Hyouka – Bagpipe Café Revisit

While in Takayama I also checked out the Bagpipe Café again.

Image from Episode 2 – 22m17s

The final time I absolute most practical bought some photos of the outsides.

Image from Episode 2 – 22m20s

This time I purchased photos within as effectively.

Image from Episode 2 – 22m22s

A whole lot clocks here.

Image from Episode 2 – 22m24s

Merely adore in the anime.

Image from Episode 2 – 22m25s

The café is named Pineapple Sand in the anime.

Image from Episode 2 – 22m38s

Chitanda enters the café.

Image from Episode 2 – 23m07s

And sits down opposite Hotaro.

Image from Episode 3 – 02m41s

Closeup of the clock on the wall the place Hotaro and Chitanda sits.

Image from Episode 3 – 03m58s

Closeup of Chitanda.

Image from Episode 3 – 05m09s

And no doubt one of Hotaro.

Image from Episode 3 – 07m01s

I purchased some cocoa, and it was as soon as served in the identical roughly cup as in the be conscious.

Image from Episode 3 – 06m54s

This is the counter. On the wall here they’d a Hyouka live action movie poster.

On the counter they’d Hyouka coasters and hand towels for sale.

As well they had a guestbook.

A whole lot signatures.

And drawings.

I signed as effectively.

Space procedure:

This place was as soon as visited on 2019/04/22.