Haruhi Suzumiya – Kobe

There might be 2 locations in Kobe that is shown in Haruhi Suzumiya, so I checked them both out.

Image from The Despair of Haruhi Suzumiya Part 1 – 06m19s

Right here’s at Kobe Harborland shut to Kobe Location. The structure on the left is the aged signal position.

Hare Hare Yukai / Welcome Unknown Vinyl Single Support Quilt

The cranes on the harbor here was once additionally shown because the aid masks of the Hare Hare Yukai vinyl file.

Image from Infinite Eight 1 – 19m52s

Image from Infinite Eight 1 – 19m46s

This picture of Kobe is taken from Kita Park on Port Island in Kobe. The closest position to the park is Naka Kōen Location.

Image from Fate/Quit Night time VN

Kita Park and the Kobe Ohashi Bridge that goes over the park are diagnosed for being shown in assorted Fate media as effectively.

Space plan:

These locations were visited on 2019/11/09 and 2019/12/23.