A Seasonal Different of favourite Annual Covers

We repeatedly affiliate droll annuals with Christmas Day on narrative of, traditionally, that is when we bought them. In reality for certain they’re published in August, (or today as early as July). It’s simplest on narrative of they’re given as items that we judge them as “Christmas annuals”. 

Nonetheless, because it’s Christmas I idea I could well tell a gallery of some annual covers that had been my favourites after I used to be a toddler. The buzz and pleasure of tearing off the wrapping paper of a collection recent annual used to be no doubt a spotlight of my Christmas within the 1960s. I am obvious you’re going to agree that the intellectual colours, the scent of unusual ink, the texture of the paper had been a pride for the senses even earlier than we started discovering out the books. 

At the pause is the first Not probably Annual (1968, published 1967). The quilt describe by an anonymous British artist is in step with Jack Kirby’s splash net page drawing of the first Thor story from Spin Into Thriller No.83.

The Not probably Annual for the next year had an enticing quilt. A montage of Iron Man illustrations by a UK artist in step with the work of Jack Kirby and Don Heck. The head shot used to be wrongly colored silver slightly than gold but it absolutely labored better in this context. This used to be a extraordinarily procure out about-catching composition. 

Christmas 1967 observed The Beano E book 1968 with this dazzling quilt by Dave Sutherland. (The D.C. Thomson Annuals had been known as “books” lend a hand then. I repeatedly hottest that.)

…and to reward it, every other personality discontinuance-up that identical year on The Dandy E book 1968 with art by Charlie Grigg.

A year earlier observed these two smashing covers by Graham Allen…

Also for 1967 (published 1966) used to be this quilt by Dave Sutherland which exclusively fascinated me as a toddler…

A extensive favourite of mine used to be The Dalek World, an annual I had on Christmas Day 1965 and one I’ve nearly be taught to destruction…

That identical year I furthermore had this TV Comic Annual. Really I could well had two an identical Beano Books that year so a pair of days after Christmas I exchanged one for this book at a neighborhood shop. The art is presumably by Neville Well-known…

The TV21 Annual for 1970 (published 1969) had this extensive quilt. Now no longer an illustration but the create used to be in spite of everything plucky and relate, and so 1960s…

A year later, the Rupture! Annual 1971 (published 1970) gave us this dynamic quilt of British superhero Tri-Man drawn by Geoff Campion. (Though Geoff never drew the strip itself.)

The Pow! Annual for that year used to be habitual in that it featured all recent superheroes never to be considered again. Memorable for that and the influence of its quilt…

I could well never heard about The Broons till my mum bought me this annual for Christmas 1972. She wasn’t obvious if I could well admire it, asserting I would dispute it too “frail popular”. Naturally I cherished it! A whole book drawn by Dudley Watkins, who I could well simplest identified as “the Determined Dan artist” till this Broons annual revealed his signature to me on the extensive strips within… 

The annual quilt that stays my favourite though must be the first one I ever observed. The Dandy E book 1965, which I composed undergo in thoughts opening on Christmas Day 1964 and discovering out slightly of it in bed. A reminiscence of 55 years ago when existence used to be extra practical, happier, and stuffed with magic and hope…


When you happen to are drawn to the historical previous of Kid’s annuals I could well point out monitoring down this wonderful book that used to be published in 1988…
