IDW’s Revolution #3 – a M.A.S.Okay. Comics Overview

My sing for Revolution #3 arrived from and I was abruptly left with a dejected taste in my mouth.  Two copies with Rom on the hide – this could well be staunch, if I had been the slightest bit drawn to ROM.

Essentially the most productive things I will be capable to repeat you about ROM are –

  1. He used to be a character accessible as segment of Palitoy’s Action Man Location Ranger sequence of toys – so has something in current with one of the most opposite properties.
  2. James Gunn has mentioned him as being segment of Surprise’s Universe of comics from the 80’s and that he desire’s him in Guardians of the Galaxy.  This would form extra sense than him being as segment of the M.A.S.Okay. universe.
Why I was pissed off, is largely as a result of real fact this is rarely any longer the hide that I would ordered.  On-line, I’m taking a explore at the images and trying to resolve out if any enjoy M.A.S.Okay. characters or autos on them and these are these that I’m buying for.  I clearly bear in mind clicking on the one with Matt Trakker and another characters in toy packaging.

Going lend a hand onto their web space and viewing my sing, it’s showing that I’ve ordered this frightening ROM duvet.

I then had doubts and belief that maybe I would made a mistake.  That used to be until I heard Jason Unsightly from Brokers of M.A.S.Okay. pronounce that the same had passed off to him and since then, others enjoy furthermore reported an identical peril – mainly with online orders.

The peril is then worsened by the real fact I will be capable to not in discovering any stock of the M.A.S.Okay. variations.  I was in the Forbidden Planet shop in Glasgow on 23/10 (no relation to the online space, the set I would ordered my comics from).  They had plenty of disorders of quantity 1 and quantity 2 in stock – but I struggled to search out any field quantity 3’s.

I asked a member of crew and used to be told that there had been a producing peril triggered by IDW.  An relate, or is it no longer slightly as standard as IDW belief it used to be going to be?

I’m scared, if right here is correct, that IDW need to not showing any admire to their possibilities nor the Hasbro properties that they enjoy got licensed.  They’ve modified M.A.S.Okay. beyond recognition, they enjoy made errors when it comes to characters and now they are able to not, if right here is correct, even in discovering the correct comics out!

Very disrespectful.

Both that or they enjoy taken on board my comments that producing covers with no connection or relation to the humorous internal are potentially unethical!  I could well be to search out out if any individual genuinely has any of the M.A.S.Okay. covers.  Please let me know the comments or over my M.A.S.Okay. Comics Facebook Net page.

Again, esteem last week, in the Roll Call we now enjoy a image of Gloria Baker tagged as Vanessa Warfield.

Getting into the humorous, there genuinely is rarely any longer noteworthy to mention in the strategy of M.A.S.Okay. in the tale as they simplest feature in a few pages – Matt is whinging to Miles about the remedy of Kup and a scene with Sly and Vanessa speaking with Kup.

Wow!  How thrilling!

The leisure of the tale feels disjointed – as if it’s precise glued collectively to force a tale to interconnect the total a sizable choice of properties.

I’m no longer accustomed to Micronauts, but there could be one demand I would esteem to ask – they strategy from a “Microverse” and are identified as “Micronauts” but when they choice to Earth seem taken aback at how immense all the pieces is.

Enact they no longer know the dictionary definition of “Micro”?  Within the occasion that they do not know that they’re runt or enjoy any reference show their size, why is the observe “Micro” of their title?

Anyway, that is all genuinely inappropriate!  Even though I’m no longer drawn to the Micronauts, I reflect they had been genuinely the highlight of this field.  The Characters regarded slightly staunch.

Within the lend a hand of the humorous there are some character profiles – a couple are from M.A.S.Okay.

First up is Miles Mayhem or Miles “Mayhem” Manheim per his “steady” title.  Essentially based mostly on his bio – he has no identified relatives.  So, does this mean that Maximus Mayhem could well no longer be making an appearance?

Nonetheless then, if he did, he could well be known as Maximus Manheim and I doubt very noteworthy they would both be given the same “code-title” of Mayhem.  Max Mayhem is a FAR higher title!

Within this bio, we scrutinize that this model of Mayhem is precise genuinely a G. I. Joe model character.  Which is a disgrace.  IDW could well’ve strategy up with something a long way extra fashioned and impressed.

No disrespect to G.I. Joe, but I would pick on M.A.S.Okay. to be completely separate from this universe – but then, I would pick on the total properties to be separate from every other as they are immense as they are.

It furthermore mentions that he’s “Archaic Leader of M.A.S.Okay.” which would not form any sense, as for the 2d he IS the chief of M.A.S.Okay.  I reflect IDW are slightly premature on this bio and must composed furthermore rupture the M.A.S.Okay./V.E.N.O.M. tale line shock for recent readers of this humorous sequence sooner than V.E.N.O.M. has even been formed.  

Again, minute admire for the property.

Hasbro enjoy already bastardised M.A.S.Okay. twice – the vital time with Vor-Tech.  This is rarely any longer something I’m overly accustomed to, but on the Wiki Net page for Vor-Tech, it states –

In their war with the Bio Mechs, VOR-tech agents exercise particular laptop systems with VOR-technology that imbue them and their autos with particular powers.

In Mayhem’s Bio, it talks about technopathy that allows the characters to interface with technology.  Sounds esteem they are incorporating formula of Vor-Tech into M.A.S.Okay.  Which extra or much less begs the demand, why no longer precise enjoy Vor-Tech as segment of this Revolution sequence as a replacement?  That technique, M.A.S.Okay. could well’ve had it’s non-public neutral humorous that has no relation to any of the properties.

It furthermore states the this technopathy is proscribed to the vital hide that the person bonds with.  So does this mean one of two things –

  1. That every character will simplest ever enjoy one Veil?
  2. That characters CAN enjoy a few Veil but the technopathy is diversified permitting for the a sizable choice of aspects that every particular person hide has from the fashioned M.A.S.Okay.?
If the retort is quantity 1., that goes to originate a genuinely dreary premise.  The characters will simplest ever be considered in one Veil with one space of fatigues and could well no longer allow them to assemble extra.  That’s a disgrace.

It could well perhaps mean, on the other hand, doable new agents sporting Masks that others can even enjoy outmoded?

The following field is Switchblade.  Or no longer it’s described as an Apache Style Helicopter.  The original premise of M.A.S.Okay. is that the autos enjoy an alternative mode that allowed them to chase undetected – to hide in the civilian world.  An Apache helicopter fitted with weapons is rarely any longer precisely NOT going arrangement any consideration to itself?

From what we now enjoy learned about the brand new “younger” M.A.S.Okay. team, they are esteem the opposite bastard child of M.A.S.Okay. – A.T.O.M. or Action Man  A.T.O.M. in some nations.   A.T.O.M. is an acronym for Alpha Children On Machines.

It could well perhaps seem that M.A.S.Okay. is coming plump circle – Vor-Tech and A.T.O.M. are fixed with M.A.S.Okay. and now M.A.S.Okay. is a mixture of all three – with Cybertronian model tech with a depart-setter who has hyperlinks to G. I. Joe…..  How convoluted!

For the Matt Trakker Bio, we now enjoy mention of his Father and Mother.  His father will not be any longer the Andrew Trakker from the Cool piquant movie sequence and there could be not such a thing as a mention of his Brother – Andy in the preview comics or Joe from the UK Comics.

There could be mention of Matt being a genius by the age of 10 and constructing Robots.  As you will know, there could be not such a thing as a Scott Trakker on this sequence.  So they enjoy melded Scott into a 10 one year weak Matt.  Right here is such a objects of records that Brandon Easton has assign in as he thinks it’s a artful nod to the fashioned – #epicfail.

We then enjoy the humble generic backstory for Matt – his father dies, he goes off the rails, blah, blah, blah……  How time and again enjoy we heard this tale time and again again?

Brandon is even scared to exercise the term Masks – with out calling them helmets first.  If it’s known as M.A.S.Okay., then precise call it a Veil – straightforward.  

What invent I question of to scrutinize in future disorders?

From what I’ve considered so a long way in the comics and something else I’ve considered lately, I’m going to predict the next.

Within the M.A.S.Okay.: Revolution #1, artist Tony Vargas took time to arrangement the fashioned M.A.S.Okay. autos as we bear in mind them.  Then, on the last web page, the brand new autos didn’t enjoy noteworthy part to them and the set advanced to form out.

Within the last field of Revolution, we scrutinize these over the discontinuance recreations of our loved M.A.S.Okay. autos that scrutinize awful.

So, why did Vargas utilize so noteworthy time on the fashioned autos for a single web page?

A Revolution is a plump circle, and that i reflect he humorous will strategy plump circle and when the split between M.A.S.Okay. and V.E.N.O.M. occurs, I reflect Matt and his band of “rebels” will discontinuance up stealing the older M.A.S.Okay. autos that Vargas fastidiously drew in the one shot humorous.  This can even furthermore say why the covers are of the fashioned M.A.S.Okay. autos – so as no longer to confuse us older era – so we’re privy to it’s M.A.S.Okay.!

My 2d prediction, is that we look for that Matt Trakker can even, despite all the pieces, no longer be Matt Trakker.  Sounds queer, but right here me out on this..

I lately posted this over at my M.A.S.Okay. Comics Facebook Net page  with #SaveMattTrakker

Like many other fans, I’m no longer eager by the alternate to Matt Trakker.  Two reasons for this.

  1. Now we enjoy already bought a noteworthy African American character in the invent of Hondo MacLean.  Why no longer form the tale centre round him if we desire a diverse humorous?
  2. Matt has gone from being a rich white guy to an African American who will get into bother at a young age – the humble stereotype and on this native weather of #blacklivesmatter, I in discovering it disrespectful.
Anyway, after I made my publish, there used to be a pronounce made by Tony Vargas – 

“That’s undoubtedly Matt Trakker:)”

Before all the pieces I didn’t be taught too noteworthy into his pronounce.  He can even were partial to the fashioned M.A.S.Okay. and precise agreeing that this used to be Matt Trakker – but maybe no longer the brand new Matt Trakker. 

That used to be until I noticed a publish from Brokers of M.A.S.Okay..
Jason used to be giving a prelude to the vital three disorders of M.A.S.Okay. and the comments on Be troubled 3 caught my scrutinize and ship my head into a slump –

I enjoy speculated in my head that IDW can even elevate in a tale line that Matt Trakker can even genuinely be Hondo.  Probably IDW wished to originate a flow in the M.A.S.Okay. neighborhood – negative suggestions about the alternate to Matt’s ethnicity has for dart performed that.  Will get chatter and dialogue going lend a hand and forth – generates free promoting.

If “Matt’s” parentage is in demand, is he genuinely a Trakker?  Or, used to be a young Hondo adopted by the “Trakker’s”?

If right here is the case, will he inaugurate the exercise of the title Hondo?  More importantly, is there one other Matt Trakker?  Essentially based mostly on Tony Vargas re the image I posted on Facebook – “That’s undoubtedly Matt Trakker:)”!

Feel free to discuss and speculate extra beneath in the comments share and over at  M.A.S.Okay. Comics Facebook Net page .  I would furthermore indicate to you visit Tony Vargas’ Facebook Net page.

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