Disco Dragon ffffffour… ugh! (700+ pages?)

If you have ever long past hiking over a plateau or mountain in the direction of a wood cabin, that you must maybe maybe know that feeling of hiking over a hill thinking its the final one, but then there’s one more hill… that’s what its fancy making this comic!! lol.

I made the error of evaluating the production to that of ‘The Shagging Earlier than Xmas‘ which I made in 5 days, the supreme incompatibility is that the Disco Dragon 4 is the identical of 70 instances that minute comic! If no longer, extra. the series of persona interactions, every sexual and verbal, increases exponentially per persona enthusiastic, and there are 15 characters, once in some time grouping in 4s and even 5s. There is so MUCH going on!

In spite of every thing I’ve made some cuts to the distinctive belief, which is no longer a loss because its mostly solutions I will exercise in other comics. The whole necessary solutions for the DD are gentle in right here and there is a SHITLOAD of stress-free to be had. I could be pricing this comic a minute bit increased but actual DD possibilities will accumulate a eternal lower designate offer (I could check it first with other folks) so as that you accumulate the same designate as the change comics. That is to guarantee that folk either aquire the change episodes, or if they supreme desire this one, that I will gentle accumulate a minute bit return for the amount of time I threw into this venture! I gentle suggest that you accumulate the change episodes because otherwise you received’t understand this one.

Anyway I’m nearer to the tip than before but I’m merely jumpy to sing any originate date now. All I could explain is I are looking to accumulate this completed asap because I’ve to transfer on to the next piece of comic making, a piece I’ve been planning for years!!! None-the-less, I’m very jubilant with this comic up to now and can’t wait to originate it!!

Listed below are some promos!!!