Adios June: Welcome Again July!

Whats up blogosphere! All over again, it appears to be like we’re all venturing into every other month of the gorgeous year that is 2014, oh how time flies. You in all likelihood is now not going to be terribly stunned to spy that I’m now not going to deviate from custom as of late, and true stick to my usual month-to-month wrap up of some main celeb connected occasions that passed off in June. Are you ready for some awesome recapping? Smartly let’s rating began . . .

3. TFIOS was as soon as Launched in Cinemas

Early closing month, the teenager world was as soon as abuzz when the film adaption of acclaimed younger adult fresh ‘The Fault in Our Stars’ was as soon as officially launched. Understand that, I used to be as soon as entirely on top of it and accept as true with already launched my accept as true with assessment, but I felt the need to all every other time feature it on this submit, given how powerful of a immense deal it truly was as soon as. Critically, I’m gorgeous particular tumblr’s exploded. John Green would possibly perchance maybe honest serene be feeling gorgeous proud of himself right about now. 

2. A Sneak Scrutinize from ‘Mocking Jay’ was as soon as Launched

It’s no secret that the third instalment of the 4 section Hunger Video games assortment is popping out later this year, and no question or now not it’s going to be a field set up of commercial success, so of direction this clip being launched was as soon as a major deal. In it, we demand a message from capitol president Coriolanus Snow (Donald Sutherland) encouraging Panem to stay collectively as one. Although that was as soon as admittedly tense (within the attain it was as soon as alleged to be of direction), the creepiest section of the trailer was as soon as a zoned out Peeta (Josh Hutcherson) sitting on the right hand of the president. I wager the answers to all of our questions will come in November when Mocking Jay makes its attain to cinemas. 

1. Ann B. Davis Dies

Fabricate now not you true fancy Alice? Each person knows that the Brady family must not accept as true with plug with such precision with out the atmosphere friendly housekeeper. So it was as soon as a sad time when on the very starting set up of the month, Ann B. Davis tragically handed away. Obvious, she was as soon as 88, but or now not it’s serene sad on the opposite hand. There’s nothing worse than a beloved sitcom character death. I imply seriously, I felt cherish I grew up with her (despite the indisputable truth that the expose came out within the silly 60’s – thank god for re-runs)! It was as soon as true a worthy sad occurrence. 

So that is the halt of my ridiculously immediate submit (seriously, I rating now not mediate I’ve ever written this microscopic). Now, let’s all delve into July feeling confident that now we accept as true with remembered every crucial part there is to grab that occurred in June. Til’ subsequent time . . .

Annabel xx