Hi there, TOMMY – Create You Own A GUNN?
Copyright Harry Hyndman and linked & respective homeowners

Tright here’s a time in terms of one’s pretty most up to the moment previous when things don’t seem particularly system relief (basically because they are now not), and then, somewhere along the line, it in some unspecified time in the future indirectly and with out notice hits you that one thing you tended to gentle regard as a nigh-on ‘up to the moment’ occurrence basically took instruct quite so a lot of an extended time (and houses and neighbourhoods and pals and household) within the past.

Such was as soon as the case with my brother’s 1966 Christmas reward of Pedigree’s motion figure, Tommy Gunn.  My brother was as soon as 12 when he obtained this reward and it basically wasn’t very lengthy prior to it handed into my hands.  It must had been around 25 years later prior to I was as soon as ready to provide a change in my quest to re-invent as many items from my childhood as imaginable, and after I did, the intervening years vanished in a flash.

Originally, now not lower than.  Then it dawns on one precisely the gulf of time which has elapsed since ‘then’ and ‘now’, and it’s laborious to alter to feeling two a form of and contradictory notions at almost precisely the equivalent moment.  It’ll also fair basically feel love handiest the day long gone by, nonetheless you know it was as soon as for a ways longer within the past than that.  The capability of the human mind to permit opposing ideas to co-inhabit is mainly unprecedented.

But enough of all that self-indulgent philosophical tosh.

On the present time I took possession of a e-book called Tommy Gunn Collectors Data by Harry Hyndman and my mind straight returned to, first, 1966 (and ‘our’ long-established Tommy), then the early or mid-’90s (and my change).  I ordered the e-book on the fifth, it was as soon as (per a date within the relief) printed on the sixth, then despatched on the Eighth, and was as soon as supposed to be delivered on the thirteenth (the next day to come to come, Sunday).  Then as soon as more, it arrived this day, and I’m surely now not complaining about that.

There ought to gentle be other Tommy Gunn collectors accessible who’d experience this e-book, nonetheless in instruct of assert you all about it, I believed I will also let the spiel on the relief cowl talk for itself.  The new figure was as soon as on sale for handiest around two years (between 1966 and ’68) prior to metamorphosing into Captain Scarlet, so there are presumably deal of grown-united statesout there who by no system knew about him when they had been youth.  Palitoy’s Trek Man captured the attention (and money) of youth of the time, so I basically feel love I’m the member of an elite club who was as soon as ‘in’ on one thing that handed most others by.

Incidentally, that’s my contain Tommy within the last image.  Need to now not you jealous?  No?  You will need to be!  At the same time as you would prefer a copy of the e-book, soar over to Amazon and model the title into their search field.

(Click on on images to enlarge, then click on as soon as more for optimum size.)