How Sugar Sugar Rune’s Chocolat Kato Is Better Than Harry Potter’s Lily Evans?

The continuation of the put up title is “on the least when it comes to being energetic and keeping their friends or other folk.” This put up compares and contrasts Lily Evans from the Harry Potter sequence of books by J.Okay. Rowling and Chocolat Kato from the Sugar Sugar Rune anime and manga sequence by Moyoco Anno.

Chocolat Meilleure / Kato, sugar sugar rune, anime, manga, moyoco anno

Chocolat from Sugar Sugar Rune

Chocolat Meilleure / Kato (#ad) is the principle personality of the Sugar Sugar Rune sequence. The story revolves spherical her and her most difficult fair correct friend, Vanilla Mieux / Ice, being despatched from the Magical World to the Human World in reveal to compete in the Queen Resolution Contest. Their goal is to derive as many hearts as they are able to. Whoever gathers the most hearts will change into the contemporary queen of the Magical World.

Lily Evans from Harry Potter

Lily Evans Potter is the mum of Harry Potter, the principle personality of the Harry Potter sequence. She’s the wife of James Potter and the true fair correct friend of Severus Snape, the Head of Slytherin home and the Potions trainer in Hogwarts College of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She affords up her lifestyles in reveal to guard her son from the Sad Lord Voldemort, the principle villain or antagonist.

What Lily and Chocolat have in frequent?

  • Each and each are is named witches (even supposing the magic gadget of Sugar Sugar Rune and the Harry Potter sequence fluctuate)
  • They’ve wands
  • They’ve crimson hair
  • They’ve green eyes
  • They would possibly per chance also simply be brash and outspoken, presenting a fancy exterior (extra on this below)
  • They would possibly per chance also simply be energetic and priceless even supposing one tends to overdo it while the opposite doesn’t (extra on this below)

Sugar Sugar Rune episode 2

Within the second episode of the Sugar Sugar Rune anime, we can be aware that Chocolat appears to be to have the tendency to make spend of her powers for every limited thing. It be correct that she’s being all energetic about serving to other folk, however, does she in truth have to make spend of magic on the tumble of a hat?

As an example, when that guy modified into talking to the girl about ballet, how come Chocolat would possibly per chance no longer sort out that incident with out the usage of magic when she presented herself as a extraordinarily subtle lady? Moreover, why’d she resort to magic true away when the guy hasn’t even done something yet?

Snape’s Worst Memory scene in Harry Potter

When in contrast with Kato, Lily comes all over as passive. If Chocolat modified into being moderately crude or if she tends to overdo how she helps other folk, then Evans comes all over because the true reverse of that. Let’s take, as an illustration, what took plight in the Snape’s Worst Memory scene in Harry Potter and the Screech of the Phoenix, the fifth e book in the HP sequence.

On this scene, James Potter and his friends, the Marauders (Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew and Sirius Unlit), are bullying Severus Snape, Lily’s most difficult fair correct friend. Evans reveals up to “aid”. Why is the note aid in quotation marks, you build a search files from to? Because, per what took plight, it feels admire she did no longer in truth aid.

Lily talks to James, exhibiting off her subtle and brash exterior by telling him to discontinuance bullying her most difficult fair correct friend. But Potter doesn’t hear. He tries to blackmail her into going out with him (he says he’ll discontinuance bullying Severus Snape if Lily has the same opinion to transfer on a date with him). He even threatens to hurt her.

It make sure that James has no map of stopping what he’s doing unless Lily has the same opinion to exit with him. So what does Evans plan? She keeps true on talking to Potter even supposing it’s sure that modified into no longer working the least bit.

She’s a witch, she has magic, so why doesn’t she spend that to aid her most difficult fair correct friend? If she will be able to be able to’t sort out the peril on her possess, why doesn’t she call on her friends or the lecturers for aid? There have been so many things she would possibly per chance have done to aid Severus in want to staunch standing there and talking to James.

Lily doesn’t even spare a single note for Snape. She most difficult talks to him when he ends up calling her a ‘mudblood’. By then, she’s done “serving to” him. Within the end, she leaves him to his bullies and tormentors. So powerful for serving to.

Is Chocolat Kato better than Lily Evans?

On this regard, on the least, sure, Chocolat would possibly per chance also simply be acknowledged to be better than Lily. Because she’s no longer all discuss. She in truth helps for staunch. Perchance she makes spend of magic on the tumble of a hat, however on the least she makes spend of it for an true cause.

On the opposite hand, Lily is presupposed to be a lustrous and lustrous witch, so she’s completely in a position to in truth serving to Snape (as in the usage of her possess magic to free him) and yet she appears to be to be extra attracted to talking to James Potter, the bully. What does that direct about her?

Another thing to have in mind is how Kato is de facto contemporary to the Human World, so she’s no longer that shut to the girl she modified into serving to in episode 2. She’s contemporary to the college, and it’s no longer Vanilla Ice, her most difficult fair correct friend, who is in pain. And yet Chocolat helps anyway. If this modified into her most difficult fair correct friend short of aid, it’s sure she’ll indubitably aid.

In distinction to that, in Lily’s case, the one who is in pain is her most difficult fair correct friend. Severus Snape is presupposed to be her most difficult fair correct friend, however the come she “helps” him leaves lots to be desired. It be admire she did no longer in truth build that powerful effort into it. Her actions form no longer shout “most difficult fair correct friend”. They shout “random passer-by who made up our minds to aid, however then modified her mind when the person she modified into serving to ended up insulting her”.

For sure, it modified into her true to derive angry and angry when Snape called her a ‘mudblood’. But that failed to happen till powerful later. What would have took plight if Lily’s priority when she first confirmed up in this scene modified into to in truth aid Severus? What if she confirmed up and centered her attention on Snape to aid him? What if she most difficult had a pair of scathing phrases to tell to Potter and the Marauders sooner than turning her aid on them and the usage of her magic to aid her most difficult fair correct friend?

Unfortunately, Evans did no longer plan any of this. She looked completely allege material talking to James and essentially ignoring her supposed most difficult fair correct friend. Again, what does that direct about her when she’s supposed to be a form and nice person?

Your suggestions and opinions?

So, what plan you have confidence all this? Which one plan you admire better- Chocolat or Lily? Attain you teach Evans would possibly per chance have done extra to aid her most difficult fair correct friend? Attain you teach Kato makes spend of magic on the tumble of a hat?

– Pic is from; hyperlink shown above