Disco Dragon 4: Nearly done!

As the final renders roll in, I’m busy compiling and modifying the textual stutter and post-work. As it looks to be now, the humorous shall be ready for proof-reading in about a days! The humorous can also be going to be over 800 pages lengthy. Rather a lot happens in it and I desired to form it effectively because I is maybe no longer doing a stout orgy humorous devour this for some time, especially with a complex story occurring, with persona arcs getting developed and assorted issues coming corpulent circle. Here is the big one!!!

As said persistently before, I’m in actuality watching for releasing this humorous for many reasons. Xtina has been a attention-grabbing experiment since I first launched her back in 2013 (?) and has helped me develop my characters better. As a substitute of the real fact that the fixed struggle between Lali and Xtina is a LOT of fun to play with, I’ve been loss of life to level to Xtina’s prankish facet which has in point of fact been hiding in undeniable look for some time, it factual is dependent on the manner you seek at it. But I’m also watching for comics previous the DD, despite the real fact that I will maybe develop comics that straight repeat to the Disco Dragon. I’ve also set MANY issues on retain to wrap up this saga, so I’m in a position to’t wait to resume all these initiatives again 😀

Lawful times!!