Experiments from March 2023

I enjoy to shake issues up a little. I procure drained of drawing children and babies and myself each time, so I continuously try drawing other issues in a form of systems, the utilization of a form of art work mediums with a form of how. I could per chance per chance well now not possess gotten too a ways from what I on the general construct, nevertheless right here is as a ways as I got in March. This was as soon as the month Ollie and I were attempting out grinding our maintain pigments the utilization of rocks we stumbled on alongside the streets. We would possibly per chance per chance maybe mix the ground rocks with gum arabic and glycerine. We were learning from a YouTube video. I equipped an cheap muller from China and mixed it over a glass sheet. I broken-down about a of the dwelling made pigments in the pages right here. It works! Alternatively, I construct enjoy my Daniel Smith watercolours better as they’re stronger in color.

“Dinner sounds immense” as a consequence of I was as soon as fasting!