Color Correction-Digitally Correcting Watercolor Pages Fragment 1

I most continuously focus on day after day funny and art direction of on my Twitter, sharing what I’m working on whereas I’m working on it.  All over the previous couple of years, I’ve also began sharing tutorials by job of Twitter– using screencaps and explaining as I’m going.  Twitter is irritating to search as an archive, so I believed I may well per chance well share one of the most higher threads right here on the blog, for folk who don’t apply me on Twitter, and even can now not safe the threads.

Raw Scan Vs Performed Page
Correcting used media digitally takes be aware and some finesse, nonetheless as soon as you’ve a routine down, it turns into noteworthy more uncomplicated.  I have not talked about digital corrections so a lot of on the blog, largely because it’s comely a wretchedness for me to document.  I may well per chance well prefer to resolve that by sharing some of these Twitter tutorials over the following couple of weeks.
Lovely now, there is now not actually an natty approach to share my tweets, so I hope you guys will undergo with me and endure the ugliness.  Tweet threads are also linked, for a extra organic approach to pursue the arena.  You do now not desire a Twitter account to search out the threads.  To peek the photos, I HIGHLY counsel clicking the supplied links- Twitter is ready to reduction up neat variations of the photos so that that you can sight what’s occurring on, whereas Blogger can now not.  I’m in a position to now not rehost the photos, as Twitter saves files as Neat JPEGS, which no other service (including Blogger) acknowledges as a image structure.
These examples are from a form of chapters in 7″ Kara Volume 2 and quilt a differ of corrections I carry out when digitizing pages. 
When making corrections, I prefer to employ Photoshop.  While other graphics programs may well per chance well provide the option to most of these adjustments, I’m now not familiar ample with them so that you can murder extra reasonable decisions.  For these who’ve any journey- please be at liberty to contact me about a guest put up!
Scanning Pages
After I began 7″ Kara, I ancient a smaller Canon scanner designed for scanning movie strips.  It does an very just correct job scanning, nonetheless usually has peril with higher photos.  At the time, I may well per chance well scan in two halves, and employ Photoshop’s Automated Picture Merge choice to test out to stitch them together.  In total, this direction of would fail, and I may well per chance well delight in to test out to stitch them together digitally- a time ingesting and irritating direction of.
Joseph bought me a neat structure Epson scanner as an engagement instruct.  While I enjoy my scanner, and the neat structure makes lifestyles a LOT more uncomplicated, it’s a $2000 minimal funding, so it is now not something I may well per chance well counsel straight off the bat.
I scan my watercolor funny pages at 600DPI (dots per poke) which makes for colossal files, nonetheless permits for higher fidelity photos which would per chance per chance well be more uncomplicated to merely than their 300DPI counterparts.
Overview of my Color Correction Route of: 
Reproduction normal layer, shroud first layer.  Reproduction that duplicate, and shroud the principle duplicate.  All color adjustments will likely be made on this third duplicate.
Changes- Hue/Saturation
Switch it over to the left a pair pegs, as my scanner tends to scan hotter
I may well per chance well additionally extend the Saturation a piece, as usually my scanner desaturates
Reproduction this adjusted duplicate, dwelling the duplicate to Multiply underneath Color Modes.  Decrease the opacity down to most continuously spherical 15%- I most continuously study this to the Customary watercolor.  
Color Correcting Scans 

Adjusting and Accomodations for Intense Colours

This is half one of a four half series on digitizing, correcting, and lettering watercolor funny pages!  For these who may well per chance well very effectively be drawn to extra in regards to the digital facet of my watercolor art, please let me know- I’m jubilant to set apart extra tutorials that showcase that facet of the approach.  For these who revel in my art, we’re preparing to open the Kickstarter for Volume 2 of 7″ Kara!  Nearly about all of the art in this watercolor correction series is from Volume 2.  For these who Practice us on Kickstarter, Kickstarter will mean that it’s likely you’ll know when the mission has launched!  And must it’s likely you’ll per chance well very effectively be drawn to studying extra about 7″ Kara, I delight in a mailing list that talks about 7″ Kara in depth.