Esteem Live Sunshine – Kano Dome

Some other assert proven in the 2nd season of Esteem Live Sunshine is Kano Dome.

Image from S2E3 – 13m19s

Here is the attach the Esteem Live qualifiers are held in the anime.

My lens wasn’t extensive enough to salvage all the pieces in the the same shot, so right here’s the comfort of the outsides.

Image from S2E3 – 13m33s

This assert is all the blueprint in which thru the boulevard from the dome.

The dome itself perceived to be closed to of us who weren’t there to make spend of the companies so I would maybe well presumably not salvage any photos inner.

Image from S2E3 – 14m46s

I received this image thru the glass doors despite the truth that, and in addition you might be ready to see some matching parts of the stage.

Image from S2E3 – 17m40s

After the efficiency they flee out.

Image from S2E3 – 17m43s

To investigate cross-take a look at to fabricate it to the college start home.

Image from S2E3 – 17m48s

Now not sure if it be the excellent hedge right here, alternatively it be the one in front of the building all the blueprint in which thru the boulevard from the dome.

Situation draw:

This plight became as soon as visited on 2019/12/27.

Special in consequence of the ones who went right here sooner than: