Complications With The Sugar Sugar Rune Magic Machine

The Sugar Sugar Rune anime (#advert) and manga series by Moyoco Anno has an gripping and attention-grabbing magic design. Sadly, there are some considerations with it. What are these considerations? What’s substandard with the magic design of this show?

Chocolat Meilleure / Kato, Vanilla Mieux / Ice, magic design, sugar sugar rune, anime, manga, moyoco anno

Lack of information

Sugar Sugar Rune’s magic design would had been so great extra attention-grabbing if we had extra facts about it. The Magical World has all these cold issues and the characters with magic can attain all sorts of issues, however we viewers infrequently perceive how any of this works.

We barely know one thing else. Quite great nothing is expounded or elaborated on. And or no longer it’s this kind of disgrace. On story of this info would prefer added to the area constructing of Sugar Sugar Rune.

Wands in Sugar Sugar Rune

Among the magical characters in Sugar Sugar Rune like wands. This contains Chocolat Meilleure / Kato, the first personality, Vanilla Mieux / Ice, her handiest friend, and Queen Candy, the fresh queen of the Magical World and the mom of Vanilla. The inquire of now might per chance well per chance be attain the filled with us from the Magical World like wands or is it handiest the witches or women folks?

Rockin’ Robin, Chocolat and Vanilla’s guardian within the Human World, is additionally from the Magical World. He has magic, however, to this level, now we like by no manner seen him with a wand. Is it on story of he is male? There’s additionally the fact that the wands now we like seen to this level all discover about plenty of from each and every other. For occasion, Kato’s wand is topped with a heart whereas Ice’s has a diamond. But why is that? We make no longer know. There’s no longer any rationalization in any appreciate.

Which is de facto too depraved on story of this might per chance well additionally had been in point of fact attention-grabbing. This can additionally had been an opportunity for us to discover extra about the Magical World of Sugar Sugar Rune as neatly as how the magic in this world works. I mean, let’s rob a discover about at the Harry Potter series of story books by J.Okay. Rowling for comparison.

Your entire magical characters within the HP series like wands, no longer honest the females. Their wands are a similar too in that they are made of wood and a core. The invent of wood and core as neatly because the scale of the stick might per chance well per chance additionally honest differ, however that is on story of ‘the wand chooses the wizard’. As we can discover about, within the HP series, there are solutions for these items. Now not like that, Sugar Sugar Rune reputedly has no solutions in any appreciate, so the Magical World in this series would no longer feel as fleshed-out.

Spells in Sugar Sugar Rune

It appears to be just like the magical characters in Sugar Sugar Rune can utilize magic by pronouncing an incantation. For occasion, in Chocolat’s case, she says the phrases, “Sugar Sugar Rune Choco Rune” after which stuff occurs.

In Vanilla’s case, she says the phrases, “Sugar Sugar Rune Vani Rune”. The effort with here is that this incantation appears to be like to be able to doing somewhat great one thing else. At any time when the characters have to make utilize of their magic, they exclaim these phrases.

What are the foundations? What are the limits? Does this mean they can attain one thing else? Again, we make no longer know for the reason that show would no longer appear to care about all these little print unlike within the Harry Potter series the save there are plenty of sorts of spells that allow witches and wizards to realize plenty of issues.

So, as an instance, whenever you are looking out for to bring together one thing drift, which you might well exclaim “Wingardium Leviosa” and no longer “Alohomora” or one thing. In the HP series, there’s a manner to these items. Too depraved or no longer it’s no longer admire that in Sugar Sugar Rune.

Magical outfits in Sugar Sugar Rune

Chocolat and Vanilla like magical outfits. It appears to be like they can’t utilize their magic with out remodeling. To transform, they utilize the explicit same incantation they utilize at any time when they are making an strive to make utilize of magic.

The inquire of is how reach they have to be in a magical outfit prior to they can utilize their magic? We like seen Robin utilize his magic with out having to transform and alternate his clothes. So is it that handiest women folks have to transform prior to being in a neighborhood to make utilize of their magic? Who knows?

Your solutions and opinions?

What attain you suspect about all this? What attain you suspect about the magic design of Sugar Sugar Rune? Cease you peep it lacking? Cease you suspect it might per chance well per chance additionally had been so severely better and additional attention-grabbing had we been given extra facts about it and had it been fleshed-out some extra?

I focus on extra about this in this submit here on my Tumblr weblog. I might per chance well like moved this one here on Anime Archives (Anime Meta) too, on the opposite hand or no longer it’s already got some comments and notes there, so I determined to protect it there indefinitely. I’m declaring it here for reference because the remainder of the anime posts on there will sooner or later be moved here.

– Pic is from; link shown above