Kanojo ga Mimai ni Konai Wake 1-3
gather hentai  Kanojo ga Mimai ni Konai Wake
  gather Kanojo ga Mimai ni Konai Wake
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Various Titles

Eastern: 彼女が見舞いに来ない理由


Form: OVA

Episodes: 3

Location: Finished Airing

Aired: Nov 19, 2010 to Jun 21, 2013

Producers: T-Rex, Cotton Doll


Seiji is a everlasting section-timer. He has been dating a lady, Ai, for 2 years and he is now severe about marrying her. 

But one day, he has a visitors accident and breaks his leg and becomes hospitalized. 

Ai guarantees, with a smile, to search the suggestion of with him day by day. But their relationship step by step 

modifications after his hospitalization.

A accurate estate broker who hit Seiji. A man on the identical medical institution room. 

A shining physician responsible of him. A co-worker at his store. A nurse who’s his 

ex-girlfriend. Varied of us lower in on Seiji and Ai’s relationship. Will they be 

ready to conquer it and shield their relationship?

Layout: mkv


Episode 1: Eng Subbed:
Episode 2: Eng Subbed:
Episode 3: Eng Subbed: