The younger beast arrives on the work camp, and an older animal is able to be loaded into the van.

Guided by the most evolved neoliberalism, the revision of all legislation and the civil and prison code allowed the total privatization of the total penal complex machine. 
Imprisoned offenders, whether or no longer criminals or merely bancrupt debtors, lose all civil rights and are transformed into penal complex corporations’ property.
These beings will also be traded, sold, or outmoded to come by a residing and construct certain financial sustainability and dividends for corporations’ shareholders.
Immense contingents of vagrants, unemployed immigrants or stateless other folks who once plagued the affluent cities had been immediate imprisoned and misplaced their few rights as human beings.
Their identities had been canceled, all their paperwork destroyed, they most ceaselessly had been completely numbered as machines or animals.
Pills and the pharmaceutical commerce immediate developed a total series of dietary vitamins, medicine, hormones, and cheap feeds to construct them strong, resilient, and ready to work hours without leisure. A total set apart of acids, hormones, medicine, and steroids construct these beasts docile, restful, and obedient. Because of all these scientific belongings, these up to the moment beasts accept their brutal working prerequisites and medicine without complaint or rise up. Since the machine’s inception, no rise up or rise up has been recorded. On the opposite hand, even with the complete up to the moment technology employed, corporations soon realized that violence is compulsory to the administration and long-established of labor with these animals.
Chains, collars, handcuffs, whips, nightsticks, cattle prods, and all instruments of restraint and torture are wished to protect these animals willing and dealing in line. 
The ethical profile selected for the handlers and forepersons who steal care of and supervise them is certainly brute, cruel, and sadistic perverted men. Scientific studies in the early years showed that animals saved by crueler groups had been more productive. Statistical analyses confirmed that violent beatings and whips, odd rapes, and torture made each and each animal work more challenging and better than those handled more mercy and admire.
Research hang confirmed that nearly all animals pause up liking and turning into attached to handlers who rape and torture them.
Employees who work with these beasts verify that many hang erections and near once they’re raped, whipped, or tortured. The sexual abuse of animals is as a result of this fact stimulated and encouraged by corporations.
On this image, we leer the younger beast arriving on the work camp and an older animal ready to be loaded into the van. The brand new one will with out a doubt be tortured and raped by the complete camp workers for about a weeks sooner than being placed on the work entrance. The older man is able to be placed in the van because it’ll even be outmoded for organ donation or slaughter.