your blog (mostly) about?

My blog is about as random as it will get. It’s typically appropriate an explosion of television, musical theatre, celebrities and random other stuff that’s linked to formative years.

#6: The set is your favorite space to shop?

I in actual fact enjoy some beautiful quirky clothing sense, I’m on the full the girl continuously walking around in skirts and every now and again some effectively-organized knee highs. So when I shop, I adore finding out about a of the lovable, traditional stuff from Modcloth. Nonetheless, I constantly adore having a browse on the With out ruin 21 residence.

#7: What are your favorite magazines?

This sounds beautiful cliche for a teenage girl, however I in actual fact adore reading Teen Vogue and stuff adore that. In Australia, there are magazines beautiful akin to that called Dolly and Lady friend, and I constantly be obvious that to get myself a reproduction when I’m out and about.

#8: If you happen to had been stuck on a deserted island, what 3 issues would you NEED?

How am I speculated to condense this list to three issues?! Ugh, why does existence need to be so laborious. I convey if it came the total device down to it, the issues I would 100% die with out could be wifi, my notebook computer and some tacky puff pastry sticks (yes, I’m that shallow).

#9: How continually originate you blog?

I try to originate on the least two posts a week, however then most incessantly I get on a roll and change into some make of working a blog maniac, pumping out one on day by day foundation. I convey it appropriate in actual fact depends on how much homework I in actual fact enjoy (and the device in which much time I spend procrastinating).

#10: What are your working a blog-targets?

Clearly, it’d be in actual fact awesome if my blog obtained in actual fact illustrious and then I used to be some roughly global working a blog sensation, though realistically this presumably is no longer always ever going to happen. I hang it could appropriate be chilly to retain writing concerning the full stuff I’m drawn to, and with any luck retain getting the likelihood to passion and entertain of us with my writing.

#11: What’s your Instagram/Fb?

Positive, shameless self promotion!

My instagram is: @teenagefanaticblog

And my Fb is:

So now, ultimately, what all you bloggers obtainable enjoy been expecting (and what all you other readers develop no longer care about), my list of nominees. Drumroll please . . .

The Teen Style Blogger
Ditsy and the Damned
Slice Of Vanilla
Chloe’s Watsits
Paige of Style
From runways to realways
Emma Griffy
Beth and Beauty
Boho Geek

Congratulations to all of those bloggers! Rapidly ample, we will all be seeing minute blog posts adore this one appropriate pop up in each set. With out extra ado, listed below are my questions that you guys need to respond to:

1. What issues originate you post about on your blog mainly?
2. If you happen to could be any animal, what would or no longer or no longer it’s?
3. What is your dream job?
4. What is your favorite film?
5. What celebrities inspire you?
6. What blogs are you drawn to the most?
7. Is that this your first Liebster Award nomination?
8. How long enjoy you ever been working a blog?
9. How would you portray yourself in one note?
10. Why did you open working a blog?
11. What are the links to your blog’s social media pages?

Bam, enjoy enjoyable answering those. If you happen to no longer sleep being adore me and are completely perplexed as to search out out how to construction this post, unexcited your farm, appropriate take a glance at this magical link that can uncover you every little thing you need to need to know:

I do know this post has been sizable random, however who cares, I obtained nominated for an award!

How chilly is that?! That’s beautiful much all. Til’ subsequent time . . .

Annabel xx