Cho Chang (Harry Potter) Versus Hakkai (Saiyuki Sequence)

Harry Potter is a 7-e book circulate, adventure, and chronicle series about wizards, witches, and magic. It became once written by J.K. Rowling. The books dangle been adapted into an eight-section movie series by Warner Brothers Images. The story is about the life of the title personality and the procedure he deals with the pains and challenges that attain his procedure as he tries to keep the Muggle and Wizarding Worlds from the Darkish Lord Voldemort, the antagonist or villain.

Saiyuki is an anime and manga series created by Kazuya Minekura. It stars 4 males as the protagonists. They’re on a shuffle to the west in deliver to discontinue the resurrection of Gyumaoh, the Demon King. Along the trend, they stumble upon assassins and demons who try to discontinue them from reaching their purpose. They’re also confronted or favor to take care of their tragic pasts.

cho chang, cho hakkai, harry potter, saiyuki, anime, manga, books, films, j.okay. rowling, kazuya minekura, warner brothers shots

What the two series dangle in overall?

One of many things that the two aforementioned series dangle in overall is how they each and every dangle a personality who dangle the the same title. The title in seek files from is “Cho”. The characters in seek files from are Cho Chang from the Harry Potter series and Cho Hakkai from the Saiyuki series. It’s keen to remark that the Cho in Chang’s title is de facto her first title whereas the Cho in Hakkai’s title is de facto his remaining title.

Cho Hakkai from Saiyuki

Cho Hakkai (#advert) is de facto one of the most 4 important characters of the Saiyuki series. He has brown hair and inexperienced eyes. He’s a extremely good particular person that gifts a gentlemanly nature. He could per chance even be considered as fine indispensable continually smiling and being overjoyed. He’s legitimate, observant and an skilled at cooking.

But you shouldn’t underestimate him because he’s in actuality a human-turned demon and likewise you wouldn’t desire to be up in opposition to him in the battlefield. He’s a force to be reckoned with. He additionally has a extremely darkish and tragic previous, hiding his pains on the help of his smile.

Cho Chang from Harry Potter

Cho Chang (#advert) is a witch and a scholar at Hogwarts College of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She is the Seeker for the Ravenclaw Quidditch crew. She is asserted to be very radiant and he or she’s somewhat standard. Even Harry Potter, the important personality of the HP series, had a crush on her and they also went out for a short time in the fifth e book, Harry Potter and the Portray of the Phoenix.

Chang looks to be somewhat morose and melodramatic, to not hide angsty, even supposing this could per chance very well be because her boyfriend, Cedric Diggory, had been murdered terminate to the end of e book 4, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

Extra similarities between Chang and Hakkai

With the exception of the title that they share, both Chos are additionally equivalent in that they’re realistic. Chang became once sorted into Ravenclaw Condo in Hogwarts, which became once said to be the house for orderly folk.

On the unreal hand, Hakkai helps Genjo Sanzo (one of the most important characters of the Saiyuki series to boot to the chief of their neighborhood) design for their shuffle equivalent to deciding where they need to glide next, and so forth.

Your favourite Cho?

So, who’s your favourite Cho? Which that you will be in a design to share your thoughts and realizing by taking the rapidly pollbelow. Know one more Cho or treasure one more one who isn’t always talked about right here? Be at liberty to remark us about this personality. Level out their title and the series they’re from in the feedback allotment below.

Aside: this put up is section of the Names Sequence, a series of short articles intended to showcase some characters who factual happen to share the the same title even in the occasion that they’re from a quantity of reveals and series.

– First pic is a screenshot of the favourite Cho pollfrom my Notion Stage fable. It became once created on 08 Nov 2014
– Pics from that screenshot and from the pollare from; hyperlinks shown above
– This became once beforehand published someplace else