“Those were the times, my friend, we concept they’d never discontinue…” is something me and a buddy extinct to order around the time of Mary Hopkins’ hit single of the slack ’60s.  Or per chance it modified into as soon as factual fair a small later (though now not by noteworthy) when my buddy and myself belted out these lines as we gadded about the streets having fun with ourselves.  (Good day, give us a rupture, man, we were simplest about 9 or 10 years used, no older than 11.)  On occasion, in later years, we would nonetheless warble bits of the tune, as it reminded us of when we were adolescents with perpetually seemingly earlier than us.

Those days did discontinue though, after my buddy joined the Royal Navy in 1977 and seemingly began to take care of me in lesser regard than beforehand.  Whether or now not it modified into as soon as by generally now not visiting me when he modified into as soon as relieve dwelling on leave (though he customarily did – as a ways as I know), or now not coming to search me after I moved the total manner down to Southsea (at his ask) for 3 or 4 months in the initiating of 1981, he perceived to be distancing himself from me as he immersed himself in his new existence.   Were there ingredients of his marriage that he didn’t wish me to be taught about (his essential other left him after about two-and-a-half or three years), or modified into as soon as he apprehensive that I would inadvertently ‘blow the gaff’ on the lies he instructed all people about himself if I met his new mates?

Who knows, however I modified into as soon as continuously puzzled as to why he bothered to invite me to talk over with (and even discontinue) with him in his new space when he evinced fully no inclination to bear anything else to form with me after I took him at his observe and permitted.  Likely his essential other had concept it a proper concept and he modified into as soon as simplest looking to ‘deal along with her sweet’, or even he concept (and hoped) I would never bring collectively, however whatever the cause, he handled me admire a scandalous smell for the total duration of my discontinue.  That’s why, without telling him of my device, I made a decision to bear nothing extra to form with him after I final saw him in a canteen in Haslar Health center in Gosport in direction of the discontinue of April 1981.

I final heard his direct in 1987 when it emanated from the speaker of my Panasonic phone answering machine as he pretended to be a Detective Chief Inspector within the Hampshire Police Force, so even his final phrases to me were a lie.  He factual wasn’t the identical person I would identified as a kid and teenager – or even he modified into as soon as and I would factual never seen at the time.

Anyway, as in style Crivs will most definitely know, 5 weeks within the past as of late, I learned he’d died around 10-and-a-half years relieve, so if there’d ever been a risk of me burying the hatchet (there wasn’t – I modified into as soon as too offended and upset in him) it modified into as soon as now long previous perpetually.  And but I obtain that I nonetheless bear fond memories of him when we were adolescents, kids, and young adults, and I if truth be told bear the next concept of who he looked to be then, than the absurd fantasist and liar he ‘grew to change into’ after joining the Navy.  Or per chance or now not it’s simply that my fond memories are extra of my childhood than of him, and he merely ‘advantages’ from the affiliation?

As I said, I final saw and heard from him within the ’80s, which is a hell of an extended ‘separation’ for two other folks that’d as soon as been such firm mates (or a minimal of I would continuously concept so) and confronted all forms of adventures side-by-side as we explored office structures, schools, hospitals, hotels, pub rooftops, and all forms of different locations (after hours) throughout which we may possibly possibly well also nonetheless absolutely never were.  ‘Facet-by-side’?  Smartly, that’s now not fairly staunch – he modified into as soon as customarily about a toes within the relieve of me as I led the manner, urging him to apply in my footsteps.

He modified into as soon as in particular about a toes within the relieve of me on the night we were jumped by a gang.  As I confronted as a lot as them he cowered at the relieve of me, then did a runner as I received belted over the pinnacle with a big bit of heavy wood.  I modified into as soon as outnumbered by a minimal of 6 to 1, so on that rare (and simplest) event, I concept it most efficient to apply my buddy’s lead and originate myself scarce, following in his wake as he disappeared over the horizon.  As a minimal the mountainous lump on my head received me some rupture day work the next day.  (This may possibly possibly’ve been around early 1975 after I modified into as soon as nonetheless 16, in my 2d job since leaving college.  It modified into as soon as a native Co-op whenever you were questioning.)

So in memory of happier cases, I dug out an used predominant college photo he’d given me relieve in 1978, copied it, framed it, and positioned it subsequent to an used predominant college photo of myself (identical college) on a nest of tables on the hall landing.  Mine, as you may possibly possibly obtain out about, is dim and white while his is in color.  I may possibly possibly well also’ve made it b&w to compare my pic, however why deliver him his moment to outshine me and keep aside me within the color?  Or now not it’s now not something he ever managed to form while he modified into as soon as alive, so I’m in a position to manage to pay for to be generous.

And there you’ve got got got it!  Two childhood mates who as soon as looked inseparable, sooner or later reunited, side-by-side – despite the incontrovertible fact that simplest in framed used photographs atop a desk in a hall landing.  Or now not it’s now not noteworthy most definitely, nonetheless it’ll must form, may possibly possibly well also now not it?

(Tiddely pom).


Any mates ever let you down, to the extent that you just fully disassociated yourself from them?  Advise all within the comments fragment, Crivvies.  C’mon, or now not it’s no fun if no-one joins in!