Elated Valentine’s Day!

Greetings Blogosphere! Elated (delayed) Valentine’s Day everyone! I don’t point out to raise all you lovebirds down (kidding, I in point of reality fully enact), but I deem Valentine’s Day is an odd, redundant vacation. I do know the contrivance it appears to be, anybody ever who says the rest substandard about Valentine’s Day is clearly appropriate sad and bitter, but imagine it or no longer, this is no longer in point of reality in point of reality the case. I private one another day of the year to be like that, why February 14th notably? I essential desire the thought that of ‘desperation day‘:

But per chance that is appropriate me. Anyway, I belief I would enact unbiased a limited themed weblog put up (better slack than never) ranking a pair of of the most weird and wonderful Valentine’s Day playing cards ever made. Pleasantries over and completed with, here we whisk . . .


First off, you appropriate desire to just like the Spongebob theme. I point out severely, doesn’t it appropriate affirm romance? Who would’ve contrivance up with the premise to make a Spongebob themed Valentine’s Day card? I need to give them props for that. I’ve repeatedly belief that Patrick starfish had a obvious finesse about him, a wordsmith in his absorb lawful, and doesn’t this appropriate point out it. A perfect quote, an inspirational message, that lawful there girls and gents is art at its most gripping. Or no longer it is appropriate good. What more can I teach? A in point of reality quality card.


I need to claim, I’m a indispensable fan of this card. You’ve got got got to like its brutal honesty. For once, it addresses the elephant in the room. Seriously, what’s with the nude toddler with wings? How is that romantic? Cupid is severely one tousled dude. Infants private no jurisdiction on Valentine’s Day (or you know, any other day in point of reality). Also another component, what’s a baby even doing with a bow and arrow? That is appropriate a tad unpleasant, don’t you deem? I wager that violates some indispensable youngster security licensed pointers. This card doesn’t most efficient raise some realism to Valentine’s Day, it additionally occurs to be a secret marketing campaign for the rights of young of us, discuss in regards to the most efficient of both worlds (suck on that Hannah Montana). 


Neatly is no longer in point of reality this appropriate charming? I teach that if you happen to’ll be ready to’t name anyone a full idiot on Valentine’s Day, there is something inferior with the area. Seriously although, I’m no longer even partial to batman and I quiet secure this reasonably superior. Optimistic, it be no longer exactly romantic, but it absolutely’s sends a message (a extensive offensive message). Let me appropriate teach, if I had been to receive this, I might perchance be reasonably mad (let’s face it, that it is probably you’ll be to, it be reasonably frigid). 


Whilst you’re taking into memoir it, this is the most gripping praise you’ll be ready to ever give a particular person. This is fully a extensive nice card. All of us know Kanye loves Kanye even more than he loves leaping up onstage and interrupting of us’s acceptance speeches (which is a reason I will perpetually appreciate him- Taylor Swift need to quiet never be allowed to discuss, ever). So this is appropriate a extremely nice message. Yeah, it be hidden underneath Kanye West, but whilst you happen to look for laborious sufficient, you’ll be ready to search out the flattering comment someplace there. 


Will not be any longer this appropriate good? Even as a proud vegetarian, I will fully toughen this. What else screams romance? Chicken wings appropriate teach it all. Seeking to work out easy systems to admit your love for anyone? No tell, stop by KFC on the contrivance in which dwelling and secure a romantic bucket of popcorn rooster for 2. And you’ve got got to give the card credit ranking, it is indeed lawful that you just’ll be ready to’t spell wingman without flit, so no longer lower than it be got linguistics on its aspect.

Interestingly you private now reached the quit of my extensive brief, extensive random semi anti Valentine’s Day put up.

Now whisk revel in the comfort of your lives. Til’ next time . . .

Annabel xx