Interview: Vive La France!

Hello all all over again blogosphere! It is probably you’ll perchance perchance presumably also very nicely be a tad confused as to what this submit’s going to be about (provided that I’ve been moving suss in my assortment of title), however bask in no terror, a proof is near. Currently, a pal from college entered into this distant places replace program, and as a section of it, is now cyber net cyber net hosting a girl from France in her condominium named Cècile (except they at final swap over and my buddy will raise out the identical). So I view, why extinguish an replacement to blog? For certain I virtually attacked her with questions immediately and became all ‘raise out it’s best to be on my blog?’, which she became kind ample to oblige to with minimal hesitation. Rambling over, that is what went down . . .

Me: Hey Cècile! Thanks for letting me interview you in the heart of our drama class. K, now how veteran are you?

Cècile: I am fifteen.

Me: Oh my gosh, so am I! Anyway, transferring on, what section of France raise out you are residing in?

Cècile: Paris.

Me: Oh how thrilling, I’ve even heard of that. Now, raise out you consume escargot?

Cècile: I bask in finest eaten it twice, however I bag no longer esteem it. 

Me: I bag no longer maintain I’d esteem it worthy both, , being a vegetarian and all. How about social media? Put they’ve the identical issues in France as they devise out in Australia and The United States?

Cècile: Lag, now we bask in got Instagram, Skype, Fb, all of it. 

Me: Chilly. Now, precise a random quiz, what time would it be in France precise now, pondering or no longer it’s 9:53am now?

Cècile: It could perchance perchance be about 1:53am, because there is about an 8 hour time distinction. 

Me: That’s moving. K, now what roughly sport raise out you play on your free time?

Cècile: I raise out Dance and Skiing

Me: Woah, that is so icy, I raise out dancing as nicely! No longer so worthy snowboarding given the local weather, however no subject. So what countries bask in you been to rather than Australia?

Cècile: I’ve been to The United States, Spain, Ireland, England, Holland, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, the Republic of Czech, Hungary and Martinique in the Caribbean. 

Me: Oh my gosh, that is ridiculous! It is probably you’ll perchance perchance presumably also bask in been all over! I’ve finest ever been to The United States and that’s it. Now, rapid quiz, I bask in to quiz, raise out you look for Eurovision? I absolutely loved France’s entry this 365 days, it became superior!

Cècile: Lag I raise out. 

Me: That’s icy. How about motion photos, what would you divulge is the one you bask in considered most recently?

Cècile: Uh, potentially ‘Fight Club’. 

Me: I’ve truly by no formula considered that, however curiously there is a shot of Starbucks espresso in each and each scene of that movie. Anyway, song clever, raise out you are inclined to hearken to American stuff or French stuff?

Cècile: We hearken to American song.
Me: Are they in English, or raise out they bag translated to French?

Cècile: No, we hearken to them in English. As a rule I bag no longer impress them. 

Me: Oh gosh, I’d be the identical. The accurate song that has French in it that I impress is ‘Girl Marmalade’. So, even as you’re here, what places raise out it’s best to focus on over with in Australia?

Cècile: Uluru, the Sydney Opera Residence and the Harbour Bridge. 
Me: Awesome, I’ve by no formula truly been to Uluru. Whilst you bask in been here, bask in you came upon it laborious to focus on a unprecedented language the complete time?
Cècile: It is laborious to impress and to focus on, however I bag the language more clear-slash than French. 
Me: What raise out you maintain of faculty lifestyles here?
Cècile: It is truly diversified from France. It is truly icy. Folks are very originate minded. 
Me: I am chuffed Australia hasn’t been a disappointment. What other countries or places would it is advisable to focus on over with?
Cècile: Thailand, Fresh York, also Japan and Canada too.
Me: Fresh York’s the correct! I truly esteem it so worthy. So, when raise out you switch 16?
Cècile: 17th of January. 
Me: Oh my gosh, you portion a birthday with Betty White, that is so icy! Are there any motion photos it’s best to appreciate even as you’re out here?
Cècile: I bag no longer know, I bag no longer know worthy about the motion photos in Australia. 
Me: It is ample, we lovely worthy precise look for a bunch of American motion photos. How about food? Is the food here diversified to the food in France?
Cècile: In France, for lunch we consume a expansive meal and an entrée and dessert. Also, we consume at 9pm for dinner. 
Me: I stop up ingesting around that time anyway, however that is precise me. So what time does college construct?
Cècile: At 5 o’clock, however we finest bask in to hurry in the morning on Wednesdays. Even supposing we now and again hurry on Saturdays to raise out class. We bask in got a damage at 12pm and 4pm for 5 minutes for lunch and morning tea. 
Me: Oh my gosh, we all bitch about having to construct at 3 for 5 days per week! So even as you happen to’re no longer a college, what raise out you to on your free time?
Cècile: I could with my chums to window shop, hurry to the park and the cinema and apply sports. We also hurry to occasions. 
Me: That sounds icy. I lovely worthy raise out the identical diagram of stuff, , after I am no longer chained to my computer. Anyway, thanks so worthy for letting me interview you!
Cècile: No issue. 

So that is the stop of the interview! I got surprisingly pondering getting to raise out this, what’s atrocious with me? Optimistically my French readers could perchance perchance even enlighten, and the relaxation of us got to esteem the awesomeness that is France. Who knew Teenage Fanatic became so correct at promoting multiculturalism? After that interview, I critically can no longer abet however factor in Cècile’s everyday lifestyles to be exactly esteem this:

Critically, precise the complete time. Anyway, there is no favor to elongate this submit any additional. Trip are residing your lives! Til’ next time . . .

Annabel xx