Copyright DC COMICS

Jack Kirby had a tendency to use collages within the pages of his comics in most cases, usually made from reasonably about a photos clipped from magazines and newspapers.  I keep in mind seeing Thunderbird 2 in idea to be one of them and little query diversified copyrighted self-discipline matter used to be moreover utilised in this form.  The query is, on account of this fact, impact you reflect it used to be moral that Jack dilapidated diversified folk’s photographic self-discipline matter with out a credit or financial remuneration going their strategy?  Positive, he would possibly maybe maybe maybe’ve been ‘decoding’ those photos in a inventive strategy, but would no longer it mute design him a piece a ‘rip-off’ artist to a pair stage?  In actuality feel free to observation, despite the indisputable fact that easiest to pour scorn on the very thought.