How Does Adore Work In Sugar Sugar Rune’s Magical World?

“The coronary heart is yours to rob. But you’ve got to not permit your comprise to be taken.” – Code of the Magical World in Sugar Sugar Rune

The above quote is from the Sugar Sugar Rune (#advert) anime and manga sequence by Moyoco Anno. It’s the code of the Magical World, but what’s up with this quote? Why is this the code of the Magical World? Why does the Magical World in Sugar Sugar Rune comprise this saying?

What occurs in case your coronary heart is taken? How does indulge in work in the Magical World? What about romantic relationships?

moyoco anno, anime, manga, sugar sugar rune, magical world code, experiences

Adore, what about Queen Candy (Vanilla Mieux / Ice’s mom) and Cinnamon Meilleure (Chocolat Meilleure / Kato’s mom)? Those 2 ought to comprise fallen in indulge in, factual? Didn’t they get married to whoever Chocolat and Vanilla’s fathers are or one thing?

Weren’t their hearts taken or did they not quit their hearts after they fell in indulge in? Or is that not the intention in which it actually works or what? How attain folks in the Magical World occasion then? Does it not bear their hearts? What attain you imagine about this?

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