Jack And The Sonorama

 Christmastime became as soon as appropriate here, and for us here at Let’s Anime, Santa Claus, or Mandarake’s mail relate provider, became as soon as kinda busy. Truly apt one of many items below the tree this year became as soon as a Sonorama single for the 1967 Toei film Jack And The Witch! 


While you’d simply maintain never viewed this film, successfully, it’s extra or less nuts. It be a movie about honest a exiguous one named Jack who hundreds up his junker vehicle alongside with his animal pals and drives it straight through a residence and true into a nightmare world of witches and castles and devils and machines that flip exiguous boys and exiguous animals into exiguous demons. 

There are bikes made of bones, menacing wide mushrooms, and in general a hallucinatory vibe that looks extra at residence in a Roger Corman hippie exploitation image than what’s ostensibly a children’s film. We wrote about Jack And The Witch some time abet, however the movie remains frustratingly unreleased within the West.

At the least we can tranquil expertise the trimmed-down memoir of the movie because it’s condensed into two aspects of a 33rpm Sonorama single. It’s possible you’ll too, we made a video out of it and it’s up at the Mister Kitty dot Fetch YouTube channel honest now for your leisure!

From us here at Let’s Anime (that is Dave Merrill and Shaindle Minuk, for whom this single became as soon as purchased) please accept our heartiest needs for an awfully gay holiday season and a bountiful Unusual Year!

-Dave Merrill

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