Rising up, i had this neighbor whose name is Ndubisi.

He turned into as soon as older than me and turned into as soon as known for being notorious, repeatedly struggling with and being  derive headed. No topic how onerous his of us scolded and punished him, he level-headed remained unrepentant esteem a cussed nail.

His stubbornness led to his expulsion from his college and come what might, he received enrolled into mine.  No longer finest did he develop into my college mate but besides, turned into my class and seat mate.

His Other folks had pulled strings to compose this occur because they believed that since i turned into as soon as known to be high of my class, i’m going to be a particular affect over their son.

Since we were already neighbors,  Ndubisi and that i turned into chums in and  out of college. 

 (despite he turned into as soon as more of my elder brothers mate /finest friend).

We went home collectively from college and  vice versa besides to spent destroy time in every others firm. 

Ahead of his enrollment in my college,  i possess repeatedly been a scorching intention for bullies. I turned into as soon as taunted for my feminity besides to having correct grades. In-truth, i turned into as soon as nicknamed Mrs over sabi. 

However all that changed. 

This turned into as soon as because,  at some point soon, the ring leader of the bullies in my class whose name turned into as soon as Lawrence at some point soon, started to drag me alongside with his ruler while  calling me names.

Ndubisi who turned into as soon as sitting quietly beside me,   informed him to end demanding me . Lawrence who came about  to be the tallest within the class, shoved Ndubisi and made mockery of his height. (Ndubisi turned into as soon as short and stocky). 

“Dont strive me” Ndubisi warned as he started closing his e book. 

“This short-achieve is opening his mouth o” Lawrence declared loudly to the class which now drew everyones consideration.

“You are searching to take care of shut a leer at me? Are you infected?”

Lawrence hissed angrily  as he whacked Ndubisi’s head with a ruler and started to giggle alongside his correct for nothing  bully chums.  

Smart who Ndubisi turned into as soon as,  i started to beg him to chill down. However he did not  listen to me. He had already begun unbuttoning his shirt slowly.

“He needs to fight o… he’s pulling shirt” Lawrence launched making a mockery of him.

 I bet because he turned into as soon as a brand new pupil and short, each person in conjunction with Lawrence  underestimated him.

Ndubisi slowly stood up  and straight grabbed Lawrence by the belt with a firm grip and started pulling him in opposition to the door ordering him to “come originate air “. 

As Lawrence turned into as soon as searching to withstand, Ndubisi jumped and head butted him two solid times in only a 2d. Every person in conjunction with myself gasped on the thud the head butt made.

Ndubisi had now efficiently pulled his opponent originate air and each males started exchanging blows.

Lawrence kept swinging his arms aimlessly but with such force that it evidently had an impact the few times it colided with Ndubisi’s shoulder and head. Ndubisi on the more than a few hand, turned into as soon as tactful and had correct rush besides to intention. His blows the put fascinating and heavy and could perhaps barely scramble away out his opponent jaw.

Lawrence who clearly had now realized that he turned into as soon as no match in a fist fight in opposition to Ndubisi,  made an strive and grab him in hope to slam him on the bottom.

As he held Ndubisi’s torso to made a steal,  all of it straight away regarded esteem he turned into as soon as stuck to the bottom. He tried loads of times…every attempt more futile than the closing. His  desperate  combat came with a whincing that grew louder. 

, with the rate of a cat, Ndubisi wriggled out of his grip, head butted Lawrences abdomen  esteem a infected bull while concurrently grabbing each his legs. 

He literally swept  Lawrence off his ft which made him drop with a immense thud backwards . 

Ndubisi received ontop of him, locked his each arms alongside with his knees and started stuffing his mouth and face with sand and dust.

In the end, they were separated. Lawrence making an attempt esteem he had finest been salvaged from a collapesed constructing ache  while Ndubisi on the more than a few hand,  looked esteem he had finest performed a wholesome sport. He held a sportive almsot devilish grin on his face as sweat trickled down his solid soft chocolate skin . 

From that day onward, i had develop into untouchable within the college because Ndubisi now had develop into my body guard (of a form ). He turned into as soon as with me wherever i went and would even take a seat and survey me gossip with my chums  (who the put also girlie) at some level of destroy time. We turned into inseparable except ache struck. 

There turned into as soon as this guy in my college whose name is Edward. His father turned into as soon as rich and that made him standard. Edward turned into as soon as happy and had a large crush on me. He’ll send gifts and would pester my chums to talk me into accepting his proposal.

Even supposing i wasn’t attracted to him,  i come what might succumbed to the rigidity from him via my chums. He regarded fully over the moon by my acceptance  and his reward buying trippled. 

Ndubisi on the more than a few hand, noticed the closeness between myself and Edward  and started becoming so jealous. He stopped walking home with me and could perhaps moderately take care of at school at some level of destroy time than hang with me . 

I turned into as soon as puzzled about his habits that i had to scramble to his condo to confront him. 

When i requested him what turned into as soon as the topic, he refused speaking. He finest looked up alongside with his arms folded. I requested if it turned into as soon as on memoir of my new friendship with Edward

..that turned into as soon as when he exploded on me.

He kept announcing i must level-headed return to “my new fancy”. 

I turned into as soon as flabbergasted. 

” haba Ndubisi. … but you are no longer one naw?” 

He checked out me as if i had gone infected.

“Is that your excuse?… can no longer you bellow  me? …..Or did you put a matter to to construct with  me and that i said no?” 

He finest brushed passed me and walked away. Leaving me more puzzled.

Ndubisi by no scheme said the rest to me from that day onward. He evaded me esteem an epidemic.

The one year came to end and his famiy were to dash for the festive season. I slipped a season greetings card into his salvage on the day the college turned into as soon as closing for Xmas. I turned into as soon as tremulous of giving it to him directly because i turned into as soon as tremulous of provoking him.

Sadly,  Ndubisi did not return alongside with his family  after  Christmas. I realized he had gone to live alongside with his uncle 

Like a flash forward over 15 years later. I turned into as soon as visiting Lagos for a course when i all straight away met Chizoba (who occurs to be Ndubisi’s sister) in a traffic. She identified me first and important and screamed my name from her automobile. Out of enjoyment, we found a clearing to park our autos so  as to greet smartly.

She informed me Ndubisi has been asking after me and ethical there, she called him. 

Ndubisi turned into as soon as so enraged to hear from me that he insisted I build no longer pass an drag from the put I turned into as soon as. He turned into as soon as coming to meet me.

After what looked esteem without end in a 2d, a silver coloured vary-rover pulled up. A short heavily constructed bald man with scarred face  came out of the drivers aspect. 

It turned into as soon as Ndubisi. 

He level-headed had his cussed boyish grin and turned into as soon as dressed neat even supposing he turned into as soon as on shorts, T-shirt and slippers.

As We jumped into every varied’s arms in a immense hug, I  could maybe smell his obviously costly scent. His body turned into as soon as solid and muscular and if no longer that he come what might launched his crushing hug to leer at my face, i absolute self belief would possess  lost few ribs after fainting from suffocation.

Chizoba bidded us farewell and left us each to fetch up.

Ndubisi turned into as soon as so enraged that he wanted me to scramble away my automobile within the wait on of and force with him in his. He kept announcing I’m going to fling away.

We drove to his condo in an property spherical Ajah. It turned into as soon as a fenced duplex and pretty massive. 

As we stepped into his home, i turned into as soon as so awed on the furnishings that i turned into as soon as forced to put a matter to him what he did For a living.  Even supposing he said he “ran loads of firms”, my mind couldn’t succor but surprise if that intended kidnapping, Medication , theft or something shady. Ndubisi had the balls to construct the rest and moreover, the scars on his face turned into as soon as higher than ample proof that he turned into as soon as level-headed within the commerce of being inquisitive about ache or fights.

There turned into as soon as a lady already within the condo who he did not introduce. He requested her if she had achieved what he requested her to construct and she said sure.

This lady did not leer esteem a condo succor. She gave off the vibe of a “runs lady”. He requested her to served us meals after which informed her she will be able to scramble. She clearly looked disenchanted but by no scheme said a be aware. 

As she dissappeared thru a door, I  had to put a matter to Ndubisi who she turned into as soon as and if she turned into as soon as his lady finest friend. He laughed so onerous and informed me he has no time for that. He had 3 minute one mama’s and that turned into as soon as ample for him. None of them (in conjunction with his early life ) lived with him.

The woman later re-emerged; sporting a fashion that emphasized all her assests. She quietly said “bye” and left.

“A busy man must level-headed need succor spherical a condo esteem this … build no longer you watched so?” 

I did not know what to answer. I finest shook my head. Obviously, he turned into as soon as finest using desperate ladies as maids.

We went to his smartly stocked mini bar and started having drinks.

“So build you’ve gotten got early life?… wife? Or you now married now to Edward?….the put is that one sef? ….that Mr. Speak their have praises” hIs explain turned into as soon as heavy with sacarscim. 

My jaw dropped in shock.

I had fully forgotten about Edward and the drama that transpired decades within the past.

“Ndubisi you are no longer smartly. After how decades…You proceed to maintaining grudge”

“You fuck up o…..i direct” his explain turned into as soon as laced with damage and a minute bit of infuriate.

“How?” I requested. 

“You proceed to no opt bellow me nah”. He replied as his face held a smile that made it particular that there turned into as soon as nothing to smile about.

“Edward for don gash you tire….” he added as he took a sip of brandy; his eyes turned into as soon as glued to mine as he drank as if courageous me to lie.

He turned into as soon as in truth a jealous man.

I let him know that Edward and that i by no scheme had sex but he did not buy it.

“Does he possess a immense dick? Does he know options to fuck? Honest be actual. We are adults”.

Now; I turned into as soon as now clearly offended.

He turned into as soon as crossing the toll road by disrespecting me and I’m going to no longer possess it.

I informed him i turned into as soon as taking my scramble away as i grabbed my automobile keys and made for the door. 

Ndubisi ran earlier than me and stood in front of the door. He would no longer let me scramble away.

“What Is dangerous with you?…. so that you just are level-headed behaving esteem a lady?”

I felt esteem smacking the shit off his face but i knew I’d dare no longer.

He achieve his arms spherical my ribs and gently pushed me wait on to  the living  room. His body turned into as soon as so shut that i’m able to also in spite of every thing feel his body heat warm mine. Moreover, the palm of his arms were tidy, solid and in spite of every thing warm.

  In that immediate, my body started to react. I felt my dick tear  and I snappily achieve my surrender my crotch to quilt my now rising erection. He noticed and he started to giggle. 

“So am turning you on and likewise you are forming ehhhhh? ” he whispered as he drew nearer to me while his arms ran up and down my chest at some level of to my wait on. 

“Fabricate i repeatedly loved you from day one? Even sooner than i entered your college. However i did not know options to manner you because your brother turned into as soon as my finest friend and we weren’t mates.”

As he spoke, he edged nearer except our bodies now touched. As he gently pulled away my arms maintaining my now fully erect dick, his warm fingers cupped  my scorching throbbing cock. 

His respiration turned into as soon as now heavy as he caressed my dick.

I finest stood there- fully speechless.

“Was as soon as this in spite of every thing occurring or turned into as soon as all of it a dream?”

“Praise…” he whispered my name as his browrested on my chest. 

“Yeah?” I answered.

“Contact me…..please ” he pleaded. 

In all my life, i possess by no scheme heard somebody yearn for something or any individual so passionately. 

I felt his dick and OMG! !!!!! turned into as soon as it very  rotund, long and derive esteem an iron.

I finest kept announcing “wow” as i stroked his supreme dick.

He started unbuttoning my shirt and that turned into as soon as when i kissed him.

“Ohhh my God thank you” he moaned as we sucked and tasted every drag of the hiss material of our mouth. Tongues exploring as our lips fastened to every others.

I eliminated his shirt as he raised up his arms to give me room to construct so.

My shirt turned into as soon as already unbuttoned so i let it drop on the bottom.

As the sweetness of our mouth and warmth of our naked chest carresed, i started to surprise why  he held unto me in spite of every thing these years. 

We unbuckled every others belts and launched our straining dick from the bondage of our lingerie. 

Keeping his scorching solid rotund rod in my hand and feeling his warm palm wrap spherical my member made our kiss intensify. 

We stepped out of our clothes…..fully naked..other than for our wrist watches and few jewelry we had on. 

We hugged so tight; yet so gentle.

“Mhen…..at closing….” he exhaled.

“Bloody hell” i exclaimed as i looked down on the proportion of shaded meat i held in my hand. 


He turned into as soon as in spite of every thing massive. The greatest i possess ever viewed. 

“You esteem it?” He requested nervously as his arms caressed my naked body and stroked my cock.

“I esteem it so great” i replied. 

“Am chuffed you build”

We the put level-headed locked in our warm loving embrace when my phone rang. I in spite of every thing possess a particular ring tone for my boss so i knew he turned into as soon as the one. 

Getting my phone from my pocket, I  answered the willpower. Ndubisi’s arms level-headed rubbed me all the scheme in which thru as he kissed my neck and shoulder. I turned into as soon as so grew to develop into on.

My boss had a presentation the next day and wished to use some recordsdata from the office’s flash force which sadly, turned into as soon as in my possession so i had to scramble away straight.

Clearly, he turned into as soon as upset about the abrupt end of our correct time and so turned into as soon as i. I promised to be wait on straight if i’m able to also compose it and with more kisses, we each dressed up and that i took my scramble away. 

On getting there, my boss wished a serving to hand so I did not come wait on to Ndubisi that night time. However we kept involved at some level of- texting wait on andforth.

He urged me he turned into as soon as coming spherical the condo i turned into as soon as lodged later within the day and that i invited him to end by. 

Instinct informed me we’d with out a doubt fuck if he came to my hotel room so i did not are searching to take care of shut potentialities.  I feigned sickness so i’m able to also  scramble away the seminar corridor for my hotel and it labored. 

I sold some lubes,  condoms, showered, perfumed and completely douched in preparation for his arrival. 

Claded in finest my lingerie, i laid on the mattress anticipating him. 

Moments later, he arrived.  Once  he stepped into my room and saw me naked  (other than for my  lingerie ) , he smiled and started taking off his clothes. Kneeling on the mattress, I helped him remove his trouser while he handled his shirt. We kissed so deeply candy as i started stroking his precum dripping large dick.

His cock turned into as soon as so rotund,  long and derive. A protracted-established example of womb destroyer. 

He level-headed stood on the location he turned into as soon as while i went all fours on the mattress and took his penis down my  throat. 

It turned into as soon as a order to assemble him the total methodology down my oesophagus but I succeeded. 

Saliva dribbled down my chin as i choked on his meat complete heartedly. 

I tongued my methodology up his hairy abdomen to his man nipples while massaging his saliva moistened large cock

Ndubisi moaned in ecstasy as i munched his nipple esteem infected. After some time, he held my hand to end me from stroking his pole. I bet he turned into as soon as warding off cumming via wanking.

“Can we fuck?” He muttered shyly.

Lying on my wait on, I raised my legs up and opened my chocolate cheeks to repeat my candy cherry purple gap.

“Fuck!!!!!” He gasped with lust as he watched me originate to lubricate my now pulsating man gap.

I watched his thick long dick nod at my gap with raw vengeance. Handing him the condom and lube, Ndubisi sheathed his pole, rubbed some lube on it  and  hurriedly positioned himself ontop of me.

He turned into as soon as so desirous to assemble into me

The combat to assemble him into my honey pot turned into as soon as a no longer easy one cos his penis turned into as soon as a monster but we made it come what might. 

I in spite of every thing possess by no scheme felt my ass expand that extensive sooner than except that day.  His tidy thick  cock in spite of every thing over stretched me.

I gripped him tight for my dear life as he disorganized my intestine alongside with his heavy pole…..Driving deep into me with such passion, stamina and rush. As he fucked my gap,  his tongue equally fucked my mouth. I did not even possess the possibility to moan out of enjoyment and anxiousness. His kissing gave no permission. 

Ndubisi fucked me for with reference to an hour and Because his massive dick made sore and ache all the scheme in which thru esteem loopy, I turned into as soon as forced to put a matter to him if he deliberate cumming anytime quickly. 

“I will’t cum with condom” he replied with a smile while sweat poured from him to me.

I wasn’t on prep and had none of it with me so i volunteered to suck him off and he well-liked. 

I sat on the head of the mattress with my wait on pressed in opposition to the wall while he squatted in front of me to fuck my mouth.

He went inner and outside of my mouth as my aching jaw struggled to take care of its stretching skill.

Moments  later, he started to exclaim and shiver  ……”Open wider……originate…..originate…..ahhhhrrrrrssshhhhh……its coming out now…..oooohhhhhh” he sang with a choking tune-less stamp.

Whereas he sang, his milky nutritional vitamins flooded into my mouth. Generously Thick and very creamy to fashion. Since i build no longer think in wasting a correct meal, i did the honors by swallowing all of him.

After he caught his breath, we kissed for the longest time as we cuddled. Ndubisi slept off in my arms and quickly after, I followed.

It turned into as soon as slow when we woke  up. We went to shower collectively and drove off to eat. The total while we were talking.

Ndubisi wanted us to be weird,  he wanted us to fling clinical test so that we are able to beginning fucking raw (since he couldn’t  ejaculate using condom),  he wanted me to pass to lagos….In-truth, he wanted every thing. He turned into as soon as finest clingy and childlike.

After my practicing turned into as soon as over, i stayed few days in his condo sooner than leaving for Abuja (my unfriendly).

I build no longer know if in truth i’m able to date Ndubisi. I esteem him as a particular person, fancy his monster cock and his fancy making. However i believe that he’s into something shady for money because he could maybe no longer repeat to me in vital points how he acquired his wealth. He said he turned into as soon as a spare share dealer but after visiting his few outlets in lagos, even a blind fool will know his outlets/commerce can’t present him with the everyday life and comfort he has.

Written by 

Ultimate reward