Garo: Honoo no Kokuin – Episode 18
As Leon grieves the loss of life of Lara, the be troubled of this loss
causes his shadowy previous to resurface. His previous is haunting and tempting him to yet
all as soon as more to present in to a life of arouse and vengeance. The visible of this scene
uses spatial depth and the symbolism of footprints to raise his inner

Footprints are bodily marks of the previous that issue the build we
were and the build we were going. With this belief in mind the footprints on this
scene can portray Leon’s connection to his previous, whether it became the vengeful
life that he as soon as lived or the life he spent with Lara.

When showing Leon’s connection to his shadowy previous, the
footprints were shot in deep advise. The three photos above issue deep
advise with depth cues such as one point point of view and footprints receding in the
distance. Deep advise tends to be more visually intense, which accentuated the ominous
nature of Leon’s shadow of the previous.

In incompatibility, Leon’s footprints connecting him to Lara were
shot in flat advise. This lack of depth and visual intensity produced a aloof
mood that is becoming to this mournful shot. This calmness also reflects Leon’s
aloof life with Lara.