IDW’s M.A.S.K. Annual – Investors Beware!!

I’ve been restful for some time.  I’ve moved attend into the house and been busy with Christmas, Fresh twelve months, My son’s birthday and my birthday,

So, been very busy.

In actuality, I’ve no longer even read the closing anxiousness of Revolutions or any of the new M.A.S.K. Comics – but, leisure assured, I’ll fetch spherical to it sometime and offers you a review.

I had location up a subscription for M.A.S.K.: Cellular Armored Strike Kommand by the usage of but to my work address – no longer trot of after I’m able to even be attend within the house after I location it up.  So, I believed I’m able to also slip browsing ultimately of the past week and change my postal address and roar the variant covers that are being thrust upon us.

I could likely likely no longer accumulate my subscription main components, so I had to name their customer companies and while on the phone I definite to chat about every other couple of matters with them.

So, apparently, I had cancelled my subscription staunch a jiffy after I location it.  Now not definite how that would’ve took location.

After the considerations with the anxiousness 3 quilt mix-up – The ROM quilt being sent out moderately than the one I’m able to also ordered – I talked about this with the fellow on the phone.  He didn’t seem too by the mistake.  His response used to be that the valid comic is the an identical – staunch a trot quilt so would no longer truly subject.

And yet, IDW develop these various covers and promote these components – but it surely’s ample if someone makes a mistake?  I indulge in no longer blame as my belief is that this used to be a subject prompted by IDW.

Even as on their space, I’m able to also remembered someone sharing on Facebook that there used to be going to be a M.A.S.K. Annual out before all the pieces of the year, so I had a look for that as effectively.  And definite ample, and appropriate to indulge in to develop more money, there are no longer any lower than two variant covers.

So, indulge in most M.A.S.K. followers, I’m now compelled into shopping no longer one but two copies of this comic – that likely could likely likely no longer be that lawful anyway.

There are two issues that I observed concerning the quilt on the right.  The first could likely even most effective be my imagination having fun with techniques on me, but in that microscopic thumbprint image, would no longer the Veil that the actual person is wearing gawk a microscopic bit indulge in the aspect profile of Rhino?

The image above is probably going a microscopic bit bit clearer.

I’m able to even be interested to peep what my readers narrate?  Please comment below or over at my M.A.S.K. Comics Facebook Web page.

The 2d ingredient that caught my gape, is the belief to the left of the masthead….

Right here is being advertised because the “M.A.S.K. Cellular Armored Strike Kommand: Annual #1 (Subscription Variant)”.  However, clearly states on the image that here’s “Difficulty 4”.

So what is going on?

I requested the fellow at about it.  He wasn’t truly .  Or no longer it’s staunch the image that he claims that IDW send them to promote the comics.  The image could likely even or could likely likely no longer be the quilt of the comic that you would possibly likely likely even be truly shopping with your exhausting earned money.

I venerable the EAN number equipped on their page and chanced on every other on-line retailer utilizing the dispute same quilt for their advert –

So, I lift out take into consideration that this is also the case.  If it’s, why are IDW sending out deceptive files and why are no longer these sites confirming these main components sooner than uploading them onto their sites?

Or no longer it’s no longer as if or no longer it’s exhausting to peep it rather clearly states Difficulty 4 on it.

I significantly indulge in no longer know how considerations indulge in this protect going on!  Or no longer it’s an absolute shame and for folk indulge in me who must depend on on-line making an try as I are residing in a rural region I truly must belief that the belief I’m being equipped with is appropriate.

So, Caveat emptor folks, Caveat emptor – you would possibly likely likely likely no longer be shopping what you trust you studied you would possibly likely likely even be shopping.

#MASKComics #AssembleMask #MASKCrusade #DIC #IDWgetitfuckingright