All characters copyright connected and respective house owners
Regular followers of this weblog will already know that Kid has handled readers to many early Gerry Anderson humorous strips, including some gorgeous color strips of Supercar and Fireball XL5 taken from the 1963 and ’64 TV Comedian Annuals.  Certainly, these very strips in TV Comedian were embryonic incarnations of what was arguably the finest UK humorous of its expertise.  For sure, no prizes for guessing that I am referring to TV Century 21!

So, when I currently stumbled on a pair of even earlier Gerry Anderson humorous strips from TV Comedian Annuals for 1961 and ’62, I naturally belief that the correct dwelling to level these to the area would possibly possibly possibly be “Crivens!”, to add to Kid’s mountainous series of all things comics-connected.

I’m hoping that you just revel in the photos and I suspect that, like myself, many of you are going to be viewing these for the major time.  Comments welcome.

And perfect because a Mighty Moth page followed the above Supercar strip, I belief I’d throw it in without cost, seeing as how Kid is this form of fan of the character.