How Does Fancy Work In Sugar Sugar Rune?

In episode 6 of the Sugar Sugar Rune anime and manga sequence by Moyoco Anno, we discover more regarding the code of the Magical World. But all the pieces is still basically confusing. Precisely how does worship work in this elaborate? What’s so confusing about all this?

The code of the Magical World states that:

“The heart is yours to rob. But you need to no longer allow your individual to be taken.”

Sugar Sugar Rune (#advert) episode 6 appears to point out that this code refers namely to humans, that implies that magical of us are it appears no longer allowed to tumble in worship with humans. But why no longer? What’s evil with magical of us and humans falling in worship?

sugar sugar rune, anime, manga, moyoco anno, worship, magic, hearts

I point out, humans don’t beget magic, so that they would possibly be able to’t gain hearts within the way in which that Chocolat Meilleure / Kato and Vanilla Mieux / Ice, the first characters, and your total varied magical of us can gain the hearts of humans. So, how can the hearts of the magical of us be taken then?

And what’s evil with having their hearts taken? From what we’ve seen as much as now with the humans, nothing evil happens to them even when their hearts are taken. They stunning lose the feelings that came with their hearts. But curiously magical of us can preserve inducing those feelings on the the same particular person repeatedly. Is that beautiful or what?

So, with all that acknowledged, precisely what happens when a magical particular person falls in worship with a human and why is that so evil? Why is that so evil that it’s no longer allowed and that it’s it appears against the law with a hefty punishment? What elevate out you instruct?

– Pic is from; link shown above