Artist Interview With Nattosoup- Led by Kabocha
Usually I’m the one going by the artist interviews on the weblog, but Kabocha kindly provided to interview me for the 7″ Kara Volume 2 Kickstarter!  7″ Kara Volume 2 launched on Kickstarter this week, and we’re nearly midway to the goal!

Hello Becca! It be a pleasure to at final trade things up — but I figured now changed into a sizable likelihood to construct up to the questions that are in actuality on all americans’s thoughts…

So with out additional ado, let’s birth!

First and major: Direct me a tiny bit about what we are able to demand to glimpse in 7″ Kara Volume 2, and what it be about! I *know* there would possibly maybe be some cat driving, after all…
Volume 2 is the establish the account of 7″ Kara in actuality begins to unfold!  In Volume 1, I attempted to position of dwelling every thing up, I introduce readers to Kara and her family, the dollhouse they dwell in, and her Lilliputian manner of life.  When Kara finds out that humans are real, she takes off treasure a shot to meet one and finally ends up with greater than she bargained for.  
In Volume 2, Kara and Naomi’s friendship in actuality begins to blossom, with both women sharing aspects from their respective cultures.  Kara’s desirous to stumble on what human life has to give, and Naomi is contented to introduce doll-treasure Kara to treats treasure snack cakes, strawberry soda, and ham sandwiches.
And talking of cat-driving, Kara’s friendship with Naomi’s kitten, Pancake, is additionally flourishing.  Pancake enjoys sneaking human meals,which is floor level and accessible when Kara is around, and Kara is larger than tickled to wrestle with a friendly kitten.
It be no longer all kitten driving and strawberry soda although, as tensions escalate between Kara’s dad and mother.  Though her father has been laid up with a rotten sprain, he is alive to and raring to glide the family out.  Her mother feels otherwise, and whereas she struggles to pack up the house on my own, she’s additionally making an strive to persuade her husband to trade his thoughts.
Kara and Naomi are additionally learning navigate the boundaries between Lilliputians and Humans, and things are no longer continuously easy.  Kara feels accountable for guaranteeing the family house stays safe, and which manner keeping it a secret from Naomi.  And when Naomi tries to give Kara a bunch of primitive doll clothes, Kara blows her top at the insinuation that she is more likely to be a borrower.  Maybe there are larger variations between Kara and Naomi moreover scale.
K, that is beautiful superior! So, uh. What made you to mediate to settle watercolor because the medium for this humorous? Elevate out you judge Kara would maintain the same feel to it within the occasion you doubtlessly did it in marker or on a pc?
I’ve preferred watercolor for a in actuality long time, and after I first began engaged on 7″ Kara as a thought, there weren’t heaps of center grade and young reader comics available.  On the time, comics had been soundless kinda this weird no-man’s land in kid’s literature- libraries carried Calvin and Hobbes and Peanuts within the occasion you had been lucky and nothing else.  I figured the glorious manner to construct up my humorous into the hands of kids changed into to manufacture it glimpse treasure something dad and mother and librarians had been already acquainted with.  I desired to create something that blended the total easiest aspects of comics with the wonder of child’s books, and I felt treasure watercolor changed into a sizable manner to quit that.
I changed into soundless in graduate college after I began Volume 1, and I genuinely did marker and gloomy and white covers moreover the watercolor quilt in repeat to allow me to mediate which manner would work easiest for the account.  Whereas I judge all three variations are sizable, I judge the marker version would possibly maybe seemingly well currently be my favourite!  

The one thing I HAVEN’T tried is a digital version of the quilt- at the time, I genuinely hated doing digital humorous coloring, and in actuality preferred inclined media artwork.  Though I ride doing digital artwork extra now, I soundless in actuality love inclined media!  
A comparison of Chapter covers
I as soon as at the moment needed to be taught to watercolor from scratch when engaged on 7″ Kara.  This ended in lots of review, trial and mistake, and shopping for a LOT of watercolor affords.  I genuinely preferred the direction of although, and desired to portion what I learned along the trend with fairly a pair of humorous artists and non-inclined watercolor artists, so 7″ Kara ended up intriguing a LOT of this weblog.  And I judge doing Kara in watercolor has helped me quit – there would possibly maybe be soundless so grand I genuinely must be taught, and so many things I wish to paint!
I would never considerd that… Upright aspects, pleasing aspects. Properly, with that in thoughts — within the occasion you would possibly maybe seemingly well settle a fabricate of ingenious medium to your members of solid to exhaust, what attain you judge they’d pick? I am unable to support but feel treasure Kara herself would ride non-poisonous watercolor paint…!
Hooked in to this question, I realized most of my characters follow some fabricate of artwork!
  • Rowan enjoys sketching with charcoal on paper bark- mostly making maps.
  • Kara loves any artwork provide she will be able to accumulate her hands on- the extra gleaming, the better!  She makes exhaust of pencil stubs, charcoal, and crayon bits, but she’d doubtlessly love non-poisonous watercolors!
  • Meldina sews and embroiders- she’s properly identified within the local establish of dwelling as a seamstress.
  • Naomi likes anime, so she enjoys using alcohol markers as a consequence of their colorful colours.
Properly, that all aside — a extra serious query now: Is there a explicit age group you aimed Kara at? I are privy to it be an all-ages humorous, but I’ve continuously been abnormal within the occasion you had anything extra explicit in thoughts.
7″ Kara changed into at the starting establish section of my Grasp’s Thesis, which centered on how comics enhance kid’s literacy and can relate essential reading abilities.  The humorous itself changed into designed to showcase ways to create danger and reward all the device by the humorous web page- anxious youthful readers with barely extra progressed language, or with deeper ideas, then rewarding them with a mental ruin within the fabricate of a gleaming and stress-free double web page spread.  
Within the starting establish I envisioned 7″ Kara as a be taught collectively humorous; something children 7-10 would possibly maybe seemingly well be taught to their dad and mother, or take turns reading collectively.  But as I matured as an artist and as a author, there had been themes I desired to stumble on that whereas acceptable for youthful readers, would possibly maybe seemingly well allure extra to children and adults, which ended in the shift from emerging readers to a extra well-liked target market.
One final one, within the occasion you produce no longer thoughts! Elevate out you maintain any thoughts on your total direction of of on the brink of self publish quantity 2 that you just shall be able to settle on to portion with all americans?
Volume 1 changed into my first self printed longer humorous, and sooner than that, I would self printed lots of minicomics and zines.  On every occasion, it be utterly fairly a pair of.  Self publishing a zine at house, using your printer and a stapler is terribly a pair of from using a firm treasure CreateSpace to print your volumes on ask, and both are leagues fairly a pair of from using Kickstarter to pay for offset printing.
The glorious disagreement between these projects is the amount of group and preparation well-known.  When self publishing either at house or by CreateSpace, the preparation is especially about laying out the book.  When making ready for Kickstarter, Volume 2 changed into laid out sooner than the birth, but there changed into soundless heaps of preparation sooner than the marketing campaign would possibly maybe seemingly well scramble dwell.  We needed to write a compelling Anecdote to curiosity of us in backing the venture whereas explaining how the money would be spent, resolve rewards that would possibly maybe seemingly maybe incentivize of us to enhance the venture, and file the Kickstarter video.  
For zines and Volume 1, I handled nearly every thing on my own,   I did pay a friend to structure Volume 1 in InDesign, but I came up with all web page designs and web page parts.  For zines, I lay them out myself using Affinity Publisher- a program a equivalent to InDesign but grand simpler.  For Volume 2, my fiance laid out the book for essentially the most section, and I centered on generating current sources to boot-known for sections treasure Making 7″ Kara.
Right here’s a topic I wish to chat about extra, and maintain some posts deliberate to stumble on it in larger depth, for those !  I’ve additionally talked a tiny about using Kickstarter as an individual with ADHD, since there would possibly maybe be so grand preparation.
Thank you so grand, Becca!

For all americans else — Scamper serve this fantastic book straight away. Like, supreme now. Even as you happen to grab a child who likes to be taught and enjoys comics and cartoons, 7″ Kara is certain to be a rapid favourite!