Four In fact Unrelated Commissions!

First up, a commission of Ma Hunkel in her superhero identification, Red Tornado! I drew this one in my bear natural style. (With a tip of the hat to Sheldon Mayer.) Or now no longer it’s miles a sweet space for me, a Golden Age character that in all equity cartoon-y.

And for one thing completely various–

It sounds as if there became as soon as a scandal at some stage in a chili cook-off fascinating retailer-sold chili. I became as soon as sent images of the oldsters alive to and now it’s miles a Cable #3 veil parody! Ha ha! Normal–

The following commission became as soon as a test for Loss of life from Neil Gaiman’s Sandman series. In an strive for give it my bear budge, I asked if I may per chance moreover encompass the original Doom Patrol (or may per chance moreover fair peaceable we jabber “Doomed Patrol”). Happily the reply became as soon as optimistic! I first chanced on comic books as a 5 year-primitive in a barber shop– Metamorpho, Metal Men, and Doom Patrol. (Hmm. Potentially the entire titles that did no longer sell on the dime retailer. They had been coverless.) I did no longer put any jokes on this one. (Until you put in concepts walking on sand in excessive heels silly.) In case you plan now no longer know, the Doom Patrol became as soon as killed in 1968 when their e-book became as soon as canceled.

And lastly, one more left turn– Rick & Morty poke thru Halo & Sprocket’s world! I became as soon as very a lot stunned that Rick, Morty, and Sprocket all luxuriate in the same more or less toes.

I luxuriate in one more H&S commission coming up soon, blended with a “practical” character. It may per chance moreover fair peaceable be enjoyable!
In case you can per chance luxuriate in by no system learn my Halo and Sprocket comics, you in actual fact may per chance moreover fair peaceable. Or now no longer it’s some of my most considerate work. On hand here!