Title: Jing Xujing (女王Jing)
Peak: 174 cm
Weight: Fifty three kg
Web space: http://jingxujing.weblog.163.com/
About: Jing Xujing (女王Jing) is a 23 years venerable lady currently dwelling in London, UK. I deem Jing used to be firstly from China and moved to London for her review few years succor. Jing loves clothes alot and extraordinarily favorite as seen in her weblog, she showcases her mix-n-match model sense. Jing too has her absorb on-line boutique at http://jxjxj.taobao.com/. Even as you happen to grasp extra recordsdata about Jing, right drop us a comment below! Anyway, finest the staunch of Jing on hand here, all filtered by http://day-to-day-lenglui.blogspot.com.
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