Anime Hell Gifts: That 70s Prove

Gang, I am neat eager about next week’s Anime Hell screening at Eyesore Cinema! It is an all Seventies presentation of Manga Matsuri motion photos and TV episodes and commercials and OPs and some special surprises, too. Most all the pieces is in Eastern with English subtitles! 

It is a night of neat robots, tragic orphans, and global thievery as the Eastern animation of the 1970 explodes across the Eyesore Cinema conceal at 8pm on February 22! Doorways open at 7:30, admission is easiest $5.00! 

Eyesore Cinema, in spite of all the pieces, is believed to be one of the necessary closing last video condominium stores in North The US, with thousands of motion photos for hire, motion photos for sale on DVD and VHS, and some recordsdata and zines for steady measure. Their screening room has snappy change into Toronto’s home for offbeat screenings, art gross sales, swap meets, and badfilm uprisings. When you occur to are ever in town you would possibly collected stride in and employ some money! 

And in spite of all the pieces, whereas you are in town next Saturday you would possibly collected stride into Eyesore round 8pm, for ANIME HELL PRESENTS: THAT 70s SHOW! Recognize you there!