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Heads up, heroes.  As nearly each person and their granny knows, UK weekly comics are in general dated up to seven days prematurely in mutter to present them per week’s shelf-existence (or conclude to it) till the following field goes on sale.  Most steadily, though, it became simplest a pair of days, and to confound issues extra for historians, the above field (for occasion) is duvet-listed as going on sale on Wednesday, nonetheless the quilt-date of the Thirteenth became a Saturday.  Confusing, eh?

So right here is a anticipate for extreme comics historians,  TV Century 21 #1 is dated January 23rd, nonetheless I appear to recall studying somewhere that it went on sale spherical the 18th or 19th, which is rarely a beefy week.  Quantity 43 is dated November Thirteenth, nonetheless I recollect buying for it on or honest earlier than the 8th, which, if that is the case, would mean that the humorous had by then adopted a longer prolong between its on sale date and the quilt date.

I am attempting to pin down exactly which dwelling I became dwelling in when I first bought it, so is there anybody out there who knows (or knows be taught how to hunt out out) whether or no longer this field went on sale earlier than or after November 8th?  I could possibly well also essentially indulge in it.

Thanks prematurely to anybody who can encourage.