December 15th 1973 – Shock UK, 50 years ago this week.
Resulting from Charlie Horse 47 and Killdumpster for their sponsorship of this put up, throughout the magic of Patreon

No one loves science better than the proprietor of this internet jam does.
Thus it’s that I’m thrilled to file it became once this week in 1973 that Brian Josephson shared the Nobel Prize in Physics for his theoretical predictions of the properties of a supercurrent through a tunnel barrier. In particular, these phenomena which could per chance well be on the entire is called the Josephson effects.
No longer simplest that nonetheless Geoffrey Wilkinson and Ernst Otto Fischer received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, for their pioneering work, performed independently, on the chemistry of the organometallic sandwich compounds.
Unprecedented as I surely like sandwiches, I’m perfectly fully happy to accept them being saved in retail outlets. I uncover about no the reason why they want entire compounds to store them in.
Over on the UK singles chart, the battle for Christmas supremacy reached overdrive, as Glam Rock gargantuans Slade smashed their means straight onto the Hit Parade at Quantity One, with their traditional occasion-pleaser Merry Yuletide, Every person. Off the head of my head, I build think it became once their sixth Quantity One. Though, sadly, and surprisingly, it also turned out to be their final.
Over on the accompanying LP chart, occasions were dominated by a long way much less rowdy fare, as David Cassidy’s Desires Are Nothin’ More Than Needs climbed serenely to the head.

The Mighty World of Shock #63, Hulk

Or now now not it’s one other Shock masterpiece, as the aliens who created Umbu – the robot the Hulk destroyed, final week – consult with Earth to search out out factual what more or much less a being could per chance perhaps close their unstoppable creation.

They then accomplish the error of taking him motivate home, the build apart he’s going to also be recruited in a design to slay the Galaxy Grasp, a shouty, floating mouth who needs to rule the universe.

And, as all of us know, if there is any individual who’s never seen a gob he didn’t desire to punch, it is the Hulk.

Nonetheless, after that myth, there is a shock.

And that is as a consequence of this recount would now not possess a Incredible Four account.

As a replace, it accommodates the criminal myth of the origin of Dr Doom, whereby we be taught how he started out as a dejected younger Romany boy, lost his mum, lost his dad, invented hair restorer, turned mud into gold, invented the bomb-proof caravan, blew himself up and ended up seizing the worthy-coveted throne of Latveria.

The Avengers #13

Or now now not it’s recount #13 and it’s unlucky for some.

These Some being followers of Iron Man, Extensive-Man and Thor who all say they’re leaving the crew they created.

Unusually, the quilt blurb fully ignores the existence of the winsome Wasp who’s also leaving. Nonetheless how will the crew ever live on with out her?

Easy. It is going to live on by recruiting a trio of current criminals.

Dr Unfamiliar, in the period in-between, stars in a myth called Mordo Have to No longer Obtain Me!

And I will wager, from that title, that Baron Mordo’s concerned.

Spider-Man Comics Weekly #44

And it’s one other traditional, as Peter Parker decides he shall no longer be Spider-Man.

No longer now now not as a lot as, now now not except he sees a particular person who appears to be like like Uncle Ben being assign upon by robbers and, so, feels he has no selection nonetheless to intervene.

No longer simplest does this account possess that historical match nonetheless I build think it can per chance perhaps very smartly be the first recount of any Shock amusing to feature the mountainous menace of the Kingpin.

In other locations, Thor visits the steel mills of Pittsburgh, to repair the hammer broken, final week, by the Destroyer.

Then all over again, the verbalize god’s worries have simplest factual begun, as he quickly discovers Jane Foster’s gone lacking. 

And I build think that is a form of very rare cases when Shock UK continuity stacks up as a consequence of, at one point, he tries to contact the Avengers for support – simplest to stare that almost about all of them have stop and been replaced by unusual-fangled rookies he would now not like.