Complications With The Exercise Of Spells In Sugar Sugar Rune

After seeing the first episode of the Sugar Sugar Rune anime sequence by Moyoco Anno, all I can sigh is that the magic scheme in acknowledged demonstrate is extraordinarily confusing, to roar the least. Seriously, what’s with the spells or the utilization of spells?

(*Warning for possible spoilers for episode 1 of Sugar Sugar Rune)

sugar sugar rune, anime, manga, moyoco anno, magic scheme

Chocolat Meilleure / Kato veteran the spell or incantation “Sugar Sugar Rune Choco Rune” to remodel into her magical witch outfit.

However we can’t in point of fact sigh that the above spell is easiest for transformation capabilities due to the the next:

  • Chocolat tries to summon the guard dog of hell
  • She tries to forestall herself and her easiest buddy, Vanilla Mieux / Ice, from falling out of the sky when they first arrived in the Human World

Bet what spell she uses to withhold out the above tasks? Yep, it’s soundless “Sugar Sugar Rune Choco Rune”. So, what’s with that spell then? What is it for? Some all-around spell or one thing?

That’s no longer the spell that Robin uses although (as an illustration, he says, “Fleur Tempete,” when he summons vegetation to catch Chocolat and Vanilla and prevent them from falling to their deaths), which implies that “Sugar Sugar Rune Choco Rune” isn’t an all-around spell and that there are in point of fact a amount of other spells.

However if that’s the case, then how reach Chocolat easiest uses that spell? We are in a position to roar that maybe that’s attributable to that’s the splendid spell that she knows, but that doesn’t solution the ask of exactly what that spell is for. The negate of that spell:

chocolat kato, vanilla ice, sugar sugar rune, anime, manga, moyoco anno

So, what’s up with that? It’s so queer and confusing, isn’t it?

Let’s overview and distinction that with other sequence like, as an illustration, the Harry Potter sequence by J.K. Rowling. The witches and wizards in acknowledged sequence negate spells too.

However there are spells for every thing and each of these spells hold a just, so if, as an illustration, you sigh, “Wingardium Leviosa,” you’ll have the capability to construct objects waft or levitate.

However that’s all you’ll ever have the capability to withhold out. That that you simply must per chance’t negate the the same spell to withhold out other issues like, sigh, birth and release doors (you’ll have to make negate of the “Alohomora” spell for that).

So, as we can survey, in the HP sequence, every spell has a just. However what about in Sugar Sugar Rune? How does it work in that anime? What carry out you secure?

– Both Sugar Sugar Rune pics are from; links confirmed above