“Beach Gain together”

Our first myth, from the well-known Beach Gain together in 1954, is the final observe one which I of course read as a baby: it used to be the final observe Disney Large that used to be part of my dad’s vulnerable sequence.  Dart figure.  , I criticize these items plenty, nonetheless they were clearly doing something honest appropriate.  I’m definite I’ve wisely-known on a few events that although the tales in Duck Albums are now now not regularly any immense shakes, the theorem that, indisputably, indisputably resonated with me.  Identical thing right here: I loyal beloved the theorem that of a “seaside social gathering,” which is what all of these tales, in notion, birth with, although predictably, they all extra or much less veer violently a ways off from that initial conceit.  Peaceful!  Gaze at that!  It guarantees Fun within the Sun!  Advise that although this one would now not absorb a title, the others within the series attain, so it be k to loyal call this “Beach Gain together.”

Seriously, is now now not that nice?  Compose now now not you’d presumably be desirous to be there?

“Darned space tool!  Let’s throw it up onto the seaside for no insist reason!  Grrr!”  Yes, wisely, there used to be by no methodology any likelihood this used to be ever going to loyal be a plotless gash-of-lifestyles, alas.

What?!?  Who’da thunk THIS guy would order up?!?  Perform you accept as true with children were learning with bated breath muttering “please let Scrooge appear please let Scrooge appear?” No longer that it might maybe per chance maybe absorb any appreciable impact on myth quality, nonetheless generally I mediate it might maybe per chance maybe’ve been interesting if these random writers didn’t rely on bringing Scrooge into their tales the total time.  Power them to catch a minute bit extra creative.  Possibly?  Possibly.

Peaceful!  Gaze, these tales are now now not regularly if ever going to boggle your mind, nonetheless you attain every so regularly absorb to give them credit ranking for a flash of sudden quality, and that’s what we be taught about right here with Scrooge distractedly eating his nephews’ meals a la “Christmas for Shacktown” and numerous Barks tales.  Correct job, anonymous writer.  Smartly captured.

Scrooge, no decrease than, is conscious of a neighborhood tool when he sees one.  I indisputably feel love they’re comparatively underused, nonetheless messages in bottles positively seem love undoubtedly one of many extra egregiously helpful space gadgets.  Possibly since the sheer implausibility of finding one is continually indisputably for your face.

…I’m now now not definite if any person right here has a clear sense of how a ways twenty miles is.  Also, naming his ship after himself?  I don’t are desirous to read too essential into these items, nonetheless I attain mediate right here’s a heed of the fashionable lack of idea that our writer put into this myth.  So it goes.

Incipient cannibalism?  Doubtlessly.  Can you accept as true with them eating ALL of these goddamn cocoanuts?  The mind reels.  How did they originate the shells?  *command*

The necessary thing right here is that originally, Pete would now not appear to absorb any insist villainous intent.  He is loyal trawlin’ about, doin’ his thing.  What’s he doing right here?  Used to be he going to loyal pick these guys up out of the goodness of his coronary heart?  In a draw, this world feels very small.

A MILLION BUCKS IN G-GOLD BULLION?!?  This myth contains A LOT of photos of oldsters pointing tall foreboding guns at every numerous.  No longer that you’d doubtlessly are desirous to, nonetheless you’d absorb a helluva lot of trouble getting this one reprinted whereas you occur to did.

Foggy Fox, whom we knew.  The inducks entry would now not even bother to index this guy.  What an indignity.  This personality HAS to absorb a extra fashionable title he goes by, would now not he?  While you attain are desirous to make a one-shot personality for these functions, PLEASE give him an even bigger title than “Foggy Fox.”  I mean, come ON, give him a title that refers in some intention to his vulpinity or to his villainous feature.  “Foggy” makes it immense-glaring that you loyal groped around till you realized a observe that will alliterate.

(Also, how attain you love “vulpinity?”  Intellectual sweet observe, eh?) 

Smack over 1,000,000 bucks, be taught about?  Waah!  In a draw I’m imaging Scrooge sounding love Edward G. Robinson there.  “Whale gun!”  Endure in mind when I was commenting on these forms of writers now now not seeming to grasp the names of fashionable things?  Smartly, right here you’d presumably be.

JEEZ, loyal shoving guns in folks’s mouths in finding it irresistible be nothing.  I absorb to negate, I’m now now not asserting artists effect now now not need been allowed to diagram guns, nonetheless I additionally mediate they generally did so in relatively miserable taste.

That is love in “The Menehune Thriller” when it appears love the geese absorb escaped nonetheless no, whoops, neglect it.  That myth is plenty better than this, despite being undoubtedly one of Barks’ weaker efforts.  Dig the lovingly-rendered revolver, although.

I attain love that Donald extra or much less saves the day, although I could maybe per chance maybe in finding it irresistible extra in, I do now not know, a yarn that felt in finding it irresistible had stakes.

“Let’s catch their guns!”  Really, now.  Priorities.  Belaying pins–I’d now now not know THEY existed if now now not for duck comics.  They’re vulnerable for retaining down masts, nonetheless indisputably, they look to be exclusively vulnerable for  whomping folks.

I know I’m harping on this gun thing, nonetheless critically, that image of Scrooge and nephew grinning whereas pointing these tall weapons at their antagonists loyal feels fundamentally crude.

Let’s accept as true with this for a second: they were marooned on this island till Pete captured/rescued them, they know there might maybe be some extra or much less fracas going on with their captors and their boss, and yet…as all right here is going on, they’re loyal single-mindedly indignant by eating bananas?  For some reason?  It appears?  Uncommon, contemporary stuff, I order you.

Yes.  It is climactic, I guess, nonetheless I acquire this whale very tense wanting.  Whales at immense might maybe per chance maybe serene file a class-movement swimsuit for defamation.  

“Whale gun” all yet again.  Moral for fogeys that concept they’ll’ve loyal been using it interchangeably with “harpoon.”  Whale gun!

Gaze?  LOOK how many goddamn bananas they’ve eaten within the, what, half-hour? that they absorb got been down there.  They’ve a fixation.  I’m happy we were ready to catch a minute bit slapstick out of it, anyway.

Hey, whats up!  Seriously, now.  How does that HAPPEN?  I know you’d absorb trouble getting an AI to jot down a yarn even this unsophisticated, nonetheless it indisputably feels love some kind of sensor didn’t somewhat maintain the connections it wished to, and for that reason, heh, heh! is now whats up, whats up!  Whee!

Anyway, he beats the whale.  No longer indisputably an Ahab-esque arc.  Diminutive draw to getting angry right here on conservationist grounds; nobody curious about this myth had any damn clue what a whale used to be.  Debit the put debit is due.

I attain absorb to maintain one commentary/demand, although: after I started rereading this myth for this project, I had the very, very definite recollection that it ended with Scrooge using an octopus as a claw machine to strive to catch serve his money or whatever.  But that very essential does NOT occur right here.  So what did I catch that from?  Somebody order me!

Anyway, that is about that.  It ends with HDL messing around in an umbrella and Donald wanting extra or much less afraid.  I affirm all suggested, this is now now not a terrible myth, or no decrease than now now not repulsively terrible.  WOW attain I ever reward with faint damns right here.  Peaceful, it might maybe per chance maybe be worse.

But wait, there might maybe be extra!  Kind of.  These Beach Parties all had the arrogance that the total numerous games and tales were going down within the actual fact of the well-known myth, and so we catch splash pages love this.  I love that they kept Jack Bradbury as artist, for continuity reasons.

En gee el, folks: I LOVED this notion as a baby.  No topic how honest appropriate the tales in ask are, loyal the theorem that of the geese learning them on the seaside love that delighted me.  So…yup.

And a final splash panel, this time NOT by Bradbury (inducks speculates on Tony Strobl, nonetheless might maybe per chance maybe now now not commit), sadly.  Peaceful, I dunno this full day out used to be serene extra gratifying that now now not!  I peek ahead to seeing how things shape up.