Japan Sketch Book 2013 (e-ebook) for accept as true with

I’ve put collectively a contemporary e-ebook!

In 20I3, I went on a Japan day out with my wife’s family- Her mom and dad, her brother and sister. I brought my handmade sketchbook, pens and watercolours along. And I recorded the poke on location at any time once I had a minute while to sketch. We first went to Tokyo, then Hakone. Then, my wife and I persevered the day out on our enjoy, exploring Tsumago, Shirakawa-ride, Kanazawa, Kobe and then Osaka the build apart we took a flight back to Singapore. 

Here’s a preview:

This e-ebook is 40 pages altogether at the side of the covers. The photos are in sexy excessive-resolution so that you just safe maximum info. The price is USD$5. You would possibly per chance well perhaps accept as true with and download it from my Payhip dwelling right here:https://payhip.com/b/Uy8su