La Femme for Poser… Evolution?

As some of you realize, there’s a new Poser girl obtainable at Renderosity. In the short time she’s been out I’ve already got a moderately number of emails and messages asking what I mediate of her, if I’ll carry out gens for her, what this implies for Evolution and a great deal of others and a great deal of others. Let me like a flash win this off my chest.

Edit: Updated my FAQ

La Femme

So, what pause I mediate of her? Truthfully no belief and I am presumably gonna personal it that map. I haven’t downloaded her and I am map too busy nursing my droll career motivate to life to care in the meanwhile. But while you in actuality converse, also then I mediate I am no longer the honest person to set a quiz to. I’ll presumably be very biased, as I made Evolution for a goal. So am I going to carry out gens for her? nope (I heard she would possibly possibly well already contain them btw).


What does this suggest for Evolution? Nnnnnnothing. I made Evolution for a myriad of reasons, and one of them is to assemble a foundation of a female human Poser figure that looks and bends admire the true ingredient, with the dinky resources I contain, to the finest that I became once able to. So far as I am concerned, I succeeded in that. I am glad with the pause end result, and I’ve generally belief to be switching to Evolution myself (from my contain droll figure). So Evolution mild stands.

Edit: obviously a great deal of room for enchancment, nonetheless I am glad with the muse.


Sadly I will be able to allege what I need about how a success I mediate PE is, that would now not suggest that she’s taking on Poserland. Right here’s due to the stutter material. While you use dynamic dresses, PE is aesthetic, nonetheless extinct conforming dresses is an downside. At the pain of repeating myself, as most of you realize, to build acknowledged bends, I utilized JCMs for that, next to extinct Weight Maps. We contain many Poser figures that work with WM handiest, nonetheless their bends are very dinky and do not stare human when doing rather overall bends (lets no longer discuss yoga bends). PE can pause the corpulent differ. 

We don’t esteem yoga

The customary counterargument to such bending abilities is that very few other folks would need them. Okay, so right here is the ingredient: by that argument, most facets in tool and kit resources would possibly possibly also be dropped since the fleshy majority of the PC the usage of world by no formulation makes use of such facets. 3DSMax can also merely be stripped down to a 40Mb utility in that map. Infrequently anybody makes use of a fragment of tool to its fullest. The plenty of more more effective argument is that we’re no longer even speaking about yoga poses largely. Even a truly easy squat will need JCMs in the calfs and thighs. In varied words, its correct an excuse, laziness, unwillingness to head the further mile for what the total f*%#^g world of CGI is striving for: realism… and it would possibly well account for why Poser is no longer doing too neatly in the meanwhile. 

Realism, yeaaaa… oh wait.

So in varied words, since Poser’s main selling level is 3D figures, it’d be glaring that they’d prioritize the realism of these figures, and toughen for the technology that makes it work. Now, as far as I will be able to picture, the ideally suited ingredient that in Poser can build flesh squishing and modified behaviour of vertices between perspective intervals, is JCMs. In the occasion that they’ve but every other rigging plan coming in Poser 12, then massive, I could be the first in line, nonetheless by some means I don’t gaze that occuring but. So I selected for JCMs, and hoped that SM would possibly possibly well be so impressed that they’d discontinuance the total lot to toughen this figure.

Nope. Or at the least, no longer but (PE has been out over a 365 days now). Presumably PE completely sucks and I am in actuality living in an asylum speaking to myself, which is awfully doable, nonetheless by some means I doubt that.


Anyway, due to the JCMs, its correct no longer easy to rig dresses for her, as many participants fight with transferring the JCMs to their dresses objects. Now, there are issues that I contain deliberate after I contain the time, nonetheless I am insecure that they acquired’t in actuality support extraordinary unless Poser’s vertex files switch and bettering is improved (morphs and weight maps). With Poser morphs (JCMs or no longer), it’s crucial that the vertexes in the dresses apply the very identical direction as the neighboring vertex in the underlying figure, in every other case you win bound-throughs, especially with JCMs. Now, unless the morph is unassuming, to mimic these delta paths is no longer doable to win apt manually. Poser wishes to pause it for you, or at the least, presumably the most of it. And right here is where the problem lies:

Bumps in every single region!

Because it stands now (and since 2016), Poser’s vertex files switch plan can handiest successfully switch the displacement to dresses if the dresses is equal or decrease decision than the host mesh. But when the dresses is elevated decision, spikes and irregularities build. You would also take a look at this yourself with Pauline and her Enterprise Camisole that gets shipped with P11. Load the Camisole onto Pauline, dial in the pregnant morph, bend her abdomen, then compare the bending earlier than and after transferring weight maps and morphs from Pauline to the Camisole.

Frills n stuff

Now, the mammoth command with right here is that the sizable number of dresses objects can contain issues admire buttons, hems, frills, belt loops, especially for female trend. In varied words, the fleshy majority of stutter material for ANY Poser figure will stumble upon this downside. Now, you will want the choice to edit the morph to horny it, smoothing and a great deal of others, nonetheless yeah, this brings varied points with it. Ever tried to tender a button with out it disappearing into oblivion? That’s one downside, the more than just a few is bettering morphs when the figure is posed, its pure hell. 

Append, biaatch!

There would possibly be such a ingredient as appended morphs and prepended morphs, and ALL POSER MORPHS handiest work neatly appended. However the problem is that morphs designed to horny bends, are finest edited in the perspective they’re meant to horny, and in Poser, this implies you first ought to transform it to prepend. And that makes the total lot even more advanced. And I am no longer making up excuses no longer to repair it myself, belief me, PE in itself is one mammoth massive repair. Poser wants these two points mounted urgently, or even figures admire La Femme will merely no longer succeed either, even supposing they’re more tailor-made for easy rigging.

Staunch rustbucket

But I pause ought to confess one ingredient, and that’s that my self assurance in Poser has comparatively extraordinary hit rock backside, which would possibly possibly additionally account for why I couldn’t care much less about La Femme. (edit: Chuck Taylor himself once acknowledged in an interview, something admire: ‘While you gaze the inside of a sausage manufacturing facility, you’re going to by no formulation eat sausages anymore‘. That’s what it feels admire for me. I also want to distance myself from this mess because it started to contain an designate on my droll work. Its laborious to pause something stress-free the usage of a instrument that that it’s seemingly you’ll well possibly contain got grown to abominate. I love my droll work too extraordinary to let that occur.) I mild use Poser though, for now, it does the trick referring to comics. Poser is currently admire a accurate outdated automobile that has introduced me from A to B for years, and would possibly possibly well mild pause that for now, nonetheless I believe a ought to win a new automobile a while soon. I pause hope this would possibly occasionally perchance also be Poser 12, because this can suggest much less work for me. But I am no longer maintaining out. I am no longer jealous of the Poser crew, it ought to suck to be them with the shit they’ve been stressed with… nonetheless I’m hoping they work miracles. Let’s delivery by making priorities, eh?

Evolution’s future

While you is at risk of be into dynamic dresses, the Evolution shall be a fragment of cake for you. Plod to the Smith Micro boards and examine out the kick-ass renders of loads of the artists there.

But while you rely upon conforming dresses, a lot mild wishes to occur. There are some issues I’ll try, nonetheless I wanna carry out comics, and in addition they now take priority, I by no formulation desired to win blended up on this never-ending Poser figure drama. I in actuality desired to support push Poser forward, to a region that in actuality has which formulation in the enviornment of CGI (save: realism) and no longer constantly re-inventing the wheel.

So anyway, with out promising something else, I’ll substitute the mannequins as soon as the Disco Dragon 3 is out (they’re in actuality already carried out, they correct need testing). The standard beta mannequins are botched and wanted fixing. I’d also carry out a script obtainable to support prepare PE for bettering the JCMs in the honest state. This would possibly possibly carry out issues more uncomplicated. But issues will win critically better the second SM fixes these two points I talked about previously…. extraordinary critically better, and then I’d win a little more desirous about Poser over again (because my droll figures will also profit from this).

In Conclusion

So, in short, if La Femme brings the Poser crew motivate together, then improbable. If it brings us motivate to the accurate outdated days of V4 and each person sinking their teeth into a figure, then supreme. If it makes SM save its corpulent weight in the motivate of a figure, and lastly delivery tailoring the app against better more evolved rigging that looks admire human flesh, then awesome. I hoped that is at risk of be PE, nonetheless it completely would now not stare admire that came about (but). In the occasion that they managed to win La Femme to pause what PE can pause, then my hat is off to them… 

Guys, the total goal I made PE is to enable you to with your art and your comics. If La Femme can pause that for you, then I must mild no longer contain any downside there. But my imaginative and prescient mild stands, and that’s at risk of be a realistically fascinating Poser figure. Evolution is my end result.

But for the time being, I am making comics!