Blackhawk, Lady Blackhawk and the Femmes Fatale

 I wrote a long time ago about the saga of Lady Blackhawk, one of many female characters that DC supplied in the leisurely 1950s to take a ogle at to score extra ladies to read their magazines. Zinda Blake used to be an aviatrix who aspired to change into the key distaff member of the Blackhawk family. Unfortunately for her, Blackhawk himself used to be slow space against it, and as a minimum in her initial look she proved to be no longer fairly ready for primetime when she did the eekamouse routine.

Nonetheless, she returned in total and proved herself unprecedented.  Then in Blackhawk #200 she lost her memory and admire turn into the villainess, Queen Killer Shark, pairing up with the crew’s worst enemy for the following two years or so, before at closing improving (quickly before the Blackhawk sequence ended).

I’ve constantly had a tender pronounce in my heart for Lady Blackhawk, and so when a author named Kevin Ahearn asked me to read his Lady Blackhawk comic, I used to be intrigued and clicked on the link. And browse by the full tell in one trip.  I score no longer wish to score caught up in summarizing it, however it surely’s in actuality frosty. Kevin has set up together an sizable sequence of pictures, linked them with his writing, thrown in popular culture and history and technical references in a collage that ends  up being a history of the Blackhawks, besides to a “her” memoir about Zinda and her quest to affix the crew.  I had a blast reading it and hope that you people will as properly.  Please in actuality feel free to proceed comments for Kevin right here.

As it befell, I had been engaged on a post about Blackhawk and ladies, so the timing used to be upright as properly.  My bear private sequence of Blackhawk concerns used to be all 1960s concerns, so besides a pair of reprints I in actuality hadn’t read unprecedented of the Quality tales. And since Quality published upright up to the quit of 1956, there are technically a form of concerns that I be conscious of to be in the Silver Age.

So I space out to read those concerns, and I found something fairly startling, which sheds a brand original mild on why Blackhawk might well well maybe also unprejudiced had been suspicious of Lady Blackhawk. All I can mumble is that you’d be suspicious too even as you happen to’d had the expertise with ladies that he had, especially with ladies who professed to just like the crew.

Set up in mind Blackhawk #87. An very ideal younger flier crashes on Blackhawk Island:

Blackhawk at this point used to be no longer the feminine skeptic that he would later change into, and this gal goes a long formula to showing why he moved straight away in that route:

That very same ache:

 You imply my uncle?  Plug, however I’m no longer a Nazi submarine commander myself.  Oh, wait, I totally am.


In Blackhawk #90, the crew rescues a gal from the Reds:

Colorful lady? Test. Professes to just like the Blackhawks? Test. Turns out to be snide?

Test.  Name ends in “a”? Test.

In Blackhawk #93 we meet Sirena:

Although she as a minimum never pretends to be the rest besides a commie rat.


And in #94, the Sunless Widow trapped the Blackhawks in her web:


One must like how developed the Soviets had been of their treatment of girls, who had been constantly being given positions of power.  In Blackhawk #95 the gals took over fully. First there used to be the commie pirate Madame Fury:

And then the extra fittingly named Terra:

and closing with Lahla of the barren pronounce:

Blackhawk #96 featured Madam Furia:

And another beauty who tried to cancel Andre:

#97 had two extra lady killers, Vampira:

And Hitla, a gal who claimed to be Adolf’s daughter:

She pretends to be main a revival of the Nazis, however secretly she is helping a communist invasion. Her residing is foiled by Hendrikson, who gets in a fairly factual dig:

That is even before we train about Communa and Zera and Dr Leza and Vendetta.  Set up in mind that is all throughout about a 12 months and a half of.

 And issues did no longer fully commerce when Blackhawk transformed to DC.  In #109 they met Maria, the daughter of communist progressive. She before every thing betrays them, however rebels when she learns they are to be carried out and repents her snide previous.

However per chance the clincher got right here in Blackhawk #110. As soon as again, the Blackhawks met a fairly gal who pretended to be a mammoth fan:

Plug, we like you Blackhawks so unprecedented, would mind strolling over this trapdoor right here?

So in any case that, is it in actuality terrifying that Blackhawk used to be fairly of cynical about Zinda?