Handicapping the Harem:  Shota Edition


I hang never performed one in every of these in some time, primarily because there in point of fact hasn’t been a notable harem anime for just a few moons.  This one barely qualifies, because the well-known character is 12 and I am particular or now no longer it’s illegal in most civilized worldwide locations.  On the other hand, The Dorm Mother of the Goddess House will get the horse bustle medication as to who wins the heroic runt Koushi.

Atena (Athena):  Ostensibly the front runner (and mangaka self-insert), our accepted androphobe pulls the news.  She appears to be to be increasingly happy around Koushi, and he appears to be to be having non enormous sister feelings for her.  Possessing one in every of the supreme our bodies within the sequence, and espresso advise of motive, or now no longer it’s now no longer inconceivable that she might possibly per chance additionally lag wire-to-wire.  Cons?  Her nosebleeds when in shut contact with Koushi effect now no longer execute for a romantic evening.  Also, she’s a klutz.  Odds:  2 to 1.

Mineru (Minerva):  Our ethically-challenged angry scientist pulls an extremely tough 2nd put of dwelling.  It modified into as soon as her who stumbled on Koushi ravenous within the avenue.  She gave him a dwelling and a job.  She also pulled strings and got him re-enrolled in college.  For all her craziness, she does care deeply about Koushi.  She also acts because the head goddess when with the others.  Drawbacks?  She does trigger just a few stage one biohazards per week with her experiments.  She also appears to be resigned to Atena winning.  Odds:  6 to 1.

Kiriya (Valkyrie):  The sporty tomboy is most happy around Koushi, since she has youthful brothers at dwelling that she roughhouses with.  Slim and tasty, Kiriya is primarily the most drawing scheme regular that yow will stumble on on this crazy dwelling.  Koushi appears to be frigid with her, although she has a base dependancy of breaking walls and doors and striking him in arm bars.  Kiriya doesn’t appear assured ample in her femininity to severely compete.  Odds:  10 to 1.

Serene (Serena):  The dwelling’s alien Moon Bunny is primarily the X component right here.  Mysterious and frigid, she appears to be intrigued by Koushi, but doesn’t let on.  She has already demonstrated her powers by fixing Kiriya’s spoil and saving Koushi from intercourse-crazed coeds.  Unless we procure a better see into what makes her tick, she’ll live a miserable horse.  Odds:  25 to 1.

Frey (Frejya):  Will potentially be primarily the most a hit of the goddesses as a clothier after graduation.  Frey is problematic, as she is obsessed on cosplay and now no longer above committing assault to procure a reluctant person to participate.  Acts as a sidekick to Mineru, she ought to mild be an elder member of the dwelling.  The supreme I will give her is lengthy shot odds.  Odds:  100 to 1.

Sutea (Hestia):  This one is heartbreaking, as every body of her traits (place one) would on the total land her as a accepted.  She’s Koushi’s childhood pal whom she’s identified since kindergarten.  She’s his age and he’s very happy around her.  She’s on the total levelheaded and now no longer liable to nonsense esteem the other women.  Why is she citing the rear?  She’s a violent tsundere.  She takes out her frustrations on Koushi, then regrets it later.  That is the kicker:  she never apologizes or learns from it.  I understand a good quite just a few of ephebophiles online simping for her, but that factual exposes her because the fetish character she is.  Too base.  Atena might possibly per chance additionally use the competitors.  Odds:  1,000 to 1.

No winner:  I would impart this is likely, pondering the setup.  On the other hand, it in point of fact appears esteem the author is angling for an Atena procure.  No winner will most likely be my most smartly-most standard ending, as I effect now no longer understand this getting a 2nd season.  Koushi is too younger to be paired up with any of the women, with the exception of Sutea.  And I wouldn’t wish that on somebody.  Odds:  Even money.

This demonstrate is my responsible pleasure of the year.  It’s sportive, amusing and total of heat.  After tragedy left him homeless, Koushi has stumbled on a brand unique dwelling with a bunch of crazy enormous sisters.  I primarily have to mumble that this is my accepted demonstrate to phrase this season.