Flying Phantom Sonorama

I’m a huge fan of the 1969 Toei film FLYING PHANTOM SHIP – I paid money money to luxuriate in it translated into English, despite the indisputable truth that its account of a extremely-evolved flying battleship combating neat adverse huge robots controlled by an wicked capitalist conspiracy masterminded by an undersea monster is evident-prick ample to rob, regardless of what language it’s in. And as a huge fan, I will be able to’t quit writing about it.

So when I noticed this Asahi Sonorama younger folks’s guide-and-file build among the many Kamen Rider singles and jazz LPs of Tokyo’s Kanda/Jinbucho neighborhood, there changed into no put a query to that it may maybe well well maybe maybe be coming home with me. And it did!

A extremely abbreviated model of the film, what makes this scratchy Sonorama single stand out are the unique Shotaro Ishinomori color illustrations. I will be able to’t secure ample of peevish Ishinomori watercolors of tattered crusing vessels looming ominously within the background as Hayato, our viewers-identification hero, bravely faces killer crabs and deadly relaxed drinks.

Now not that those build it onto this Sonorama file, in actual fact. Hey, even at 331/3 rpm you fully secure seven minutes per aspect, so something’s gotta secure minimize. However the fundamental stuff stays, including the mysterious cranium-masked captain of the Flying Phantom Ship, the robotic Golem, and its ending in a huge explosion (cue producer of “Bride Of The Monster”). The outlet song and song cues from the film remain, though the dialog is fully rewritten.

There are ample short Toei films from the leisurely 1960s-early 1970s to outfit a entire immediate of Flying Phantom Ships, and while most of them can’t boast this movie’s pedigree, they’re all rate a demand while that it’s possible you’ll maybe maybe also dig ‘em up. Till that day, nonetheless, expertise the scratches and pops of this advisor pattern.