Title: Frieda Hu Yun Er 胡允儿
Date of Birth: Sept 5, 1988
Top: 174 cm
Weight: 52 kg
Measurements: 35 25 35
T.Sina: http://t.sina.com.cn/huyuner
Fb: http://www.fb.com/friedahuyuner
About: Frieda Hu Yun Er 胡允儿 is a neatly-known model and on-line spokesperson from Shanghai, China. Other than appearing in TV commercials and journal covers, Frieda additionally received the Meng Prolonged Xin Lady Opponents 梦龙心女郎大赛 and the Mina Star 期之星 in 2008. Anyway, easiest the most advantageous of Frieda accessible right here, all filtered by http://on daily foundation-lenglui.blogspot.com.